Yo! Did y’all have a crazy week too? I feel like everything happened all at once this week. There were amazing things on the site! We launched our Unicorn Plan-It interview series! We chatted about the women that we used to love (or still do) and the music that we’re embarrassed to love. Fall happened, so there are obviously grandpa sweaters that need to be purchased/worn. Speaking of fall, maybe it’s that time to meet that special someone??? You know what would go perfect with that grandpa sweater and that special person? Whiskey cookies. Duh.
In other news, Riese watched Glee for you and Carly let us on to this brand new show with *cough* Julie Goldman and Dana Fairbanks, so. Lastly, in the world of first person essays, Kate talked about how to manage body dysphoria and Gaby told us how to deal with getting ‘sunned.‘ The more you know, flamingoes.
On You Will Enjoy This Because Dana Fairbanks and Julia Goldman:
The This Is How to Make Fetch Happen Award to oddmonster:
On OPEN THREAD: Music You’re Embarrassed to Love:
The 98 Degrees and then Some Award to meegee: “nick lachey’s “what’s left of me” from when jessica simpson broke his heart is still my favorite album of all time. i have never shared this secret. i feel exposed.”
On Lord of the Gay Remote: Return of the Returning Fall TV:
The Touché Award to Brooke: “I hope someone teaches Ryan Murphy about lesbian sex before Brittana gets a scene together, because I am one scissoring joke away from a violent crime.”…complete comic redemption for the misleading title. Well done.”
On Glee Episode 402 Recap: Britney 2.No:
The Swift As a Coursing River Award to Heather: “The men in this show spend so much time making men out of each other, I’m surprised they haven’t already gotten down to business to defeat the Huns.”
On 14 Girls We Wanted to Be Back Then: Kickass Heroines fron YA and Children’s Books of Yesteryear:
The On the Banks of Plum Creek Award to Petra: “I wore pioneer garb in middle school too, braids and all. My social life improved dramatically after I stopped wearing pantaloons.
Never stop wearing pantaloons.
My first comment award. Framing this on my wall.
i always check the comment awards secretly hoping i’m going to be in them, and then i remember that i never comment.