“Supergirl” Episode 510 Recap: A Whole New World

At the DEO, Lady Brainy and Our Brainy have a little heart to heart; she notices that he’s a bit different than the rest of them, and he admits that he wears personality inhibitors. He says it helps keep his anger and rage at bay, but she tells him he’s missing out on connecting to the Big Brain, a vital part of being Brainiac 5. Lady Brainy says she was married back on her earth. She says she was stronger, smarter, and better just by being around her. THAT’S RIGHT. SHE SAID HER. A delightful turn of events, to be sure. Anyway, her wife is gone now, but because Lady Brainy is tapped into the Big Brain, it’s like she’s still with her all the time.

Lady Brainy looks wistful

What’s this? What’s this?! We have another gay! What’s this! It is a blessèd day.

Lady Brainy assures Our Brainy that the people who love him wouldn’t want him to be less of who he really is. They would want him to reach his full potential.

Elsewhere in DEO HQ, Nia is walking around looking for some Brainys because she brought lunch, when she catches Emo Brainy with the bottle that Dead Brainy warned them about. She fires up a lil dream energy just in case and he drops the Emo act and goes from skittish to calm, cool, and calculating instantly. Bad Brainy tells her that he had bottled up the seven billion souls from his Earth before the anti-matter wave hit, and saved them, but right now they’re in stasis, so he has to release them. Nia tries to talk him down but he fights her and Supergirl ends up having to save her from his chaos, though in the bustle, he gets away.

The other Brainys explain that if Bad Brainy succeeds in opening the bottle on this Earth, both Earths (aka Bottle Earth and the ONLY EARTH LEFT IN EXISTENCE) will be destroyed. They have a little time because the thing Bad Brainy needs to open the bottle most easily was destroyed, but they still need to find and stop him.

Over at CatCo, old “friends” Andrea and Gemma talk business, and Gemma suggests a truly virtual world where people could live our their fantasies indefinitely which surely is a very innocent suggestion and not part of an evil plot at all.

andrea passes tea to gemma...like literally tea not just goss

Does this mean Lena knows Gemma? In this world did that whole medallion situation even happen? Was Andrea never The Shadow? I HAVE QUESTIONS.

Kara goes to find Our Brainy, because she can tell something is bugging him. He tells her a story about a vacation his family went on to a snowy planet when he was eight years old, and how his mother had bottled the planet for him when she saw how much he loved the snow. His father was appalled at this, and saved that planet from becoming the plaything of a wee child, and little Brainiac 5 got so angry that his father got scared that he’s grow up to bottle planets of his own, so he put the three orbs in Brainy’s head, the personality inhibitors. Brainy thinks this why he’s been one step behind all the other Brainys, this inability to connect to the Big Brain, and why Bad Brainy got away with his misdeeds.

Then Supergirl looks right into the camera and says, “Valerie Anne, listen to this part, okay?” and then looks back at Brainy and assures him that he will never be his mother, because he is so loved, and that the people who love him will fight for him. They won’t let him go down a dark path. They know who he is deep inside, and they will ring the alarms if he starts to stray too far from that.

Kara reassures Brainy

Melissa Benoist should record a series of short pep talk videos.I always feel better after Kara peps someone up.

Brainy appreciates those words more than she’ll ever know, and calls Kara’s ability to instill hope practically magic. At the same time they realize who Bad Brainy might turn to for help: the witches.

So Supergirl, Dreamer, and Brainy head to Als’ Bar, where the witches are, in fact, trying to open the bottle with magic, and then have a bar fight… to the song It’s Gonna Be Me. At first I thought my TV was glitching but then when I realized they were really leaning in, I was here for it.

Supergirl tries to talk Bad Brainy down, saying you can’t undo the past, and that ruining the future won’t help.

Supergirl tries to reason with Bad Brainy

My D&D party also usually chooses to try to reason with the enemy before resorting to offensive magic, so I get it.

Our Brainy gets thrown to the floor and one of his inhibitors cracks again and he’s feeling overwhelmed and scared, but Nia tells him that it’s okay to take off his inhibitors if they’re starting to feel like they’re hurting more than helping.

Nia reassures Brainy

Gosh I missed Nia so much in the crossover. I know she was in the last episode but not nearly enough.

So he does, and as he connects to the Big Brain, his skin turns green and his hair turns blonde and he… looks… AMAZING??? I don’t even have any feelings whatsoever about the fact that he now matches the classic comic character more closely, I just thought he looked very suave and badass… maybe I have a secret Elphaba kink, I dunno.

Our Brainy talks to Bad Brainy, telling him that his choices don’t have to defy him. Supergirl adds that it’s not too late to make a different choice. They all agree that they can still find a way to open the bottle, but safely and in a more thought-out way that won’t put anyone in danger. So he gives in and hands them the bottle. Then he and the witches go inside to await their fate with the rest of their Earth.

Supergirl and Dreamer take the bottle to the Fortress, while Hip Brainy and Lady Brainy give Our Brainy their life projectors and leave their earthly bodies behind to go into the Big Brain.

Before she goes, Lady Brainy warns Our Brainy about Lex Luthor, and how fighting him did her no favors on her Earth, and that working with him is the only way forward.

Lady Brainy gives bad advice

I was rooting for you, Lady Brainy. We were all rooting for you.

She tells him to push away everyone he loves, and focus on Lex and Leviathan, reminding him that he’ll never truly be alone now that he’s connected to the Big Brain.

In the Luthor Lair, Lex tries to butter his sister up, but she’s over it and him.

Lena glares at Lex

“I liked it better when I was alone in my L Corp tower thank you very much.”

Lex promises that he’s changed, that he’s using the new lease on life the Monitor gave him to change his ways; he doesn’t want revenge on her, he wants to work with her. He even brought a Truth Seeker to prove it. Lena asks her questions, confirming her assumption that he’d betray her if he had to, and her last question is why he wants to work with her at all.

Lena sneers at Lex

Truth Seeker or not, I would tell Lena everything she wanted to know if she was looking at me like that.

And he admits he just doesn’t want to be alone. They shake on it, but I still think Lena has a few tricks up her sleeve.

Later, Brainy shows up at Nia’s apartment, and she’s so happy that he’s here and he’s safe and he’s the only Brainy left and that he’s free to be who he is.

Nia smiles

Let’s live in this moment here, where she’s happy and pure, and never get to the part where she’s crying.

Brainy solemnly says that things will have to change, and she says they can handle whatever change they have to if they face it together, but he insists there can be no “together.” He leaves her crying and wondering if this is even her Brainy and I loved Lady Brainy but this was BAD ADVICE. El mayarah or bust baybee!

At some other ceremony or speech or whatever, Lena is introducing Lex when Kara finds William lurking close to the door. He’s wary of Lex, and on this Earth, he didn’t come to CatCo to investigate Andrea, he came to keep an eye on Lex. He thinks Luthors are no good, but Kara comes to Lena’s defense, again, still, always.

Kara eyes William

“You say one more even remotely negative about Lena Luthor and I WILL cook your intestines with my eyeballs.”

She says Lena is in just as much danger as anyone else, and Lillian and Lex’s chit chat in the wings seems to prove her right.

After the ceremony, Brainy goes to see Lex and says that he’s willing to work together to defeat Leviathan. Lex is thrilled to have a twelfth-level intellect on his side, and says their next step is to get future knowledge from another Crisis paradox: a criminal that looks an awful lot like Winn Schott.

I really enjoyed this episode and I think it will be really fun to spend the rest of the season trying to parse out the Crisis aftermath. What’s new, what’s missing, and what that means for our National City friends. And all the cities for that matter… did you see that Lena Luthor was mentioned on the cover of the issue of CatCo magazine where Batwoman gave Kara Danvers an exclusive interview? What’s up with that??

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Valerie Anne

Valerie Anne (she/they) a TV-loving, video-game-playing nerd who loves reading, watching, and writing about stories in all forms. While having a penchant for sci-fi, Valerie will watch anything that promises a good story, and especially if that good story is queer.

Valerie has written 617 articles for us.


  1. Leaving aside Lena & Kara, I really hope that they don’t try to push William & Kara together, just because there is REALLY no ‘there’ there. Like there is no chemistry at all, and we all remember how badly that worked out when they tried to force Mon-El as a love interest. James in the first season at least had chemistry with Kara, but I saw William pop up in this episode and I was all “Oh yeah, you exist wonderbread, I forgot”.

    And Nia is totally Baby Yoda for me at this point (oh yes, look at me, crossing the streams), I would die to protect her, and will drop a building on anyone that will hurt her. I’m looking at you, Brainy. I’m looking at you.

    Seriously, Oliver Queen needs to sit every single damn character down in the CW DC universe and have a talk about the follies of putting people at a distance in secret in order to protect them.

  2. Thank you, Valerie Anne, for your recaps and seemingly endless references to Buffy and Wicked. To cross reference with an earlier comment, “this is the way”.


    Buffy the Vampire Slayer ended in 2003, the same year Kara landed on Earth. Alex was grounded for a month when Eliza found out she was using the show to teach Kara “what high school is like on Earth.”

    This, too, is canon, and you will not convince me otherwise.


    If they do another bar fight with an on-the-noise needle drop it will officially be a trope and I am here for it.


    One episode post-Crisis, and platonic SuperCorp is still buried in rubble, and now BraiNia is destroyed. Quickly, lesbians, form a phalanx around Dansen before the writers decide we need more angst!


    Holy shrap. I watched last night’s episode of Batwoman – the appropriately named “How Queer Everything is Today” – and I completely missed that Lena was mentioned on the cover.

    If this doesn’t yield a meeting between Kate and Lena, I will be as angry as a Beebo that has never been hugged.


    “Brainy, you are good to your core. You will never be your mother… because you’re loved. And the people that love you will always fight for you.1”

    “You’ve made some bad choices, but they don’t have to define you… It’s not too late to make a different choice. Let us help you.”

    They keep saying things to each other – important things, things they need to hear – that they need to say to Lena. Because I feel like Lena is being a hypocrite right now.

    She knows Lex has betrayed her. She knows Lex will betray her again. He has never done anything for her without an ulterior motive, so she must assume his deal with the Monitor to make her a Paragon must come at a price. More than once she has not trusted, but worked with Lex, and every time she has gotten hurt.

    She knew Kara would never betray her. She knew Kara would always be there for her. She knew Kara was her hero. But one mistake, one bad choice, and that’s all gone?

    Will someone please call her out on that? Politely?


    Lillian Luthor in pastel pink but still perfectly evil is a serious 2020 mood.


    Lena Luthor named her teddy bear Little Miss Pizzly?

    Wait, isn’t there fan art of that?

    • I’m hoping that Kara coming right to her this time around, thinking she was going to have to “come out” all over again, softened Lena at least a little. Because while I totally understood why she was so hurt at first, surely Kara has started to prove to her that she’s not going to abandon her, that just because she lied about that one (albeit huge) thing doesn’t mean she loves her any less, or believes in her any less. Most people betray Lena like a mic drop and disappear from her life. Kara betrayed her to stay close to her. To protect her. I’m hoping as she starts to work with her family again she starts to see the difference and comes back to her best friend.

      • I hope you’re right. I can’t see the show surviving the inevitable departure if Lena doesn’t get a redemption arc.

        I really wish the writers would give us more scenes with her. Maybe I’m spoiled from Lena POV fanfics, but I want some gorram text to the anguished subtext in her silent expressions.

  3. – Why isn’t William gone yet?
    – I’m trying to picture Lex frying eggs. I both can and can’t. Of course he COULD do it, but I just can’t see him stooping to actually doing it. Then again, it is for his sister.
    – You’re putting up a good fight, Lena. But we all know you want to forgive Kara.
    – Brainy and Nia are back together. That’s good.
    – Except there is a multiverse again. Just not the old one.
    – I thought that the personality inhibitors had something to do with THE Brainiac.
    – Female Querl had a wife.
    – The Bottle Episode. Cute.
    – Okay, that music during the fight scene felt really bad for me. It just totally took me out of the show.
    – Updated Brainy looks good.
    – Hmmmm…knowledge of an alternate Leviathan.
    – What will this Luthor partnership bring?

  4. I really enjoyed this episode, but I was very confused the whole time because I thought there still was a multiverse??? It just wasn’t the same as the old multiverse, and the earths from Supergirl, The Flash, and Black Lightning all merged into one? (Is Lucifer also on their earth now? I assumed he was still on a different earth, but now if there are no other earths… I’m very confused.)

    I really hope they use the earth reset to fix the various continuity errors they’ve had over the seasons, and maybe recast characters whose actors won’t come back, like Lucy Lane, or if they want to use Maggie on Batwoman. There’s been a lot of wasted potential on this show over the years, and hopefully now is the time to do something about it.

    • Oh I thought there wasn’t a multiverse, just the one universe but still with multiple planets (like Argo still being in tact.) But honestly who tf knows at this point!

      Recasting Maggie would be FASCINATING.

      • I had to read a few pieces to understand that last bit of Crisis but I think there IS still a multiverse, just a much smaller one. So Earth-2 (Stargirl’s Earth), the Teen Titans Earth, and a few other exist. But all the major players are on Earth-Prime, which mostly just involves bringing Black Lightning and Supergirl to Earth-1 since they were on their own Earths.

        I agree with the recasting, I also commented to a friend that this would be a fantastic opportunity to recast Julia Pennyworth, who is black in the comics but was portrayed by a white woman in Batwoman.

        • Ahh, I got it. So there is still a multiverse, it’s just much smaller, and it’s different now. I guess the super friends just didn’t get the memo.

          I did really enjoy the actress who played Julia on Batwoman, but I do 100% agree that she shouldn’t have been played by a white woman. They still could’ve done the Batwoman fakeout to Sophie using a lighter-skinned black woman. It’s not like they were in a terribly well lit room, they definitely could have made it work. They could use the actress who played Julia in another role and make it extra trippy.

          I know there’d be backlash from hardcore Sanvers fans, but I really do think it’d be great for them to recast Maggie and have her on Batwoman at some point. Kate and Maggie are a big deal in the comics! There could be a crossover where Alex meets her, and her conflicting memories of her Maggie and this Maggie would be an issue.

  5. I know my entire role in this comments section is always thanking you for your Buffy references (I swear the “Slay” username actually comes from my actual real life name, and is not just for the Buffy love), but: I see and appreciate your “just skip it” reference, and I really hope what follows for Kara and Lena is less tragic.

    I know this wasn’t an intentional message on the part of the show and that they’re literally called “personality inhibitors” but the Brainy storyline felt a lot like telling people who take lifelong psychotropic meds (mood stabilizers, antidepressants, etc) that they’re not their true selves unless they stop, and it made me feel icky.

    • I think the psych meds thing is complicated, because there’s definitely the narrative out there that people aren’t their true selves when they’re on psych meds, but there’s also the narrative that anyone who’s having problems with their medication needs to suck it up and deal because going off your meds is always bad. Sometimes the side effects DO cause a pretty big quality of life issue, including not really feeling like yourself anymore for various reasons, and people should get to explore their options.

      Ideally, that means finding another medication with more tolerable side effects, but sometimes individual people’s options are limited – for me, I should never go off my antidepressants ever, but my anxiety meds make me too sleepy to do anything and the only clinic I can afford doesn’t prescribe the kind that does work for me, so I only take them as needed even though I’m supposed to take them regularly. It’s not a great option, but it’s currently the best option for me.

      I fully believe that this show is not exactly exploring all the nuance of the issue, though.

    • I can’t not make Buffy references, they come to me unbidden, so I’m very glad you appreciate them.

      I thought of that too, about the personality inhibitors, but I didn’t want to make the connection just yet until I saw how this played out. I’m kind of hoping that Brainy ends up putting like…one back on? To be like “ah yes I wanted to see what this was like since it wasn’t a decision I made for myself, but actually I do need them just maybe a different type/dosage”?? I don’t know… but I also was hoping that wasn’t what they were going with there.


    I think I’m probably the only person who loved Jeremy Jordan but I’m glad to see him back!

  7. I loved the multi-Brainys but hated that they broke up Prime and Nia. How could you look at that face and leave her even if the world depended on it?

    As for Lena…girl…I don’t know if it’s that she doesn’t understand how healthy relationships work or if she’s afraid of them so she’s acting out or both. At this point those are the only reasons I can think of to explain why she’s yet again willing to work with and welcome Lex and Lillian back into her life when both have betrayed her (and put her life and millions of others in danger) numerous times yet she continues to punish and shun Kara.

  8. Favorite screenshots/captions: 1

    – It’s Gonna Be Me, made my day.
    – He did look amazing as a blonde greenie

  9. Still recovering from the Crisis mayhem and also had to catch up with this episode… Woah, exposition.

    No fan of Lex, but his presence creates some urgency for those around him. Either to stop whatever he’s plotting, or to come to the rescue of those he’s inevitably going to hurt.

    Lena Kieran Luthor, I hope, you know what you are doing (ideally, nothing that will destroy Prime Earth on the way).

    Nia and Brainy, oh, puppy love… Really unnecessary breakup, thanks Lady Brainy!

    Generally excited with the earth mergers. Hope, we’ll get some low key crossovers throughout. (Full disclosure: I don’t watch the other series but keeping tabs through your recaps, Valerie Anne. As good/better as the real deal 😎)

  10. I’m very curious about that cover because unless I missed something in the old timeline only Kate Kane is out to the world, Batwoman is not, let’s see what happens over there.

    Great recap as usual, they are lovely to read =)

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