The Comment Awards Are Having the Nicest Gay

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Pals! Readers! Loved Ones! Absolute balls of light! Gay visions! You did it! You raised $220,000 for Autostraddle! What! A! Time!

Sincerely: I found Autostraddle when I was deeply closeted, and started pouring my heart out in the comments almost immediately. I found my first real online community here, and then I went to A-camp and found my first IRL queer community, too. My life and my ideas of what it can mean to be queer are both immeasurably richer because of Autostraddle, and I am so immensely grateful to each and every one of you for your help in keeping this space alive! As LGBTRex said, LOVE IS NOT A LIE!

This week, Ro asked: What’s your attachment style?

Nicole wrote about the ways that Autostraddle saved them.

Have you filled out your Canon vs. Fanon March Madness bracket yet??

For this week’s You Need Help, Christina wrote about femme (in)visibility.

As news hit that the fundraiser met its goal, the team had many, many words of thanks!

Everyone on FYP continues to be AMAZING. 

The L Word: Gen Q is filming!! (There are no photos of Sophie or Finley in that round-up – I need answers!!)

And then there were your comments!

On Autostraddle March Madness: Fill Out Your Canon vs. Fanon Brackets Now!

The Alex Macking All Over the Place Award to Gilbert:

Omg I am SO EXCITED. This is exactly the level of conundrum my brain can handle right now. And what a conundrum, choosing between Emma/Regina and Tahini/Eleanor in the very first round! I just want to shout out for Ana and Mariana from the Netflix show Madre Solo Hay Dos because they make my brain short circuit when I think of them. My partner saw a side to me she had never seen when I realised I’d watched the last episode of the series, and that side was a puddle on the floor.

On Get Over 50% Off All Our Fundraising Perks To Celebrate Meeting Our Goal!

The Dreams Can Come True Award to Cleo and Deli Twotone:

Woo hoo! Congratulations to AS and to all of us who could and did contribute! I was hoping to see that the goal was met today and it was!! I already have the Have a Nice Gay tote coming (my fantasy involves having a cute barista compliment me on my tote when I stop to buy an iced tea on my way to the beach, where I sit and read a fluffy queer romance while smiling under my sun hat).

On You Need Help: How Do I Navigate Femme Invisibility Without Changing Who I Am?

The No Wrong Femme Award to Ren:

I agree with all this advice, but I want to add: I do have the crazy colored hair, the short nails, and the piercings. And, surprise, I still get the men at gay bars asking me why I’m there and if I’m the straight friend tagging along, because even with all our signifiers, I’m still femme and that’s all they see. Femme invisibility sucks and even if you changed a lot of those examples, you’d still be invisible to many because you’re still femme. So don’t let it change the things you enjoy. If you love long nails and normal hair colors, keep doing that! There’s no wrong way to be femme.

On You Made the Seemingly Impossible Possible: Thank You from the Senior Team:

The Professor Gay Award to April:

This website has meant a lot to me as I came into my own as an adult. Now that I’m basically professionally gay for a living, I assign your articles in my WGST classes because 1) they make complex conversations/concepts accessible and personal and 2) queer kids will always be thirsty for the content that speaks to them and gives them permission to be their fabulous selves. Thanks for all your incredible hard work. Here’s to the next generation of Autostraddle!

And the Monufuckingmental Award to temp:

baaaaa i can’t stop – carmen and nicole, i hope ppl close to you can help you internalize how MONUFUCKINGMENTAL it is to have lead autostraddle thru this. the gumption. the vision. the hope. the faith. the leadership. ack i’m crying. and doing it when all of us are so fucking tired like rachel said. but like if you think of the people you admire most, or feel the most gratitude for in history, they are cheering you on and congratulating you as a peer. wishing you the sweetest most delicious rest.

On On “High Art” and Being Young and Gay:

The High Art^2 Award to Caris:

An arrogance or a loneliness

On Is Marriage or Mortgage a Reality Show About Crime Girlfriends or What?!

The How Can You Top Lesbians? Award to Kristana and msanon:

They are also clearly constantly trying to slyly top one another.

And on The L Word: Generation Q Season 2: Everything We Know About It So Far:

The Eagle Ears Award to Chloe:

They call me Eagle Ears Chloe, yes. (Realizing Carrie was Tina’s fiancée is still one of my proudest commenting moments on this site 😎)

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


  1. Woo hoo! Getting a comment award today is the perfect end to an awesome week at AS. A dream come true, even.

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