The A+ Bee Issue Fourteen: One Four All and All For One!

Oh hey there, hi there, shining beams of light in an otherwise dark world! Long time no see. Welcome to the 14th edition of the most beloved community newspaper in all the land: The A+ Bee! This week we are joined by special guest Heather Hogan on graphics, so she is to thank for taking the Gay-dventure to new and exciting depths of magic and weirdness, where it really belongs. I'd like to remind everyone again that we really want you guys to send us submissions to the Bee! It could be a playlist, or bad breakup poetry, or a picture of your cat, or a comic or LITERALLY ANYTHING. Your brains are magical wonderlands and I want to feature them in this here space!
Email: chelsey [at] auto...

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Chelsey is a previous Editorial Assistant for Autostraddle and currently resides in Los Angeles with her cat Olive and a large collection of cardigans. She enjoys drinking coffee/tea, writing, editing, and validating the humans in her life.

Chelsey has written 52 articles for us.