Hi there, friends. We made it to Friday! Everything is bananas! But hey, we have each other.
This week, Riese updated Autostraddle’s list of the 102 Best Lesbian Movies of All Time, and you had some feelings.
It’s time to donate to or apply for a campership!
Molly introduced us to her grandma in her latest column for Feelings Rookie.
Did you know The Magic School Bus is getting a reboot? Callie was here to tell us all about the show’s queer legacy.
Cecelia wrote this, and it was amazing.
Erin was here to help us break down our foes. I’m going to need that list when I go to the Post Office later this week to tell them I lost my mailbox key.
Reneice told us how Whitney Houston’s music shaped her childhood and taught her self-love.
And then there were your comments!
First thing’s first: Chandra made us all a Valentine and I need to make sure you’ve seen it:
On The Magic School Bus’ Ms. Frizzle Is A Queer Legacy:
The There Goes My Hero Award to Dani Z:
The Auntie Award to Chandra:
On “Supergirl” Episode 212 Recap: The Lily Means I Dare You to Love Me:
The TV Goals Award to emmapet:
On No Filter: Rhea Butcher Brought You These Roses:
The Million Dollar Doggie Award to Carmen SanDiego:
On The Fosters Episode 413 Recap: It Was the Worst of Times, It Was the Worst of Times:
The Healthy Outlets Award to Tiffany:
The Same Award to Sam:
On It’s Up To You To Make Susan Sarandon Gay, I Guess:
The League of Her Own Award to Eva:
On 24 Trump-Inspired Memes and Jokes We’ve Laughed At While The World Crumbled Beneath Our Feet:
The Songstress Award to Lex and Chandra:
See a clever, hilarious or thought provoking comment around the site? E-mail me at queergirlblogs [at] gmail [dot] com, or tweet me [at] queergirlblogs.
There has never been, nor will there ever be, a better Valentine’s Day card.
Oh my.
One day, gifs will be printable (like the newspapers in Harry Potter), and then I’ll put a life-size poster of this on my wall.
Hi Chandra, St Vals day’s my b’day too, so does that mean I get her as my pressie as well?
If so, YES! YES! YES!!!!
OH, OK I’ll share.
Sharing is caring. Happy belated birthday!!
I am upset that my comment didn’t include “I’ll be in my bunk.” I don’t deserve this award.
dani u are my most famous friend
Thank you so much. If I do accumulate 132 million dollars I pledge to donate 2 million to Autostraddle so I keep a nice round number
I didn’t see Chandra’s valentine, so thank you for bringing it to my attention
Also obviously thanks to Chandra for this thing of beauty *heart eyes*
Can one win a comment award in the comment awards?! If so, Chandra you are winning right this very moment with that gif!
I’m never gonna stop.