Happy Sunday Funday! I’m turning 25 tomorrow, in case you haven’t heard, and this bunch of good gay news is hopefully going to keep me from totally losing it when the clock strikes midnight. So let’s do this thing!
Obama’s Trip to Kenya Just Got Real Gay
President Obama is not backing down on the issue of gay rights when he goes to Kenya. Like, for real.

SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images
Speaking at a joint press conference, Obama directly addressed Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta that gay people deserve equality:
I’ve been consistent all across Africa on this – I believe in the principle of treating people equally under the law, and that they are deserving of equal protection under the law, and the state should not discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation. I say that recognising that there may be people with different religious or cultural beliefs – but the question is how does the state operate, relative to people?
If you look at the history of countries around the world, when you start treating differently because they’re different, that’s the path whereby freedoms begin to erode and bad things happen.
When a government gets in the habit of treating people differently, those habits can spread. As an African-American in the United States, I am painfully aware of the history of what happens when people are treated differently under the law.
This Queer Couple Went Around the World Together for Their Honeymoon
Blake MacKay and MacKenzie Fe documented their trip in an adorable honeymoon video. No word on whether it took eighty days or not, though.
Italy Just Made Life a Lot Easier for Trans People
Italy just became one of only five countries where trans people can self-determine their gender identity, meaning they don’t need a doctor’s approval to make legal changes to their official records — thanks to a historic Supreme Court ruling.
Cutest. Ring Bearer. Ever.
It was her mom’s big day, but I am 99% sure you’ll agree with me that Scarlet being a ring bearer and defying all gender convention and looking damn adorable doing it anyway is even better than the best wedding.
This is Riley Curry Doing the Nae Nae
I Think This Pastor is Over Homophobia Or Something
Pastor E. Dewey Smith railed against people who preach hate this weekend, inspiring a thousand praise hands emojis in my heart.
A Show I Can Believe In
What would make FRIENDS (TV Show) even better???PUPPIES!(via BuzzFeed BFF)
Posted by BuzzFeed UK on Thursday, July 23, 2015
Love the ring-bearer pic!
Experiencing HUGE wanderlust envy after watching that honeymoon video!
Favorite detail from the ring-bearer story: the ceremony included readings from both Harry Potter and bell hooks! (Filing this away for future reference.)
this was such a good week in Things. Riley Curry’s Nae Nae is everything, Scarlet bearing rings was adorable, that video of running made me really tired but also really happy, Italy is awesome, and Matthew Perry in the Friends video is probably the best thing I’ve ever seen, oh and that pastor…yep. it was a good week.
That ring bearer! Those puppies! Your birthday! All the good things.
This weekend has been amazing. Queer people in my country waited with bated breathe to hear and see what Obama would say about gay rights. He didn’t disappoint. There had been marches by anti-gays warning him not to talk about it. And that reporter got him to address it. I was so glad he addressed the issue. Our president, however, called it a non-issue. Saying there are other things that need to be addressed first. I want to believe that that was a positive answer. He avoided the question but at least he didn’t shame us or something worse. But Obama still hinted on it on several other speeches he made later. Saying any kind of discrimination is wrong. Also how he spoke up for women rights especially now when there are debates on getting more female leaders. He didn’t waste time calling out people who hold back oppurtunities from women. I look forward to seeing how his visit will affect the way things work around here.
I just wish he could stay here forever. :)
Kenya is where my home is and I’ll be back next month! I’m so happy to hear that Obama stood up for all the LGBTQI people in Kenya. Uhuru says it’s not a Kenyan problem…uh…what?! Hongera Obama!
Oh, and Happy Birthday!!! Its 12.37am already here. So enjoy your day.
or y’know… celebrate your last hour of early 20’s in Ireland
Happy birthday Carmen!
wow, Puppies! Ring Bearers! Running around the world! One of the best fundays yet :)
Everyone should watch that video of Pastor E. Dewey Smith. If I grew up with Pastors like him maybe I wouldn’t have left the church when I started to realize I was one of those “abominations” the church(the black church especially) preaches about.
Happy birthday, Carmen! Hope your day’s been as gr9 as you are. *Rainbow puppy-shaped confetti*
The MacKs are so cute!!
Happy birthday! Thanks for the cutest Sunday Funday!
the ring-bearer is adorable!
I’m so jealous of that honeymoon.
Loved the stories, but just wanted to let you know the link for the story about Italy doesn’t seem to work. Of course maybe that’s just my computer?
Obama’s speech is fantastic! I hope he continues to use the rest of his presidency this way. He has so much more authority than a white guy ever would in Africa and he’s using it.
And Italy is good for trans people?! That’s also amazing but extremely surprising. Come on England, time to catch up!
Happy birthday Carmen, we’re birthday buddies!
Super excited about the Italy story. My partner is Italian, and she is currently there visiting family. I didn’t go with her because of complications regarding my trans status. This bodes so well for our future. Great news. Now if they can just get sorted on the same-sex marriage thing so our partnership would be recognized…
That pastor video is SO GOOD.