Teevee Fix: Glee’s S4 Plans for Santana, Paige’s Return To Pretty Little Liars & Haviland On Single Ladies

Glee Season Four

Lots of news regarding the fourth season of Glee. Firstly, all 15 cast members will return in some capacity, and, as we learned in the bearable season finale, Rachel’s on her way to New York and Finn is ideally on his way to Afghanistan, where he will serve as a Human Cannonball, never to be seen or heard from again.

The Hollywood Reporter reports that Lea Michele and Naya Rivera have been “begging” for extra bonding time. Lea Michele says, “We want to work together more and want Rachel and Santana to be in New York together. We’re still not certain where exactly Santana is gonna end up, but she has the golden ticket to New York City… I really hope that it pans out because I think it would be so exciting to see Rachel get a knock on her door from Santana and just be like, ‘Can we live together?’ We’ll have to see what happens.”

How very Friends of them!  Rivera offered: “If Santana goes to New York, she absolutely would have a relationship with Rachel, and they’d either be friends, enemies or frenemies — or all three.”

Rivera also added, in response to questions about Santana’s hypothetical New York City future: “Santana will attack it head-on but probably run into a lot of issues because there’s a lot of aggressive people in New York just like her. She has rivals where ever she goes.”

Although Kurt and Blaine are often running into other local gaymos, Brittany and Santana seem to be isolated in a lesbian-free world — if Santana makes it to New York City, will she be at Choice Cunts, Girls Gone Wild or um, none of the above? Rivera: “I haven’t heard anything about it, but I think that’d be inevitable for Santana just because she and Brittany were very sheltered. That was the focus: They lived in Ohio, and they were the only out-and-proud lesbians at the end in the school. But now that Santana is out in the real world, I’m sure she will go exploring and find other people who are just like her.”

What about the girlfriend she’s leaving behind in Lima? “Obviously she’s not in high school anymore, so there is separation there. I don’t know what [potentially moving to New York] will mean for her. The writers really have to hash that out, but it’s now entering into a long-distance-type relationship. I think that Brittany will always be Santana’s first love. Whether or not they end up together, she’ll always have a special place in her heart for Brittany. I don’t think that they will ever not be in each other’s lives.”


Pretty Little Liars Season Three

New promotional photos from upcoming episodes have been released and all sources suggest that in Episode 305, “That Girl is Poison,” Paige will be returning and Emily will be wearing a tie!

via pll-online.org

via pll-online.org

Also, Paige will be spiking the punch?

via pll-online.org


Single Ladies

Out lesbian actress and star of Autostraddle’s Unicorn Plan-It webseries Haviland Stillwell has a recurring role on the Vh1 television program, “Single Ladies,” which also features a gay male character. Here she is in episode 206, she shows up around the 8 minute mark:

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3303 articles for us.


  1. No, Glee, no. I refuse to be lured back into that fucking vortex of misery called “Gleekdom”. Fuck you, Glee, FUCK YOU!!!

    That being said, I believe a Brittana war is probz brewing because of what Naya said. Oh, Captain. You know better than to doubt the validity of your ship. Tsk.

    • You think Brittana war, I think Dianna going all Hulk that “Lea Michele and Naya Rivera have been “begging” for extra bonding time.”

      • Whatever. Those three have the weirdest dynamics with each other, I’m starting to believe the validity of Rivergron or Riverchele as being as likely as Achele. #smh

        • it’s certainly more interesting, (and even makes more sense!), than what goes on onscreen

    • Also Lindsey Shaw is wearing a vest. And that knit cap. Between those two I forgot about the other people on this show.

      • If this is a regular thing, I can almost forgive the Ezria bullshit.


  2. It’s kind of unhealthy how excited I am about Paige coming back to PLL. The chemistry of those two, damn you two!
    Also, more Paige in hot vest please.

  3. Here’s the thing about Glee… all spoilers are lies. Last summer, they basically told us that Brittany would get back together with Artie. The writers don’t know anything, the cast knows even less, and they haven’t even started filming yet.

    (Also, on an unrelated note, I think that’s when Dianna said she wanted Quinn and Brittany to hook up. So… yeah.)

    • This. It’s very clear that there is little to no planning involved in any season of Glee. It’s written as they go along, and the cast doesn’t get the scripts until very close to filming time. So they know next to nothing.

      That said, it does seem like they’ve set it up for Santana to go to NYC, and if she’s there it would be dumb for her to not have some interaction with Rachel. I hope that’s what happens, anyway.

  4. Please, please, please let Emily and Paige get together! Not gonna lie, I think they make a much better couple than Emily and Maya.

  5. So in other words, Lea and Naya have absolutely no idea what’s going to happen next season.

  6. I need to talk about Haviland’s accent in Single Ladies and how amazing it was. Single Ladies is a guilty pleasure of mine and when I saw Haviland I squealed, like I shattered some high pitched record I was so happy.

    Plus Queen Latifah produces the series and sings in the theme song? MOAR lesbians on tv please!!!

    • “I need to talk about Haviland’s accent in Single Ladies and how amazing it was. ”

      Yes. Yes, it was. I hope we see more of her on that show. And I hope her character turns out to be gay too. Gay for April.

  7. Congrats to Haviland for her recurring role on Single Ladies. I felt bad for Omar’s character though. To have his own sister chose her homophobic bf/fiancee over him just because he’s gay.

    • I felt so bad for Omar too. Real life LaLa would never do that. Their are gay people all over her show, lesbians to be specific, and she loves them.

      • Can we please talk about how ALL the black actors we haven’t seen in like 8+ years show up in Single Ladies.

        My sister and I take a shot every time we see a black celeb (like Chili, Kim Porter etc.) show up with a cameo.

        FFS, Lil Romeo was in the preview, like I can’t guys. If Master P shows up, I’m taking all the shots, all the shots.

        • It’s the power of Queen Latifah. I figure we are going to see all of Black Hollywood on this show at some point.

  8. I don’t think Finn will fit in the barrel of the human cannonball. What with his man boobs ya know. Unless they customize a huge one, and maybe Rachel can be with her, like, quality time.

  9. I would like to know what is happening to Kurt since he apparently applied to only one school, and did not get in.

    (Note to high school performing arts aficionadi: This is a BAD choice. BAD. Like, it’s bad enough when regular college applicants do this, but particularly bad if you’re in the arts. DO NOT DO THIS. DO NOT LISTEN TO GLEE.)

  10. Every time I think of Glee I ask why I keep going back and tell myself I won’t go back. Then I see Naya Rivera.

    • I know what you mean. I stopped watching for awhile and then that Adele mashup happened and I was back. Until Finn opened his fool mouth.

    • Omigod, that author writes the best fanfics.

      <3 Saving this to my infinite To Read list.

  11. Thanks for posting about this, and thanks for watching, y’all! Pretty sure “Ann” is hetero, but you never know, she IS a single lady, and there are many beauties on the show of all genders…just saying, anything can happen you guys, talk to Stacy Littlejohn.

  12. I’m still holding on to a sliver of hope that Maya is alive. I like Paige but Emily and Maya were “supposedly” in love. I don’t think enough time has passed for Emily to really get over her.

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