Episode 307
This episode picks up in Storybrooke at the beginning of the season, back when they first sailed to Neverland and Belle was left in charge of everything, as she is a very capable person when she’s not crippled by her relationship with Rumpleforeskin. There’s a lot of magical environment set-up stuff to be done in these first scenes, so go ahead and put your vegan turkey in the microwave because it’s all kind of a narrative blur. The townspeople have to mine pixie dust and run around importantly and make a magical forcefield because some 2005-era hipsters are en route to Storybrooke in their red convertible. A convertible in late autumn Maine? Those boys’ nipples could cut glass at this point.
Regina and Rumple, the official dream team of this show now that they are the ONLY ONES GETTING ANYTHING DONE, give Ariel what she’ll need for her journey to Storybrooke. This includes a nice bracelet and a sand dollar. Because why use any other practical mode of communication when you can use a sand dollar? It’s like we expect this show to have rational solutions to their problems! Regina makes a deal with Ariel, and Ariel, again, despite the history of deals made with Regina, agrees to it because if she succeeds, she’ll get Eric back. Do it for the booty, honey. Regina is an equal opportunity villain, since she makes sure Ariel knows that if Eric and Ariel wanna do it when Ariel still has fish parts, she’s not gonna discriminate.
Since Pan has an intimate connection with the island, he can sense that someone has left its boundaries. He can also sense when someone enters its boundaries, so the arrival of the Jolly Roger was a very, um, pleasurable experience for Pan.
The dwarves are chilling at the frigid coastline that Maine calls a beach, when Ariel pulls a Darcy and emerges from the water. She tells them to take her to their leader, and helpless to her children’s Halloween costume and Fredericks of Hollywood bra, they obey.
The hipsters from 2005, who are obviously the Darling brothers because duh, have got their eye on that sushi.

you think she’s into the postal service? you think we could inseminate her egg sacks in that cove over there?
Meanwhile at Granny’s, Belle’s staring forlornly at an uneaten burger. This burger reminds her of the time Ruby caught her crying in the snow, and tilted her chin up so she could look into her eyes, and kissed her passionately as the snow whirled around them. Jiminy’s like hey, you know what they say about lesbian werewolves who have been removed from the plot after taking another contract, but then Grumpy busts in with Ariel. Also, let’s talk about the fact that Belle has turned down four burgers in four days. She only eats one burger a day? Sheesh, amateur.
Ariel and Belle head to Rumpleforeskin’s shop, where Ariel pulls a Winona and starts casing the place, and Belle attempts to get shit done. She did not spend a feature film conversing with inanimate objects for nothing. Because everyone communicates by hologram these days, Rump appears in a cloud of piss-colored smoke to tell them that they’re in search of a box, except he says it in a very cryptic way. Lord knows he couldn’t just send an email with an image attachment of what they’re looking for.
Back on the Neverland sound stage, in a plotline you never ever wanted to bear witness to, Snow is mad at Charming and taking it out on Emma by bringing up Emma’s love life. Oh boy, wow. Snow confronting Emma so they can have a talk about her boring as hell men? We’ve never seen this before. It’s good that they’re spending so much time discussing this love triangle instead of trying to find Henry. They’ve really got their priorities in line.
Pan and henchboy Felix are pretending to be secretive, emphasis on pretending. Pan makes sure he whispers as loudly as possible about Henry not finding out so that Henry will feel compelled to find out. Assessing that there is no way this could possibly be a trap, Henry decides to investigate further. Remember when Henry was precocious and intelligent in an only-slightly-irritating way? Remember when you weren’t worried for his life because he could still deduce simple problems and exercise caution in any given situation? Henry, I know your mother raised you better than this.

is this like when my mom has my other mom over and they tell me not to come into the bedroom for a few days
The “love triangle” is off on a side mission to retrieve what Regina once dubbed an unimpressive nightlight, and once Emma is out of earshot, Hook and Neal decide to put their anxious masculinity to the test. Hook’s like hey, thanks for maturely dealing with the fact that I kissed Emma even though I am a shitty dude. Neal’s like hey, you might have kissed her, but I knocked her up and put her in jail, so I think I win for shittiest dude. And then they stare each other down as if they are about to have a silverback gorilla-esque pounddown because boys are stupid and why do we still have them around.
Belle and Ariel get tied up by the indie rock band circa 2005, and they have a GUN. Shit has never been realer. They’re here on behalf of Pan, and they’ll exchange that magic box for a shitty mixtape that’s just nine different versions of “Lovers’ Spit”.
The Love Triangle from Hell has found their way to the Dark Hallow, which is a great name for an after-hours lesbian bar, but actually the place where Pan’s shadows live. Hook decides this is a great time to process the kiss with Emma, specifically the part where he told Neal about the kiss. Emma could literally not give less of a shit about how anyone feels about what she puts her mouth on, since again, Henry. Hook pulls out an oversized Flava Flav clock on a chain and taps on it insistently to suggest that time is running out for her to choose between Neal and Hook. Neither one of them is likely to survive the friendzone for much longer, so it’s better to pressure her incessantly while she attempts to recover her child.
Ariel’s helping Belle out of being tied up, which seems like a great opportunity for her and Ariel to use each other as beautiful, beautiful rebounds. Unfortunately, there’s a world to save, and Belle is all about priorities. She’s troubled by everything that’s happened, and Ruby’s not here to caress her lips with her fingertips and suck on her neck.
Back in the worst storyline you’ve ever encountered, Neal and Hook are pulling off the physical comedy routine of this entire series in an effort to prove their manliness. Never mind that her child is in mortal danger, let’s figure out which inferior example of manhood Emma should bang! Everyone knows love triangles made up of characters you don’t give a shit about are surefire ways to get your audience invested in a narrative, especially when directly contrasted with the plight of an endangered minor! Said failed efforts lead to the boys losing their way to light the coconut. Emma’s left to her own magic devices, and lights the candle all by herself using that handiwork her girlfriend’s been teaching her. The boys are bewildered. When they ask her how she did that, she says “Regina” and it’s beeyootiful.
The Darling boys beat Ariel and Belle to the mines, where they explain that Pan has their sister hostage and that’s why they have to do his bidding. Pan’s kept them stuck in their early twenties forever, complete with perpetual student loans, eternal haggling from parents who want them to go to grad school, and the worst sexual decisions of their life. Belle and Ariel don’t think that the complaints of the millenial generation are legitimate because they refuse to acknowledge the worst economy in years and circumstances beyond anyone’s control. But they think that everyone can work together to beat Pan, because Pan has proven himself to be a slimy little bastard.

i was like mom i can just push back my student loans and she was like that’ll ruin your credit score and i was like you don’t even know how a credit score works
Speaking of slimy little bastards, Henry’s making it almost too easy for Pan to set him up. He follows henchman #46 to the resting place of Wendy, who says the dwindling magic of the island is making her sick. Henry, questioning absolutely nothing about this situation and falling over himself to help out a 114 year old girl with magical TB, says he’ll help her. Oh, Henry. Critical thinking, little buddy. You gotta use it.
Regina and Rumpleforeskin’s super rad beach party is interrupted by Ariel showing up with Pandora’s Box. Ariel gives them the update on what’s up and insists they save Wendy while they’re at it. Regina is in full mama bear mode and only wants to focus on saving Henry, but Ariel is like hey, okay, this is the only time in the storyline I have been motivated to do something that did not end in me fisting Eric, so let me have this character motivation.
Tink’s back, and she and Neal give each other the once-over like okay, damn, that either happened or it will happen. Which would be great, because I’m all for that triangle being decimated in every way possible.
Next week: Regina and Emma use magic together, which leads them both to climax.
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I’m so sorry you’ve been having some health issues and thank you for preserving and bringing us your AMAZING recaps!
Part of why I like Autostraddle so much is that it never falls into recapping “gay subtext” on tv shows like other websites I could mention. So I don’t get why OUAT is being recapped. How about a recap of Lost Girl or Orphan Black, a show with actual queer characters? I’d love to see your awesome talent for funny captions on something like that!
I’m not trying to be snarky I’m genuinely confused.
i’m so glad you asked! because now i get to share the very exciting news that we DO have someone recapping Lost Girl AND Orphan Black, as of the last 7ish days! WOOOOOO
as for why OUAT is being recapped: kate was already watching it, mulan came out as a dirrrty bisexual, kate decided to recap it, we think kate is hilarious/maybe even a recapping genius tbh, so we were all YEAH GET IT and the rest is hirstory.
Woooo yay!
There was a Regina/Ursula confrontation. Ursula was a weird liquified bronze statue thingie.
i know, but that was such a sad cop-out. sometimes i just want them to have a “poison apple tavern” a la shrek where all the disney villains hang out and swap ways to prank the charmings and have a burlesque show every thursday and karaoke on fridays and gay bingo on saturdays and-
i have put too much thought into this.
It was a sad cop out. In the beginning, Regina had a circle of baddies to have apple brew with. Oh well, forgotten plot points are another facet of this show.
Your recaps are about the best thing ever. What watch bad tv when you can read the improved version with hilarious captions and far superior writing?
I love your recaps Kate!
Also, I’m wondering if anyone knows what they put in the water cooler on set to make the entire cast have such homoerotic chemistry with each other regardless of their actual acting skills or the current storyline.
Those recaps are hilarious, and since I no longer watch the show (except well, for the SwanQueen bits) it keeps me up to speed.
Seriously though, are there actual people who watch the show very seriously? Because without the gay subtext, that show is totally unwatchable, not just because of plot holes, shitty CGI and problematic messages, but because it’s so unbearably cheesy.
I used to watch it seriously because I liked the alternate universe/ reimagining of fairy tales, but my interest sort of waned when I realized how boring the whole concept of “true love” and how it always MUST be heterosexual, along with the troubling lack of people of color in the main cast. (besides Lana Parrilla who is half-latina and absolutely amazing)
my mom gets really mad when I complain about/critic the shows many issues lol. yet every week she’s like, “I don’t understand?!?!”
Every time Neal is on screen I expect him to turn out to be a misogynistic serial killer, and worse, bust out a horrible cajun accent. But on the plus side, if that happened, maybe it would magically summon Evan Rachel Wood Bisexual Vampire to the show to eat half the cast and sensually swap some fluids with Mulan.
HOLY SHIT THAT’S THE SAME ACTOR?!?! WTF?? He was hot on True Blood (minus the serial killing), what happened?!
So sorry about your medical condition! Hope you feel better soon. I really really love your OUAT recaps . I was also upset about the Ursula casting. I mean come on! My favorite moment was also when Emma answered Regina. I got so much fuzzies! :D
I actively loathe about 90% of the show but keep watching solely for Lana Parilla. Forget this redemption stuff, Regina needs to go straight up villain again to make the show at least somewhat interesting.
Regina really brought the ham in the fake-Ursula storyline. Like, a whole deli. She bought the entire pig farm.
Kate, these images/captions had me in stitches.
I tried to watch this show for the first time at the start of this season after hearing that Mulan was maybe a homogay, but I got confused/bored/drank half a bottle of wine and fell asleep instead.
I hope you feel better, Kate.
Also, part of the reason I am commenting on this post was that I didn’t want to get into the discussion on the Blue is the Warmest Color post, but I had the sense that maybe I was missing out on something by not taking the opportunity to type your name over and over, Kate.
Okay, rethinking the whole watching this shit-show because of reasons. I’ll settle for Kade’s hilarious screencaps with text and generous cleavage of Regina’s photos. I mean what.
The twitter stuff with the writers? Gross. Just so gross and wrong.
Your recaps bring so much joy to my life! I had to stop reading them at work because I couldn’t hide my laughter enough to be sneaky about it! I was already a fan of the show (hey, some of us can overlook terrible plots and some of us love the uber-cheesiness) but I find myself looking forward to your recaps even more!! Thanks Kate!
I’m completely in love/lust with Regina, ever since the beginning. She’s really the only reason I still watch OUAT. But I have started watching OUAT in Wonderland, and I’ve found it to be a whole hell of a lot more interesting and satisfying (except for some of the exoticism of the Aladdin storyline, no surprise).
And yet another Autostraddle recap- here to confuse me even more than bad plot writing already did but able to entertain me far more than any given episode could. Well done!
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@queergirl Need to get rid of this person.
thanks kristana! i’m not a mod but @alarae should be able to take care of it. <3