Happy Halloween, scoobies!
I hope you’re currently drinking cider and watching Hocus Pocus wearing a costume, or maybe your sweatpants! You do you, really. Welcome to a special edition A+ Bee in honor of the most wonderful time of my year, HALLOWEEN! Reader beware, you’re in for a scare.

You can also print out this copy of the Bee and hand it out to trick or treaters! 5/5 dentists recommend it.
Chelsey & Grace
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Chelsey is a previous Editorial Assistant for Autostraddle and currently resides in Los Angeles with her cat Olive and a large collection of cardigans. She enjoys drinking coffee/tea, writing, editing, and validating the humans in her life.
Chelsey has written 52 articles for us.
Is that a *real* logic puzzle??! I am totally going to do it right now!
Shoulda engineered the tarot card to fit with the hallowed theme – let’s try this again:
Tarot card for the fortnight
Death: You should totes dress as the grim reaper for that party.
It’s real, I promise! The answer will be in the next Bee!
Cool a logic puzzle! I loved doing these! Also Harry Potter! I love Harry Potter! Anyone on Pottermore? Have you read the article that JKR wrote? Pretty good read=)
Really wish Disney would GET ON that Halloweentown 5.
Truly appreciate that the queermos in the logic puzzle are USWNT team members. The Bee just keeps getting better and better!
i was OBSESSED with making logic puzzles circa 5th grade. would contribute to future bees, just saying.
My day was like yay Halloween! and then ughh why aren’t you taking my I-want-to-have-private-conversation-with-this-person-you-interrupted-me-with-and-by-private-conversation-I-mean-I-want-to-makeout-with-her-but-you’re-here-so-can’t to well gotta rehearse this sexual scene with someone I have zero chemistry with ugh to SWEET LESBIAN JESUS MY PHOTO IS IN THE A+ BEE ALL OTHER ARGUMENTS ARE INVALID also I will def be entering that Carmilla fanfic contest
I misread “day” as “dad”, and it just got increasingly perplexing. Glad I resolved that by just rereading your comment a few times.
I just read the entire thing switching day with dad and yes that would be perplexing and also amusing and vaguely alarming
I definitely did that too and re-read it multiple times trying to parse it out
You guys published my Harry Potter haiku! (Is it a haiku? It was meant to be but I didn’t double check..)
Anyway it was published on a printable thing so I’m a published author now!
I am so crossing that off my bucket list
This A+ Bee is really on point
I thought so too!
I read the movie description to my sister, and she asked if it was real and said she wanted to watch it.
Are we continuing the Harry Potter series for Reading Rangers? LOL.
This logic puzzle is the greatest thing! I mean besides the rest of the Bee which is also the greatest. OH WAIT clearly Amy being member of the month is actually the best part of all this.
I just love you guys a lot.
I have to echo Mer’s sentiments. I love the logic puzzle, it’s really only second to Amy being the member of the month. Can Amy be the member of the month every month?
Stellar issue, as always! x
I used to do logic puzzles all the time in middle school! Haven’t attempted one in 10+ years so I was pretty proud of myself for completing this one :) (aka I’m glad to know I’m at least as logical as I was when I was 12)
I’m just assuming that whoever dressed up as Poussey made out with the most people. I mean, that just seems logical to me.
very logical
I finally won a puzzle!!! WOOHOOOOO!!! I am way too excited about this.
Hey, that logic puzzle is almost as convoluted as if it were the Runagayhearts!