Hi kittens! While I hope the upvote button comes back soon, it’s been oddly freeing not knowing what people thought of my comments. Live your lives! Let your hair blow in the wind! Know that you always get a Like from me, even when it’s only in my heart.
From Mey: Drawn to Comics: Carly Usdin’s “Hi-Fi Fight Club” Is “Baby-Sitters Club” Meets “Empire Records,” But So Much Gayer. I had to include the whole headline because that is the pop culture of my childhood from start to finish and I don’t quite know what to do with myself right now.
Cameron Esposito has a new podcast!
Riese made this for us and I hope every single person in Hollywood reads it: 55 Trans Women Actresses You Should Know and Also Love.
THERE IS ONLY ONE EPISODE OF ORPHAN BLACK LEFT AND I HAVE FEELINGS. In related news, here’s Valerie Anne’s recap of the second to last episode, which was all about Helena!
Here’s a roundtable of TV characters who helped our QTPOC team members feel seen, and it’s perfect.
Speaking of perfect, did you know Strawberry Shortcake in Big Apple City is a queer romcom?
And then there were your comments!
The Wide Open Spaces Award to Alexis:
The Grandpa Carrie Award to Marnicus:
The Kristy’s Krushers Award to Saga:
On “The L Word” Reboot May Ignore Season Six Altogether, Just Like I Already Do:
The R.I.P. Sounder Award to Al and Kris H:
On Notes From A Queer Engineer: Messed Up Middle-earth Mountains, Building Demolition And More:
The You Know Nothing, Bilbo Baggins Award to Faustine:
And the One Chaiken to Rule Them All Award to Carmen SanDiego:
On No Filter: Cara Delevingne Would Love To Sketch You Sometime:
The Not Dunn Yet Award to Catherine_The_Ok:
The Mom’s Rotten Tomatoes Award to snowvsasphalt and SecretName:
On I’m a Submissive Brat and No, That’s Not a Contradiction:
The Yes Brats Award to Alaina, Chloe and Maddie:
See a funny or amazing comment that needs to be here? E-mail me at queergirlblogs [at] gmail [dot] com!
“Not Dunn Yet Award” made me lol
QG is so inspired with the names for the awards.
I’m rewatching The L Word right now (Does it count as a rewatch if I had never watched seasons 4-6 in the first place?) Anyway, I just got to the Sounder part and that cemented my dislike of Jenny. I wanted to be more sympathetic this time around (because I’m older and wiser, haha), but nope.
Alas, Sounder, we hardly knew ye
I can’t stand animals being mistreated in anyway or killed in movies/tv.
Drives me insane.
That’s the reason I still haven’t seen House of Cards, it starts with a dog being run over by a car. I never got past that first scene.
I never got past the first episode of The Walking Dead, where the stalker guy from Love Actually gets on a horse and the horse is scared and he LITERALLY PROMISES THE HORSE THAT NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO IT IF IT RIDES INTO THE CITY and then it gets eaten by zombies.
The first victim of Rick’s poor decision making
I have never been so glad I don’t watch The Walking Dead. UGH. AWFUL.
This is probably because of the You Know Nothing, Bilbo Baggins Award, but I read ‘That’s the reason I still haven’t seen GAME OF TRHONES, it starts with a dog being run over by a car’, and I was like, huh, I must have missed that part.
*Thrones. What’s with my reading/spelling abilities today? I guess I’m still baba-shook over the fact that Schecter might be resurrected.
I very much appreciate your continuing use of babashook
what happens in Game of Thrones happens because Bran didn’t listen to his mother and went climbing the tower anyway.
Agreed! I never got over Tanya killing Mr. Piddles and covering it up.
yeah wtf was that?
YUP, just a forshadowing of Dana injustices to come. At least Mr. Piddles got her best coming-out speech before he passed.
I never got over Tanya, period. Everything about her was just so WTF.
Tanya left me traumatized for life
I came close to walking out of Fierce Creatures for that reason, with one of Rollo’s acts early in the proceedings.
Of course, I ought to’ve known the Pythons wouldn’t go down that route..
The comment awards are open hearted, with you, queer girl, as the heart surgeon
(sometimes it gets bloody messy, but you patch us up and give us life, every time!).
Dr Queer Girl MD
The surgeon that steals your heart after she fixes it
well THAT’S for sure going on my Tinder profile…
I would like to “like” the above comment.
Consider yourself “liked”.
Snaelle! <3 <3
queer girl!!! I can’t like you, so I’ll ? you instead ?.
Also, is it time for a drink yet?
I’ll have an entire lime squeezed in mine, but no ice because that is an American aberration.
Or a cold almond-milk horchata (yes, NO ice!).
tell me more about this cold almond-milk horchata.
It’s so refreshing!!
I love the almondy~cinnamon taste.
I think there are a million versions of horchata ~ I always get an almond milk one at Bandidas in Vancouver, which is your best bet here for Vegan/Vegetarian tacos with a giant serving of queer ladies!
i want to go to there!
Horchata, veggie tacos and queer ladies?!?! I am so going there next time I’m in Van.
If you’re interested, message me next time. I’d love to meet up with you there!
@snaelle I will for sure!
I’ve never been to Canada…
If you do you should definitely come to BC. It’s the prettiest part :)
I’ll take a Screwdriver please. It’s healthy!
Orange juice to give you some Vitamin C and Vodka to kill any germs/virus/bacteria in your throat.
One coming right up as per doctor’s orders! Don’t worry, it’s fresh orange juice in there, and no ice.
i like ice
Americans are really into ice.
ok Carmen it has been averaging like 105 degrees here! I need my ice to live!
The only place ice belongs is on your skin being pulled slowly across by…someone who makes you shiver even without ice.
But when you put so much ice in your drink you have to drink it so fast otherwise it waters down your adult beverage.
um, Snaelle,
Also, averaging 40.5 degrees Celsius? That’s inhumanity.
QG drink gallons of water with as much ice as you like. Also put some sunscreen on. Please stay hydrated and don’t forget the pets too
As far as I’m concerned, Spain can take sole command of the EU, simply to spread the joy that is almond horchata. (And turrón.. oh, my)
I was hoping Marnicus would get the recognition they so deserve. Bless.
Yes! I’ve been dying to ask someone who still reads newspapers, is there a way you fold it so it’s more…manageable?
Right down the middle vertically if I’m on the train and need to take up less space. Otherwise I read it spread out on my kitchen table, so it’s not a problem, haha. Cheating, I know.
I’m famous at long last. My time has come.
can I have your autograph? <3
Can I replace my signature with a selfie and just stamp that on things? I learned cursive in the 4th grade and never progressed past that skill-level.
It’s my birthday in a few days and I will have this as my “cake”
You guys should make it too so we can all have one slice together.
(fine, it’s not a cake, it’s a flan. So what? Technicality.)
HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY! That cake looks delicious.
this looks like my kind of party.
It’s my party and I’ll pet if I want to.
pet if I want to, pet if I want to.
Happy almost birthday!!
And thank you all for the kind birthday wishes. I’ll be an even Older Straddler
Happy OlderStraddler +1th birthday!
I hope you have a phenomenal birthday and more brigadeirão than you can finish in one sitting!
Woot woot!!

(Hopefully that worked this time!)
That’s so sweet! Thanks @snaelle
HI FRIENDS. I just got back from camping and I have so much catching up to do. But good news: I was able to reserve a copy of Fried Green Tomatoes on DVD from my local library (how quaint). So I totally think we should do this viewing party thing! What do you think? Pick a day and time, and then use some kind of platform (maybe make an AS group?) where we can watch and chat about it in real time? Who’s in??
Welcome back Chandra! How was camping? Did you breathe lots of fresh air?
A Fried Green Tomatoes watch party sounds awesome. Maybe using Whatsapp?
Thank you! It was so good to be out in the woods. I’d like to say I breathed lots of fresh air, but it’s extremely smoky here right now due to wildfires, so mostly I breathed lots of smoke. :/
I’m in! I’ll either need to buy the dvd first, though, or rent it from Comcast.
I have Whatsapp and Skype, though am not sure how you do group stuff on Skype (I haven’t used it in yeeeears).
I’m In for any day except Saturday 8-11pm on Saturday and during game of thrones Sunday.
Also that reminds me of the golden days of ASS Chat, when everyone had a camera but me so they joked I was an old straight man posing as a lesbian. (I’m not)
But yeah, whatspp or something sounds good!
oh wow there was chat?
We created and ran it ourselves
Wow, I don’t remember that either. I always wished there was a more active social media aspect of this site, but I think it would only take off if there were a notification function.
Honestly, ASS is pretty great. I wish people used it more. I used to be there all the time, created several groups and stuff then I stopped checking for updates and kinda forgot about it. So I guess I’m to blame too.
Ok, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday would work for me. I have WhatsApp but have only used it once for video chat with one person, so I’m not sure how a group chat would work? We would all have to send each other our cell numbers? Somebody pls explain to this #OlderStraddler
Monday or Tuesday work for me! We could message our ASSes with the phone number I guess
Also we could do it on Facebook messager.
That’s true, if we use Facebook we wouldn’t have to give out phone numbers. I was surprised to learn that facebook owns whatsapp, so it’s practically the same messaging service.
How did you know I was going to prank call you?
Just a feeling :P
I don’t actually mind giving out my phone number, I’m pretty sure you’re all real people!
I only use Whatsapp to text, so I’m assuming it would be group text rather than video chat. I could be wrong, though, I’ve only had it for 6 months and only text two people!
If we opt for a weekday, it would have to be after 6:30 PST for me. Currently my parents are using my house to cook dinner since their kitchen is being remodeled. They usually go home between 6 and 6:30 :) This probably goes for Sunday, as well…
Text chat was what I was thinking. 6:30 PST works for me – are we all in the same time zone?
QG and I are PST
I’m ok with text chat or video chat on whatsapp Monday or Tuesday after 6:30pm PST.
What say you @queergirl?
wow! look at all of you, planning! cool cool, let’s do 6:30 PST on Monday? Facebook chat? I made a group, request to be added!
I’m going to be a bit difficult here but I’d rather use WhatsApp than FB chat, because I refuse to download messenger to my phone (because reasons). Would that work for everyone? Otherwise I can use the regular FB messages on my laptop, but I’ll have to split the screen to watch the DVD too.
But also thanks for making the FB group!! That’s a good idea for exchanging info, etc.
whatsapp works for me :-)
Request sent! I’m good with facebook, whatsapp, anything :)
Nice! I’m gonna make a post in the Open Thread so others can join if they want too. :D
ohhh good idea chandra
My comment is awaiting moderation for some reason? I guess maybe because of the link
I’m looking forward to this! Maybe we should have a monthly movie night?
I put it on my calendar because I’m one of those people
I did too :D I think monthly movie night is a great idea!
@sally for your consideration
Thanks Carms. I love you people, but I’m not sure I love you 2:30am-on-a-worknight because I’m too damn #Olderstraddler. I will still join the hell out of the FB group!
ugh, time zones! Boo
I’m sure we could accommodate UK time zones next time! As long as it’s a weekend I think it could work :)
True that. Like, a weekend morning would be early night over there
I will watch a few hours beforehand and add my deep analysis to the fb group!
I was not expecting an award. First off, I’d like to thank Jenny for taking the pets I never had. Also to Shane for being more than just Jenny’s friend, but her Gal Pal™.
I’m so conflicted about Shenny!
Shenny sounds like what happens when soon to be parents couldn’t decide on Jenny or Shelly and one of the wine aunts suggested that name jokingly. It got serious real quick and now little Shenny is turning 5 and having a big birthday party at Color Me Mine.
When does Shane and Jenny happen? I’m nearly finished with season 4 and I’m not exactly looking forward to it.
hmm maybe season 5? @green is the Shenny expert around here.
Season 6, aka Ilene’s fever dream.
This season did not happen, which means Shenny also did not happen. Bless.
Thanks! I’m glad I have a 15 episodes to go until that mess starts!
Approx how many queer women are rewatching The L Word at any one time?
I feel like this number needs naming.
I am sure the number increased since they announced the reboot
You know nothing, Bilbo Baggins!!!! ?
I just want to say that I went to Target and got popcorn for Monday Movie Night. That is all.
Thumbs up for this comment!
I’ll start: Popcorn is kind of overrated. Unless it’s doused in butter, Braggs and nutritional yeast.
Ok Chandra! I’ve never understood: what’s the deal with nutritional yeast? Is it a taste thing or a nutrition thing? Or both? What does it taste like? Why do so many vegans eat it?
Both! It contains B vitamins which are hard to get on a vegan diet. I started eating it on salads and popcorn etc. when I tried to go vegan a few years back, but then actually developed a taste for it so I still use it sometimes.
Oh, and as for what it tastes like, I’d say kind of nutty and somewhat like the dried cheese flavour of cheese crackers. It’s often used as a flavouring for vegan cheese.
ohhh. neat! maybe i’ll buy some.
I LOVE my stovetop popcorn popper and never use microwave popcorn anymore!
Some people don’t like it right away so maybe buy a small amount and give it a couple of tries before you decide. And if you like it it’s also really good with Braggs, brushed onto raw almonds and then baked in the oven. SO YUMMY
I’m a plain Jane. I like plain popcorn, plain potato chips, plain yogurt and frozen yogurt…
I like plain popcorn from an air popper. Or white cheddar popcorn, yummmmmm.
I can’t agree, give me a garlic or spicy popcorn and I’d be happy camper.
My wife is incensed that UK cinemas don’t do buttered popcorn, although the way she describes it sounds fairly gross.
I am 100% dismissive of the pre-made popcorn in bags which largely seems to be a way to sell air.
American movie theatre buttered popcorn is not a dairy product the way tofu is not beef. But tofu probably has less additives, cholesterol and sodium.
Most of it is unless you’re talking novelty kettle corn type stuff.
I always found it weird that UK cinemas don’t actually pop their own popcorn.
Pre-made popcorn in a bag is exactly what I bought. I am not fond of microwave popcorn and I don’t have an air popper
Salt, fine salt, legit popcorn salt is enough but paprika and turmeric are good too.
From scientific-ish perspective I can understand why people are so obsessed with butter and other dairy products as we need fat on a cellular level to survive, but from the perspective of my inner child it’s so icky and will never make sense. Blehhhhhhhh.
I think I’m one of those rare people who does not like butter. I put it on toast and corn on the cob, but that’s it. I’d rather have an actual flavor on my popcorn that melted butter.
My dog decided to walk underneath some benches in the park and now she has a face full of spiderwebs. Now I have to pull all of this stuff off her beard.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
Friday! Why’d you do that?
Maybe she wanted a Santa costume.
She looked like a goat. I should have taken a picture.
There’s a bath in her schedule for tomorrow.
My second comment award ever ^____^ I just might frame it. It would look good next to the rainbow this really loud kid drew me this morning.
I love drawings from kiddos!
/patiently waits for the comment count to go up
123 and counting…
It’s a travesty that After back to back victories we are losing to the FOT
I blame the cats taking Xanax for that.
No one can resist a serene cat!
We’re all just getting along too well, I’m telling you. We need a good controversy to fire people up and then the count will go way up.
Well, we could do Dogs Vs. Cats, but that might get a little too fiery…
Team Dog! Lifetime membership!
My first word wasn’t mom or dad, it was the dog’s name. I was calling the dog.
Dogs give you Loyalty, compassion, forgiveness, unconditional love and expect nothing in return. Well, maybe some belly rubs.
Go K9!
Team cat! Nothing beats their curiosity and experiments with gravity. You don’t have to bathe them and you can leave them alone for a while without needing someone to look after them. My cat is extremely loyal and follows me everywhere. But she’s not overly needy. She likes to be near me, or have one paw on me, but she’s not stifling. She knows the names of her toys and plays fetch. Who needs a dog when you can have a catdog :)
BTW, I love dogs, I just don’t want to own one.
From my profile photo you can probably guess which team I’m on.
(Actually my cat drools too though. You know what he did the other day? He drooled on his paw and then licked it up. Gross. I still love him though ?)
I enjoy bathing my dog. It’s a bonding experience and She’s such a good girl.
In fact, she’s getting a bath today
Team CatDog.
Last week was particularly impressive! Though once we reach 200ish comments it takes so long to load the page :(
Any tech-savvy Straddlers know how to fix “resolving host” issue in google chrome? I’ve cleaned out my temp files, cookies, cache and used CCleaner (as recommended by the IT guy at my work) to wipe everything else, but it’s still not working. I’m getting frustrated now :(