Hi there cats and kittens! After a pretty historic storm, the sun has come out, and I am FEELING it. I hope you’re feeling it too!
This week, we ranked bears by lesbianism in honor of Cocaine Bear. This was SO fun!
Sai spoke to Harlem‘s Jerrie Johnson about Tye’s journey and breaking the binary.
Important: The System Operates As Designed.
Did you catch all of the amazing interviews for the Autostraddle Black Elders Interview Project? Here are some notes from behind the scenes.
Alison! Brie! Bisexual! I just retconned a whole Mad Men storyline where Trudy spreads her wings and flies off into the sunset with Peggy or Joan. And I can’t even TALK about Glow.
Casey helped out a reader who’s navigating some hefty biphobia and bi-erasure!
Stef thinks you should watch Physical: 100. This is relevant to my interests. 💪
Autostraddle’s own Meg Jones Wall has a new book out and Dani Janae had this review!
Wow wow wow, ’tis the season for engagements! Vanessa spoke to some other queer engaged couples in this week’s Blush and Bashful.
Mark your calendars — this coming Tuesday, March 7th, is the next Autostraddle AMA! It’s the first one I’m officially participating in and I am VERY excited.
And then there were your comments!
On 17 Things That Glow To Add a Little Light and Kitsch to Your Workspace or Bedside:
The Tell Me More Award to :):
And the Mommi Award to Dkc2017:
The Phases Award to Jencendiary:
On Alison Brie Is Bisexual, Has Been Waiting for the Right Tweet To Tell You:
The Casual Corner Award to Lillian S:
On “The Last of Us” Episode 107 Recap: Let’s Go To The Mall:
The Seeking a Friend for the End of the World Award to Elisabeth:
And the Close to Home Award to Michelle:
On Also.Also.Also: Brittney Griner Really Seems to Be Doing Well? It’s Hard Not to Get Emotional:
The Meryl Streep Pointing Award to KatieRainyDay:
On Mini Crossword Is Going West:
The You’ll Need This Someday Award to
And on A Transmasc’s Guide to Developing a Healthier Masculine Sexuality:
The In This World Award to Jules:
See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.
:heart: Thanks Darcy !
Love the title of “The Seeking a Friend for the End of the World Award”, thank you very much Darcy! 😊
🥰💜 The award titles are always so good
I adore this honor, and the commenter deserves to receive it pou.
The inclusion of real-life examples and case studies adds credibility and depth to this article.
Everything in PolyTrack is great.