“Supergirl” Episode 611 Recap: Wicked Witch of Back East

Back at the Tower, the Superfriends follow a magical energy spike and follow it downtown while Mxy watches on their button cameras. Nia is really feeling the guilt as a giant cat stomps around the city. The lesbian knows exactly how to deal with this, and immediately whips out…a rocket launcher. Has she been able to do this the whole time? And she chooses pew pew pistols??

Supergirl 611 recap: Alex wields a rocket launcher while Nia looks shocked and awed

Live footage of me and my friend Megan playing Fortnite. (I’m Nia.)

Anyway, the rocket launcher doesn’t work against the kitten, neither does freeze breath, nor Nia trying to lasso it into the dream realm. Brainy has an idea and needs Supergirl to distract it so she flies up and uses her heat vision as a laser pointer. At which point I wonder, did the writers room have a joke wall where they put all their weird suggestions that don’t fit the vibe of the show and now that it’s the last season they’re just using them anyway? Like if this was going to happen there needed to be way more joking and laughter about it. In my humble opinion.

Brainy traps it, and Nyxly is impressed with the Superfriends.

Nyxly slow claps

Why is Nyxly so good at sitting on things?

She just wants Mxy, then she’ll leave them alone. She pinky swears.

Andrea calls Lena to tell her that she found the third woman in the picture, Florence, who went off the grid after Peggy’s dad’s mysterious death. Lena thanks her but says she’s not going to do anything with that information because she’s feeling a bit demoralized being yelled at by complete strangers about the things a woman she barely even met supposedly did.

Supergirl 611 recap: Lena looks upset on the phone

“I want to get off this ride.”

Andrea encourages her to stay with a series of phrases she found in the wrappers of the Dove candies she was eating alone in her office because her only friend is Back East, including things like, you can’t deal with the past until you face it, and my personal favorite, “Information doesn’t hurt people, secrets do.” Which is a BOLD statement to make to Lena, who she kept secrets from for decades. And she wouldn’t know this but Lena knows full well the true cost of secrets.

Andrea looks wise as she talks on the phone

“Also while I’m dealing out cliches, something to remember for no reason at all: magic always has a price.”

As they return to the Tower, Brainy scolds Nia for almost deleting herself from this reality but she’s so desperate to clean up this mess she made. She begs her to tell Kara but she still hesitates. Mxy welcomes them all back and shows them a copy he made of himself he wants to use as a decoy to get the power dampening cuff on Nyxly. Alex and Kara consider it.

Supergirl 611 recap: Kara crosses her arms and Alex points as they both wear "let me get this right" faces.

“Nobody’s gonna know. How would they know?”

But then the copy glitches and that falls slips through their fingers, too. Kara walks off to be alone, hoping that if she doesn’t go to the Feelings Balcony no one will follow her, but Nia does anyway.

Kara leans in her hiding spot

Is this how moms feel when they just want to pee alone and their toddlers won’t stop coming into the bathroom?

Nia has to tell Kara the truth, that it’s her fault Nyxly is here, not Kara’s. She apologizes and Kara says she understands, because Nyxly fooled her, too. Nia looks at her with her big sad eyes and asks the question I ask my friends in my head every time they say something nice to me, “You don’t hate me?” And Kara laughs.

Kara smiles at Nia

Since Kara was the youngest for so long, it’s so nice to see her get these mentorship moments with Nia.

Nia made a mistake, but Kara knows it would be hypocritical to punish her for that. They’ve all made mistakes, all they can do is learn from them and move forward. And fix it, together. Which is reason #925600 that Kara is such a strong leader and one of the best superheroes to ever don a cape. (Or a hood. Looking at you, Arrow and Flash.) Like Nia, I was holding my breath for an overreaction, or at least a disappointed lecture, Nia because of how much guilt she was feeling, me for different reasons we won’t get into right now, but Kara is just like, “Okay yeah that was a bad idea, but you didn’t do harm on purpose, you’ve apologized, and you’re willing to work with me to fix it, so let’s do it!” It’s lovely.

Nia wishes aloud that she could dream up a better Mxy clone and Kara has an idea.

Over in Ireland Lite Newfoundland, Lena is following the clues Andrea sent her and finds a cave entrance in the middle of an open field that’s about as hidden as Willa’s treehouse. And then she just strolls right in! She finds a woman who is creating a smoke raven for some reason, and when she realizes a stranger is in her cave, she points a shotgun at her. But when she realizes the woman in front of her looks just like her former best friend but with better hair, she lets her guard down and Lena confirms that she’s Elizabeth’s daughter.

Supergirl 611 recap: Lena puts her hands up in fear

“Please don’t, I don’t think Kara can hear me from here.”

Florence says that Elizabeth told her that Lena would show up someday, told her to be precise in answering her daughter’s questions, because Lena is a scientist. Florence asks for a drop of Lena’s blood and Lena all but laughs in her face. She doesn’t believe in magic.

Lena looks skeptical at the magic table

So…did no one ever tell her about Mxy’s last visits? About the alternate realities Kara almost created?? About her hot evil self???

But Florence tells her to treat this as more of a science experiment so she agrees to a drop of blood. Using visions as a guide, Florence tells the tale of their coven, how they learned the language of nature and how Lena’s mom’s spark was powerful.

Elizabeth and Margaret look up to the sky and commune with nature in their bad CW wigs

Even the girls in The Craft could do glamours on their hair. Please, Lizzie.

But then, in trying to scare Margaret’s abusive husband, they girlbossed too close to the sun and killed him dead. The town turned on them and threatened them, and Lizzie didn’t trust herself anymore, so she treated Mr. Luthor like a lead box to keep her magic from hurting anyone else. But Florence wants Lena to know that Elizabeth sees Lena, and is very proud of the woman she is, which is all Lena has ever wanted a parental figure to say to her.

Supergirl 611 recap: Tears fill Lena's eyes

Get back to National City quick, bb. You need another hug.

Meanwhile, Kara tells the team their new plan: Nia is going to use Brainy’s image inducer to be a Mxy decoy and get the cuff on Nxy. Alex credits Mxy for the idea and it’s actually very sweet. She’s such a good big sister. But when they get to the park to enact the plan, the inducers fail when Nia gets too close to the crystal, and Nyxly is onto them. And furious.

Nyxly looks grumpy as she holds out her crystal

“Look you turned my mood orb blue.”

Alex, Brainy, and J’onn show up with the Phantom Zone projector but Kara stop them. She still thinks she can get through to her. But in their hesitation, Nyxly magics them all onto tinfoil stakes and summons a kryptonite-breathing dragon to kill them all.

The real Mxy shows up and apologizes to the Superfriends for getting them into this mess; the truth is, he could have helped Nyxly all those years ago and he took the coward’s way out. So he’s changing that now.

Kara tries one last time to appeal to Nyxly’s humanity, hoping it exists. She says that her anger is valid, that Kara is angry about what happened to Nyxly too, but that they can be stronger together.

Kara give her hope speech

It might have seemed silly for Kara to give one of her hope speeches to Nyxly, but after almost losing her hope in the Phantom Zone, it comforted me to see her try.

But Nyxly isn’t moved. In fact, she says “nah” which was hilarious to me. Fighting ensues and Kara holds up the Phantom Projector regretfully but Mxy says he can help and he manages to get the power dampener on her like it’s a snap bracelet from the 90s on his way to being sucked into the crystal. As soon as she’s depowered, though, the glam rock spaceship beams her up to safety.

Kara is sad she didn’t listen to Mxy, that she took the Phantom Zone option off the table too soon, but Alex reassures her that it’s never a bad idea to have hope in someone, even if it doesn’t always work out.

Supergirl 611 recap: Alex reassures her sister

Hoping for the best in someone and being disappointed is better than assuming the worst and burning bridges before you found out what was on the other side.

Nia has an idea for how they can still save Mxy, and echoes Kara’s words back to her for inspiration. Kara stands up, ready to try, try again.

In the magic candle cave, Florence is showing Lena more pictures of her mother’s bad hair. She says that Lena has her mother’s gift and Lena scoffs. She barely believes in the magic she just saw, let alone that she HAS magic. She says all Lena has to do is embrace her gift to employ it.

Lena has a "wtf" look on her face

“It’s so lovely that you’re sharing, no really, I’m all ears. But where has all this [backstory] been for sixteen years?”

Back in National City, Nyxly asks the glam rock alien why he saved her, and he says he wants to use her to build a new life, and she agrees, if he helps her collect all the totems. First up, is the totem of courage, because she wants to control everyone’s fear. And HEAR ME OUT but if the Paragon of Courage is Batwoman, and the totems can be disguised as anything, shouldn’t Kara reach out to Ryan for help figuring out if the totem is like, her flower pot or something? Eh?? Mini crossover??? Please????

Nia dreams about Nyxly’s plans and Kara decides that she needs to find the totems first. And this time, she’s not going to pull any punches.

Kara stands with her hands on her hips, determined

:bumbum ba dum ba dumbum: “Let’s go girls.”

And y’all even though I was very disappointed it wasn’t a proper musical episode, I loved this? This is the kind of episode I wanted all last season instead of a certain bald maniac. It makes me wish even harder that we had more time. I can’t wait for Lena to return to the Superfriends and tell Kara about how she’s the answer to all the problems that arose while she was gone since, as Nyxly said, only magic can defeat magic.

Oh! And one more thing. They actually have a preview for next week’s episode! Guardian will rise again!

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Valerie Anne

Valerie Anne (she/they) a TV-loving, video-game-playing nerd who loves reading, watching, and writing about stories in all forms. While having a penchant for sci-fi, Valerie will watch anything that promises a good story, and especially if that good story is queer.

Valerie has written 627 articles for us.


  1. I can’t remember all of what they said about the totems, but I think they mentioned courage, love, and destiny and had me wondering if any/all of the paragons could possibly be unknowingly involved down the line.

    • I remember one of them is “dreams” which is when I stopped clocking them because they’re not a 1 for 1 to the paragons. But I imagine Nia will play a big part in taking her down!

  2. I feel that “Supergirl uses her heat vision as a laser pointer to distract a giant kitten” is exactly the vibe the show has at its best.

    See also, “Supergirl drives a 1950’s convertible into a cave full of White Martians while playing Britney Spears”.


    Something has been bugging me about the show for a while now… the fight choreography on Supergirl has become one note. Something knocks the Superfriends back, down, over, or through debris. That is the extent of the action lately. It’s came to a head when I watched Stargirl last night which had an all out brawl between the two teams with crazy stunts, plenty of wire work, and the danger violin.


    But at least the costume department is well funded. Even when she’s in a guilt spiral from accidentally unleashing an evil imp on the universe, Nia’s outfits _slay_.


    So… Astra and Lena are both fairly new to magic, and will be largely self taught. Fanfic writers, you know what to do.

    • Yeah, but like I said, it could have been the vibe of the show, but everyone reacted like it was just another day. No quippy one-liners about it, they treated it too seriously for it to be the right vibe.

      And GREAT now I have a NEW crackship THANKS ;)

      • Happy to help :)

        And you’re right, they played it too straight. Dreamer didn’t even make a “cat nap” pun!

  3. – Stargirl is soooooooooooo good. And the Starcat is just delicious. Yolanda is so jealous, and Courtney is so protective. Please make it canon.
    – I feel that in it’s last season that Supergirl has really gotten the shaft in a number ways. Most of which stems from a lack of money, ergo the bad fights, choreography, and stuntwork.

  4. “There’s a news clip of you being flown through the air in the arms of your bulletproof girlfriend”

    Yes, ALL of Earth Prime is apparently bloody well familiar w/ Supercorp, but it’s us shippers on Worst-Timeline Earth who are the crazy ones?

    “Andrea encourages her to stay with a series of phrases she found in the wrappers of the Dove candies she was eating alone in her office because her only friend is Back East”: Valerie, you SAVAGE! LOL

    “Kara wishes aloud that she could dream up a better Mxy clone and Nia has an idea.” Other way around.

    “just like her former best friend but with better hand”: was that supposed to be better HAIR? [Maybe Kara’s tragic S5 bangs brought back Misty, Water-Coloured Memories of Mum?] Or maybe you meant “better hand”…but that seems awfully personal! ;-)

    “But where has all this [backstory] been for six/teen years?” Le Sigh.

    Solid episode—and I’m glad we seem to have shamed them into giving us promos again. While I know the focus is going to be on Guardian next ep . . . can we PLEASE get Supercorp back *together* this week? Time is SHORT!

    • that “hand” was definitely a Freudian slip! that close up on Lena’s hands was a lot, emotionally, for me to handle. updated! haha thank you

  5. Between Lena being a witch and dragons, I was half expecting to see Lena show up in National City tame the dragon, shrunk it and keep it as a pet.

    • Pretty sure Kate Kane, not “Batwoman”, was the Paragon of Courage. And since Kate is supposed to be heading to see Kara that would make since as a semi-cross over to me.

      • Let me dream! haha I just think Ryan would have such an amusing reaction to meeting the Superfriends and we’re running out of time to make it happen!

    • My friend Marcie does YouTube reaction videos and she called her “Lena Pendragon” in this episode and I spit water everywhere.

  6. Lena ‘I’m a scientist’ Luthor, really as if the magic realm is any different to whatever alien realm / multiverses / … she has encountered so far. The laws of spacetime are a joke on this show :D

    Wish she had actually/fake gone to Ireland. Would love for her to pick up even more spark before going back to help the superfriends.

    Giant magic kitty cat! And no quippy one-liners, indeed. Supergirl was always more drama than camp, but it wouldn’t have hurt to lean more into the sillyness from time to time. Alas, not on this show.

    Mxy breaking out into song was hilarious though!

    So I guess, we’ll deal with one totem each in the next episodes.

    Plus the old gang showing up at the end (and white bread, meh).

    Let these peeps have some FUN/peace before it’s all over!

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