HEY FRAGGLES, GUESS WHAT? There’s a new issue of the A+ Bee! That’s right, artisanally crafted by Chelsey and I in our Easy Bake Oven that we UPS back and forth from Ohio to California, this Bee is vegan-friendly and gluten-free!
Here, you can download the PDF and print it out and hold it in your real life, 3D hands. Don’t forget to check out the Call For section to find out how you can contribute, because we love you so much forever and want you to be involved to your heart’s content.

Chelsey and Grace
Before you go!
Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen,
will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?
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Grace Ellis has been writing and making hack-job graphics for Autostraddle since 2011 and is a co-creator and co-writer of the comic book series Lumberjanes. She is mostly an intern in name only. (Mostly.) She lives in Columbus, Ohio because why anything. Also, she wants to write the Black Widow movie and feels like if she just keeps telling people, eventually she will be allowed to do it. She has a Twitter and a Tumblr, both of which are pretty above average.
Grace has written 89 articles for us.
what lovely brunchers! thank you gracley!
that playlist tho ❤
Very inspired playlist
Swedes do pop SO well.
best comic
Is Cincinnati spelled that way to add to the homespun charm?
It is spelled that way because I am terrible.
I think you can make a pretty good case for homespun charm. I’ll keep your secret.
Wait, so I shouldn’t stab my friends with swords? Huh, the things you learn on the internet.
I love the A+ bee so much! Stef’s comic is so beautiful. I sent you a collaged postcard this week to show my love <3
Also really wishing I lived in Cincinnati this month.
90% of my love life consists of seeing cute girls in public places, attempting to make eye contact, never ever talking to them, and then telling my friends all about how cute they are, so I will probably be abusing my ability to submit Missed Connections to Chelsey.
OMGGGGG!!! Yay for Claire winning the #aplusbeephoto!! That is totally me in the photo, but it was all her idea :)
I heart Cumberjanes so much!
I love the A+ Bee! I wish it were not part of A+ though. It is such a good community building part of Autostraddle. The A+ Bee would get Autostraddle newbies so excited about the community here. Also, what if my missed connection doesn’t have A+?
I totally support A+ and the team, and I love the A+ content. I just wish I could share this one.
Why are there not a million submissions to missed connections?! I am in lovelust with every member of this site and could probably write a book about it.