Hi honeybees!
I hope you are having a good day! Welcome to the 17th issue of the A+ Bee. This bee is brought to you by aliens, MC hammer pants and Peggy Olsen, and we hope you enjoy every second of it. Don’t forget to submit your own Bee content! We are looking for random columns, listlings, bad poetry, playlists, ads, comics, or anything your heart desires. Stretch those creative muscles and get submitting so you can be featured here in this space!
Tumblr: aplusbee.tumblr.com
Email: chelsey [at] autostraddle [dot] com
Mail: PO Box 10553 / 2140 N. Hollywood Way / Burbank, CA 91505
Download the PDF of Issue 17 and dress up your paper doll. Extra points if you take pictures of the doll in the real world and tag your photos on Instagram with the hashtag #aplusbeephoto!
‘Til next time little ducks!
Chelsey & Grace & Heather
1. I never knew I could want monogrammed underwear
2. Pretty sure you need to join a roller derby league just so can use the name She-Rex
3. I don’t feel like making a super long list of everything that was particularly magical in here because it ALL is and I just love you guys and the A+ Bee
4. I wanna talk riddles with the sphinx
I was almost certain She-Rex would already be taken as a derby name, but it’s not. Someone get on this.
Spinx riddles!
I hope this is not an April’s fool and I turn out to be not real
you seem the coolest. I like your username choice.
She-Rex is brilliant.
And you’re right. It’s been a while since we last had a bisexual flame war. I blame Evan Rachel Wood Bisexual for that.
There used to be a monthly queer lady dance party in DC called She-Rex! Good stuff.
Ok you need to listen to the sphinx riddle!! Who knows where that free standing door might lead??
DAPPER PAPER DOLLS! Aw man, paper dolls are my favorite. When I was younger I’d always design my own outfits and stuff, and make up stories about the paper dolls and their relationships to one another…I can tell you, I had so many “gal pal” paper dolls who in my stories were roommates or lived next door to one another or shared special bonds of friendship no one can overcome… like my second grade teacher and my gym teacher, who would come see my performances together and were both unmarried. Or the two ladies I sold girl scout cookies to up the street who were lifelong roommates. It’s no wonder I made up stories about “true female friendship” with such inspiration.
Who else would pay to see She-Rex come to life?
Also, riddle!
Random: GUYZ why is an otter waving at me at the bottom of my screen. WHY. (not that I don’t like it/welcome their presence in my life). And does everyone else see this or am I special?
Oh goddamnit. It’s fucking April fool’s isn’t it.
*comments spam*
in honor of otterstraddle I am voting for otteriddle.
I definitely vote for the riddle.
yes riddle plz!!!
I hope there are more paper dolls to come in the future. I’m feeling pretty good about this A+ investment and wondering why I didn’t make it sooner?
I never cared about being a gold star lesbian because it’s ridiculous/offensive but I approve of the gold circle on my avatar.