The A+ Bee Issue Thirty-Six: Never Gonna Give You Up

Hi starship captains!

Welcome to Issue 36 of the A+ Bee, your one stop shop for tarot, random holidays and puzzles. This issue includes a very special guest Laura & Luna by the ever-magical Sally. Community contributions to the Bee are always are favorite part, so please keep them coming in!

Via email: chelsey [at] autostraddle [dot] com
Via Tumblr:

a+ bee 36 a+ bee 362

As per usual, you can download the Bee and make full use of those puzzles! Get to it!



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Chelsey is a previous Editorial Assistant for Autostraddle and currently resides in Los Angeles with her cat Olive and a large collection of cardigans. She enjoys drinking coffee/tea, writing, editing, and validating the humans in her life.

Chelsey has written 52 articles for us.


  1. Sally, Autostraddle Comments Section (2016)

    Cause of death: Overjoy from seeing Laura and Luna fanfiction published.

Comments are closed.