Happy Sunday pudding pops! Pop Princess Charli XCX recently tweeted that she just wants to kiss girls sometimes, and I felt very seen. May you also start your week out feeling seen and understood.
sometimes i just wanna kiss girls.. 💗
— Charli (@charli_xcx) May 4, 2018
The June L. Mazer Lesbian Archive in West Hollywood reopens today!

Communications Director Angela Brinkele with an exhibit at the Mazer Archives.
This designer is exploring implicit biases in data with feminism!
The data set’s larger purpose, of course, is to create an archive that depicts what feminism looks like in 2018. To inform the project, Sinders has been traveling to different feminist bookstores and archives with the intent of including their works in the data set and listing them as collaborators. She also plans to include the transcripts of interviews she’s doing, such as one with a feminist archivist who runs the Open Archive, which helps people save information to the Internet Archive while protecting their privacy.
May 8th is LGBTQ Advocacy Day in NYC! According to Gay City News:
The Albany effort is supported by a seven-page Legislative Platform that concisely lays out more than 20 legislative goals addressing four broad areas: gender expression, identity, and inclusivity; youth issues; discrimination against “intersecting” populations, including immigrants as well as parents, veterans, married couples, and business owners; and a group of issues, including comprehensive sexuality education and services for seniors, for which legislation still needs to be been drafted.
Jenny Bruso wrote about being a fat hiker and it’s really great!
Janelle Monae’s got more reflections on her recent coming out moment in the spotlight.
It’s Prom Season Baby!!!
New Now Next captured some of the cutest baby queers in their prom clothes and it’s got me all emotional! Here are my favorite:
prom ‘18 #gayprom 🏳️🌈 pic.twitter.com/a4x1nDEmeu
— ash ✰ (@ashlynnkatleyy) April 23, 2018
Isn’t your heart filled with love after seeing all those beautiful things on this beautiful Sunday? I hope smiling baby lesbians put a smile on your face, and I hope you have a kickass week.
And don’t forget, you’re a ⭐
Charli XCX. It’s called 20gayteen. They year when even straight women want to kiss girls and make love to girls. Hetero life is not enough.
Omg those prom photos. My little heart just exploded and cried. I just read some days ago about some schools that banned lesbians from attending prom except they have a male date. And now I see these pictures and my heart is just full of all the cuteness in the world. The normalcy in all those pictures made me forget for a while that there were still anti-lgbt issues in the world. I love this. Now all I want to do is spend my entire week looking at gay girls going to prom.
The prom photos are so sweet omg ???
By the way, here is a very gay tweet from Evan Rachael Wood. ???
Those prom photos are amazing!
the charli xcx tweet is lyrics from an upcoming rita ora song she’s featured on :) it also has lyrics like ‘i’m 50/50 and i’m never gonna hide it’ there’s a video of it live from a while ago.
Hasn’t Charli XCX dated Robert Pattinson or something? Cause that would indicate a pattern…
Amazing cause the Mazer is one of only ten lesbian archives in the world
I love the queer prom pics! I’ve volunteered at my local queer prom for two years now and am doing it again in June. It’s such a fun event and it’s so nice to see all the babies in their best outfits living their lives freely and safely with their friends. I get emotional just thinking about it :’)
I wondered if Charli XCX was bi when I went on her insta around the time she released the vid for ‘Boys’ and she’d posted a moodboard for it along with the caption ‘in a boy phase recently’ – that seemed like a very bi thing to say. (Not that that tweet necessarily means she is, esp if it’s lyrics from a song she’s doing with Rita Ora. But maybe!)