Hi starshines! Happy May! I hope it’s treating you well so far. Welcome to the 20th issue of the A+ Bee. I got you this set of fine china to commemorate this milestone in our lives.
Don’t forget to submit things! You all are so great and wonderful and when you submit something to the Bee, you get to pass all your knowledge and humor and smarts onto other Straddlers! It’s so fun.
Here are some things we are looking for in the next issue: Dear Sour questions, interviews with your pets, Laura and Luna FanFiction, puzzles, playlists, or anything your heart desires.
Tumblr: aplusbee.tumblr.com
Email: chelsey [at] autostraddle [dot] com
Mail: PO Box 10553 / 2140 N. Hollywood Way / Burbank, CA 91505
Make yourself a cup of tea and enjoy the issue!
You can also download the PDF of this issue and find a patch of spring grass to read it on!
Chelsey & Heather
I should be working right now but I am reading the Bee instead.
Thanks Autostraddle!
I love reading the meetup recaps. I want to go to a meetup </3
host one!
How does one go about hosting a meetup? Are there official channels to go through?
hey @janell! if you wanna host, you can either fly solo or try to work through some of the existing straddler groups, if there’s one near you: http://events.autostraddle.com/group-directory/
either way, all it takes is submitting it to our calendar here: http://events.autostraddle.com/host-meet/
we’ll spotlight it on social and in the AAAs!
PS Carmen why/ how is Cincy not on that list? ;)
Sweeeeet. I definitely want to host a Salt Lake City meetup at some point in the near future.
UM that’s scary.
ALSO, anyone who wants someone to hold their hand through the process of hosting a meetup (because it’s scary, I know!), I would be DELIGHTED to help you. I promise it is not that hard and like, the most worth-it thing of your life. Message me on here and we can chat :)
i would vote claire to be member of the month BUT LOOK HOW FAR YOU HAVE ALREADY COME
Omg thanks Abby *blushes*
CLAIRE I would be honoured if you would hold my hand (through this? in general? all of the above).
Oh don’t even worry, you got it @elrona. I have friended you on here but if you wanna find me on Facebook (Claire Suer) that’s a somewhat easier way for me to communicate :)
Beth’s Nine of Coins interpretation literally just now made me burst into tears. Too real.
Claire you glorious creature! If wanting a gigantic painting of Kristen Stewart above their bed is cliche, I don’t want to be fresh.
dawwww thanks. Yah that’s me! Friend me all you fine humans. ESpecially if you’Re going to CAMP 6.0!!! TWO WEEKS *hyperventilates*
Also, I know right?!

Also, have a super amazing time at camp because I didn’t quite make it this year so I’m counting on the rest of you to have an extra good time to make up for me not being able to.
also, Orphan Black and Eileen Myles in one Bee??? How does Autostraddle know always know everything that I love and give it to me constantly? Wait, do I only love these things because Autostraddle introduced me to them? THIS IS MY CONTSTANT CHICKEN-EGG PROBLEM
I am definitely going with Mr Piddles, only he can protect me from the verb-filled theme song that is apparently haunting me.
That 9 of Coins is definitely speaking to my life right now. <3
Beth, thankyou.
Today is my 29th birthday. Last night I had a massive crisis of faith because a friend asked me what I’d achieved in the last year. All I could tell her was that I came out, bought a house, working a job I love and was still not hitting my adult milestones. And then –
Independence can be lonely, but it’s an amazing foundation for building whatever you need – a career, a relationship, a home
That sounds like a HUGE year. Big hugs and congratulations to you <3
Oh my gosh AND Happy Birthday, obviously!!!!
I just wanted to say happy somewhat belated birthday! It sounds like you had one hell of a year to me :)
Happy Birthday, Ellaria! Congratulations on all you have accomplished this year and best wishes on all you will accomplish in your 29th year <3
Mr. Piddles obviously!
Team Piddles you guys.
Unf, Laura and Luna: Hat Edition! This is doing serious things to my mindpants.
FYI, I am 100% committed to Laura and Luna fanfiction, here is evidence that I started writing some on the flight over to this awful conference full of grey men I am currently attending:

I just squealed out loud at work. YOU ARE MAKING ALL MY DREAMS COME TRUE!
Stef, I love your cat. My cat always begs when I’m working in the kitchen because there’s a chance there may be fish. She sits by my feet purring LOUDLY and/or rubbing against my legs, and I have to make sure I don’t accidentally step on her tail. Today she was very happy that I gave her some oyster broth. However, she has never eaten lasagna.
Also, team Piddles. Obv.
she really likes all pasta and if i have just finished a bowl of spaghetti or something, she’ll lick the sauce. like mother like daughter i guess.
oh Scully is Stef’s cat
I support either Scully (or both???) for president
Eileen Myles can do no wrong.