The Comment Awards Are Having a Hot Girl Summer

Hello, my crows and starlings! It is currently 104 degrees outside and I have died and become a very sweaty ghost. This is not the hot girl summer that I signed up for!

Honestly, the little city where I live holds Pride in August, and the weather that weekend is absolutely homophobic. Imagine if they gave up and had it in November – the layers we could wear! The rainbow scarves we could knit! Excuse me while I write a letter to the Pride organization’s board of directors.

This week, KaeLyn wrote about the choices queer families make every day.

Archie answered a letter about gender feels in one of the most powerful installments of You Need Help that I’ve ever read.

For the Travel Issue, Artemie wrote about how some things, like beauty, are never simple – not in Taiwan or Chicago.

Jenny Schechter is alive! This is confusing and it makes me feel insane!

Carmen reviewed A Black Lady Sketch Show, which is “queer, brilliant, and ridiculously funny.” I CANNOT WAIT TO WATCH THIS SHOW.

You deserve a sex toy! These recommendations from Eve’s and the Autostraddle staff cannot possibly disappoint.

Erin wrote about going home. You want to read this!

And then there were your comments.

On Sunday Funday Balls Hard With the WNBA and 2K20:

The Say La Vie Award to Snaelle:

Good morning Al(aina)! I mis-read the link as “portraits of queer flogging


The Mother Exhausted from the House of Tired Award to Rooty Poot:

This hoe trynna take deep breaths?”, “Maybe she’s a bad bitch with alopecia


The Is It P!nk? Award to speakpirate:

Yes, please shake the lesbian phone tree and see what falls out!

And the Short Circuit Award to Sally:

xMaybe we need to start enumerating all the possible ways she could have returned to life: 1. Zombie Jenny 2. Vampire Jenny 3. Vampire Slayer Jenny 4. Evil (Good?!) Twin Shenanigans 5. It’s an alien version made to look like Jenny (see: Defiance) 6. Jenny is one of 274 clones 7. Transferred to a robot body, called Jenny-5, and it’s ALIVE 8. Jenny Schecter is the AI consciousness controlling all human existence … ∞ IT WAS ALL A DREAM

On No Filter: Miley Cyrus Mourns Her Husband; In Fact Let’s All Mourn Our Husbands:

The Break Out, Play Out Award to Al(aina):

miley is giving off this energy:

And the Leap Forward Award to Leapfrog:

I am also mourning my husband and would 10/10 recommend!!!!!!! Seriously I told my husband I’m gay and life is glorious.

And on What We Love and Hate About Dating Aries:

The Lips Direct Award to Nicki:

As an Aries, I have to say that Rachel’s comment is completely accurate (for me, anyway), especially this: “What are you up to! Oh wow that’s so cool!! Can you come over right now?? Do you wanna make out!!!

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! I’m [at] queer girl on Autostraddle and [at] queergirlblogs on Twitter.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


  1. Thank you qg, but truly, that award is for Al(aina)!

    Also now, I’m going to be singing “C’est la vie, c’est la vie” to the tune of “Say my name, say my name” all day.

        • I watched this show and I’ve been laughing ever since. It’s an absolute blast, from the costume, hair and makeup changes to the dialogue to the acting and pratfalls, superb.

          Oh and Lena Waithe in a suit, casually leaning in a doorway. Catch me.

    • QG, if the USWNT can play futbal hardcore in July, you can Pride in August. Channel your inner Ali Krieger.

      • Kristana I am all for being inspired by the USWNT but I think that what they are actually inspiring me to do is be the change I want to see in the world and celebrate my own pride in November 😁

        • I love this. You go wear your Pride sweater and rainbow Pom Pom beanie and live your best life.

    • Okay, but you can tear August pride out of my cold, dead, British hands. Unless they start making really attractive rainbow waterproof coats and wellies, then November Pride can suck it.

  2. I sincerely hope someone writes a story for every single one of those J.S. reincarnation scenarios.

    • amidola! be the hero you wish to see in the world! (write them, please, so i can read them :-D)

  3. I vote for vampire Jenny.

    Mia Kirshner’s got the right brows an’ mug for an old Hollywood Vamp and having her as Jenny turned in Los Angeles by Marina Ferrer a woulda been starlet resentful but at the same time grateful to Old World vampire Francesca.
    Everyone once in a while Marina has a “little temper tantrum” and turns some pretty young thing without permission and Francesca disciplines her for it by destroying them or claiming them as toys for herself and banning Marina from contact.

    Fuck I wish I didn’t have dysgraphia this would be some twisted wicked erotica.

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