Letter From Your Editors
Hello heart-shaped boxes!
The original publish date for this Insider was the 16th, which would've been HOT on the heels of Valentine's Day, for which we created you this collage of beautiful hearts:
1st row: Alexis, Audrey, Carmen, Carrie, Casey, Erin & Carol2nd row: Davidson, Heather, KaeLyn, Laura, Mey, Molly3rd row: Laneia, Rachel, Raquel, Reneice, Riese, Sarah4th row: Stef, Tiara, Valerie Ann, Vanessa, Yvonne, Abeni
Wow so much has happened since last we spoke. For example, A-Camp registration opened and filled up in a matter of mere days! The "campership essays + request for donations" post won't go up 'til later this week but we've already had tons of donations— including a couple who can't make it to camp...
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