The Comment Awards Are Dreaming In Quarantine

Hi! This week was 900 years long. But I think you’re just swell! Also, I gave myself an undercut – one I started weeks ago, but really committed to (er, used a shorter setting on the clippers) this week. And it’s a little crooked, but I fucking love it! How are everybody’s quarantine haircuts going? (No matter what you’ve been up to with the clippers or the shears, I am 100% certain that your hair looks great today – THAT’S how much I believe in you.) We can do this! We’re doin’ it! It’s done!

This week, Kamala made spicy, South Asian-ish biscuits in The Dyke Kitchen.

Autostraddle Needs You! To tell them your weird pandemic sex dreams!

Dating is hard. Dating during a worldwide pandemic is… on a whole other level.

But Batwoman‘s got some salty, delicious dyke drama just for you!

Xoài wrote about Aimee Stephens and about waiting for justice, as trans people, together.

This week’s No Filter was full of celebrity moms and wow, they are all just the cutest????

Need some guidance navigating gender feels in quarantine? Adrian’s got you covered.

Read this, from Natalie: I Am Who I Am: Annalise Keating and the Power of Black Reflection.

Finally, S L I C K is still really really hot and you should probably subscribe to A+ today so you can read it!!

And then there were your comments.

On Things I Read That I Love #310: Eight Minutes Of Scream-Talking The Coolest Things You Can Think Of:

The Truth to Power Award to Sally:

I really think Muppet Babies doesn’t get the recognition it deserves

On The Dyke Kitchen: Spicy South Asian-ish Biscuits:

The #Dykes4Puligandla Award to Phoebe Unter:

as someone who tasted these biscuits I can attest that they were definitely would have been worth coming over earlier for. I always imagined biscuits were hard to make, but now I want to try! #Dykes4Puligandla

On “To L and Back” L Word Podcast Episode 407: Lesson Number One With Lianna Carrera!

The Uhhhh Award to BettyOnIt:

I’ve learned more ASL and Spanish by accident just by being alive so I can’t believe these lesbians have literally never encountered anyone but hearing English speakers their entire lives until now.

On Tell Us All About Your Weird Pandemic Sex Dreams!

The Unfinished Business Award to thatottergirl and Fiona:

Wow, I love this idea! My dreams have been even weirder and more vivid than usual, which is saying something. Can’t wait to see anyone else’s subconscious is ALSO going through a Rolodex of their exes just to like, try and deal with any unfinished business.

On No Filter: Melissa King, Ashley Benson, Gaby Dunn and Ali Krieger Love Their Moms:

The What Not to Wear Award to Cleo:

I feel like only Stacey London could pull off a yellow suit on a hot pink throne

On Pop Culture Fix: The Forever Pride Cover of Entertainment Weekly Sure Is Something!

The Mama Mia, Let Me Go Award to Caitlin:

the headline didn’t prepare me for that ew cover, heather! i said aloud to my cat “the fuck?

And on Using Seeds and Soil, Cuir Kitchen Brigade Helps People Feed Themselves and Their Neighbors Through the Coronavirus Pandemic:

The Constant Gardener Award to Ish:

This was excellent, heartwarming and full of hope ! Thank you ! I deeply believe gardens are (the) key for any kind of revolution. There’s something in the air these days – everyone around me seems to be planting and growing, and there are so many ways to reclaim it. Crate gardens are the best, I’ll head out to pamper mine right now.

See a comment that needs to be here? Tag me! I’m [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


  1. Thank you QG! It’s an honor to be recognized (especially right now, when the comments are really on fire). I loooove the title – definitely adding this award to my LinkedIn profile.

  2. Wow @feedles, that is an epic dream-about-my-ex! Thank you for sharing it (and this Comment Award) with me.
    Also, that seems very stressful–I hope at least the ALH medley was interesting.
    Also Also, thanks as always, QG! I’m confident that the new undercut can rival any dream ALHs (or at least the ones in my subconscious)


      wow typing “have sweet dreams” in all caps is so much creepier than I would’ve imagined

      • haha THANK YOU, sweet dreams that are just a liiiittle creepy is my brain’s MO, so I think we got this

  3. That EW cover is nuts but I woke up this morning thinking about how much fun that party would be and if maybe I could volunteer as a coat checker or something (I mean, I did do the volunteer training at my local LGBTQ+ Center) and watch all the glamour and craziness unfold.

    Favorite moments –

    John Waters and Rock Hudson deep in conversation about classic movies

    Marlene Dietrich and Kristen Stewart ignoring each other (I imagine them slinking / slouching to opposite sides of the party, surrounded by beautiful women. Culminating in epic post-party fighting and/or fucking

    Paul Newman and James Dean flirting by the bar

    Whitney Houston bringing everyone to tears with her (unscheduled) rendition of Amazing Grace

  4. I forgot to comment in the spicy biscuits about hot sauce and ketchup on breakfast foods is sort of a thing in Cajun country 🤔

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