The Comment Awards Are Going for a Double Double

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Hi, fireflies! Did you miss me last week? I missed you! But if you picked last week to write the perfect comment, DON’T WORRY!

Depending on who you ask, a Double Double is either an order from In N Out Burger, or an order from Tim Horton’s — but today, it’s also a double edition of the Comment Awards! And just in time for Pride Month!

Last week, a VERY important list came out: The 50 Lesbian and Bisexual TV and Film Characters With the Dyke-iest Swagger.

Ready to have queer sex for the first time? Luna (and Autostraddle) are here for you!

Drew interviewed THE Daniela Shea about playing Max on The L Word, and about making a world in which true queer liberation is possible. This interview gave me such hope!

Sci-Fi stars got Pride Month off to a great start by coming out!

Need some Pride merch? Buy an LGBTQ+ t-shirt from an LGBTQ+ business!

And last week, Sally helped us find the queer romcom character in all of us. (This is a platonically! perfect! quiz!)

I love this series! MISSED CONNECTION: Gay Brunch Apology.

Carmen interviewed Lena Waithe (!!!) about the new season of Master of None.

May was Masturbation Month! Ya know, if you needed something to do.

I did not like the movie Army of the Dead but I DID very much like Tig Notaro’s green screen acting in Army of the Dead. Kayla’s got everything you need to know, right here.

There’s going to be a new Rugrats! Phil and Lil’s mom is a confirmed queer person, played by Natalie Morales! As a die-hard Rugrats fan from childhood, I have no idea what to make of this information!

The L Word: Generation Q now has a summer premiere date! WHAT HAPPENS TO SOPHIE AND FINLEY AND DANI, I NEED TO KNOW! I mean it’s fine, it’s chill, whenever.

And then there were your comments!

On I Still Can’t Believe a Sixty Second Scene from “The OC” is My Gay Root:

The Right Back Where We Started From Award to Alexandra:

I feel so seen!! Watching the O.C. at 16-17 was what finally clicked for me. Maybe this will sound silly but the way I was raised I didn’t think I could be gay or bi. I finally saw girls on TV that I looked like (instead of Ellen and Rosie O’Donnell) and I was breaking a sweat with bated breath watching the scenes with Alex and Marissa. This would lead to me locking myself in the spare bedroom to watch the L Word. I just rewatched the O.C. and it still had me feeling some type of way.

On The 50 Lesbian and Bisexual TV and Film Characters With the Dyke-iest Swagger:

The Category All Her Own Award to Dawn Denbow’s Lover Cindi:

I like how they’re all the name of the character and then Clea Duvall, lol. This list was extremely exciting 🥵🤤

On What Is The Meaning of This Dianna Agron Gay Smooching Instagram Photo?!

The It’s Been 84 Years Award to Elizabeth, Heather Hogan and msanon:

Daniela Sea On “The L Word,

i am a gay elder looking for a nap while the youngs sort this business out. sending you all ‘chariots of fire’ energy.

On Daniela Sea On “The L Word,” Gender Identity, and Imagining Queer Liberation:

The Connection Award to cph:

I have always felt a connection to Daniela since first watching The L Word and it took me years to even try and articulate it. Drew’s comment that Max was played with “an authenticity and a level of truth

On Queer Horoscopes for June 2021: Buckle Up:

The TPS Reports Award to September:

Sending emails efficiently is not going to save us.

On Two L Word Generation Q Season 2 Trailers Are Here and Full of Sex, Hair and Hands:

The Top Off Award to Chloe, Brittany Mitchell, and Allison St. Rock:

In this household we are losing it over a possible Gigi and Bette hookup? Obviously that shit would crash and burn but sounds hot 🥵

On Quiz: What Job Would You Have in a Lesbian Romance Novel?

The Lois Lane Award to Excellence to Marissa H:

Given that I’m an actual journalist *and* got investigative reporter i personally believe this quiz should win a Pulitzer!!

And the Home for the Hallmark Holidays Award to msanon:

look, if queer girl’s hospitality specialist doesn’t work out, and i have to be a low wage hustler because Sally said, … then i can drive my rickety old beater through your town, break down outside your facility, and then beseech you to let me muck stalls for car repair cash, and you know you shouldn’t trust strangers but i’m so quirky earnest you can’t help it to help me. but it’s going to take some time because parts are hard to find for 1982 cars that shouldn’t be road-legal. i am 100% afraid of good-boy Trigger and so when i get stepped on you can tell me the best way to get over my fear is to get back up on the horse i was trodden under, but it will take me some time to work up the courage. that’s ok because turns out i am good at other things and there are people in town who find things they can pay me so i stay so that the vet they all adore can have some company; there may also be a low-wager pool going on at the diner about will they/won’t they & when they might. and it will shock but not surprise you when i fall off good-boy Trigger and bump my head. despite being an uncompatible species for your medical training, you will save my life, but while i’m still unconscious you will realize that your life was missing something before and i’d better pull through because it’s really not fair to make you go back to that or go through another meet-cute again. around my resurrection, your brother/ex/cousin mechanic will tell you that repairs should be done in a day or two and you will tell them there’s no rush. while i’m ‘waiting’ for my car to be fixed, the town animal shelter where you donate services will suffer a ‘setback’ threatening to close its doors forever. i will get an idea spark to organize a fundraiser that i am well-qualified to manage because i have been every kind of assistant known to humanity and have many transferable skills. the town will rally around because someone keeps driving through and abandoning un-spay/neutered animals and no one wants to be overrun like back in the 80s. when i find out my car was ready 2 weeks ago, i’m relieved that you don’t want me to go. luckily, the old city events coordinator just won the lottery and is now off to paris to study painting – and mime on the side; the lady at the general store who is also the mayor thinks i might be the right candidate to take his place. so if you want, our characters can be h e a, you do’t have to leave the place you’re settled in to find love, and i finally have a place where i belong – a real home.

On MISSED CONNECTION: Gay Brunch Apology:

The Singin’ In The Rain As I Fiddle On The Roof Award to Gina:

Ah this is so beautiful and, as rosehips said, so painfully relatable, Kayla! Also I forced every one of my friends to watch Fiddler on the Roof at sleepovers with me as a tween so I really feel you on the Singin’ in the Rain thing – also relatable but I have no regrets.

On Pop Culture Fix: Laurel Holloman and Rosie Had a Hoot Filming The L Word: Generation Q:

The Burden to Bear Award to shamblebot:

Bowen Yang must go through so much ibuprofen having to carry all of SNL on his back

And the Butch Please Award to Chloe:

I can’t believe Rosie is about to be the butchest character ever on the l word

On Lena Waithe on “Master of None” and Making Messy Beautiful Black Lesbian Art:

The Masterclass Award to Gina:

Wow you did so much with five minutes, Carmen – a masterclass in interview question design!

On Your Questions About Tig Notaro in “Army Of The Dead,” Answered:

The Swaggerverse Theory Award to Harper:

Meh, I’ll skip the Zach Snyder movie and hunt around for that green screen footage and then learn how to edit her in to other movies. Endless possibilities!

On MISSED CONNECTION: You Deleted Your Comment on my Instagram Post:

The Portrait of Drew In Paris Award to shamblebot:

Would absolutely watch this movie directed by Celine Sciamma

And on You Deserve to Practice Elaborate Masturbation in Your Life; Here’s How:

The Erotic Charge Award to Snaelle:


See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


  1. I have been watching so much WNBA that I immediately thought of a double double as in basketball. I am officially a sports gay now.

      • My conclusion is that a Double-Double is just Gay. Very gay. Tim Horton’s afficionados be warned, I _will_ salute you next time you order. And wink.

  2. queer girl, thank you for bringing the puntastic awards back.

    i was like, totally enjoying the comment parade. then i got to “sending emails efficiently is not going to save us” and how can that be? and no it should not… i think, for a little while, i have to sit by myself because i do not think the universe is where i left it.

  3. Oh thank the goddesses you’re back. Last Friday was…. a study in bereftness.

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