Happy Underwear Week, buttons! I hope you’re celebrating in the grand tradition of Underwear Week by reading this on your couch in some boyshorts while downing some silk panties. What, you don’t have cute underroos fit for couch lounging and only have Simpler Times in the fridge? That’s fine because Hansen, the craftiest crafter in the land, will teach you how to make some! (You’re on your own with the liquor, sorry.) That’s right, this week we’ve got thong tha thong thong thongs, edible underwear, words from the Lingerie Lesbian and a gallery of 100 girls without pants.
To be fair, the above the waist offerings are also pretty great — recipes for eggplant fries and zucchini bread, Dina’s confessions of a synchronized swimmer and Carmen’s guide to Women’s History Month — but judging by this week’s comment stars, underwear week has left us all hot and bothered, even in the winter!
On 14 Genuinely Awesome Times We Saw An Actress’s Boobs:
The First MILFs Club Award to Kathryn: “If I’m in as great physical shape as Diane Keaton in 30 years, I’ll count myself personally blessed by the hand of Lesbian Jesus hirself.”
The Welcome, We Love Boobs, We Hope You Love It Here Award to Ronnie Cooke:
The Boobs Part 2 Award pips:
The Fairy Gaymother Award to Cait:
On Ellen Writes Brief the the Supreme Court, Continues to be Perfect Human:
The Get In Line Award to meg: “I’m just sayin, if Ellen and Portia want to have a threesome with a sexually-inexperienced twenty-two year old, I AM THEIR GIRL.”
On “Is She Gay? Should I Ask Her?”: Advice To Moms Who Have Queer Daughters
The Everyone Needs A Becky Award to michelle d-s:
On Underwear Week Gallery: 100 Girls Without Pants:
The Bucket List Award to Catjay: “oh my goodness… someone throw a bucket of cold water over me. Or a bucket of underwear. Or a bucket of lesbian. either or.”
The It’s Like Confirmation But Without Jesus Award to Siena:
siena’s comment warmed my heartstrings
Aww “what is up with Backy” warms up my heart <3
(Seriously though, it's snowing. Again. So I am freezing and I just want somebody to keep me warm *forever alone*)
Wow! Can’t believe I won a comment award. I was so excited I finally made an account.