Sunday Funday Is Festive And Gay, Also Full Of Cute Animals

The ill-defined and vaguely commercial non-denominational Season of Light approaches, as the rest of the world gets progressively darker and colder. (Unless you are in Australia, in which case, have a popsicle for me!) To combat and/or supplement both of these things, enjoy some good news, and also a bunch of animals!

Melbourne’s Intersex Mayor

Australia now has its first out intersex mayor in Tony Briffa, who was elected to lead the city of Melbourne and is an outspoken advocate for the queer community.

“We share Tony’s hope that his election will break down taboos associated with intersex differences,” said National LGBTI Health Alliance board member Gina Wilson. “Tony is a wonderful example of how intersex people can overcome the devastating and unnecessary medical treatment meted out to so many intersex children, and go on to become champions of human rights and cultural diversity for everyone.”

Segway Does Gay Marriage The Right Way

The most recent development in the fight to keep same-sex marriage legal in New Hampshire comes from an unlikely source: Dean Kamen, the inventor of the Segway, has joined Standing Up for New Hampshire Families, a coalition for marriage equality.

Rick Perry Wrong, Also Doing It Wrong

Not only was Rick Perry’s campaign ad in which he implied he would defend oppressed and marginalized Evangelical Christians against gay-loving, Jesus-hating liberals offensive, but it was also maybe more than a little funny when you start looking at the details. By now, the internet has already taken notice that Rick Perry’s down-home working-class Carhartt jacket already made an appearance in Brokeback Mountain, but did you know that the background music was also written by a gay Jew? From Pam’s House Blend:

It turns out, a music major from Harvard was one of the first to notice it was composed by Aaron Copland, one of the most successful composers of the 20th century. Copland was an American born of Jewish Lithuanian immigrants in 1900. So, not only is the music in a pro-Christian, anti-gay ad written by a gay man, that composer was also Jewish.

Copland wasn’t just gay, he was flaming gay. He was famous for traveling and living openly with his much younger boy toys, flouting societal rules and disapproval. His relationships lasted only a few years, but he remained lifelong friends with many of his former lovers. Some of his most famous works include Billy the Kid and Fanfare for the Common Man.

Realistic Rom Coms

One of the many pleasures of the holiday season is the requisite 1-6 seasonal romantic comedies released to coincide with shopping season. While deciding which of them to avoid seeing, maybe enjoy this piece on the Rumpus of some more realistic romantic comedy situations for our time.

JANET: You know what they say, true love’s always just under your nose. Come on, let’s go out to a beautiful romantic spot in the West Village so I can take off my glasses and you can realize how beautiful I am.

COLIN: That’s like an hour on the N train! And why spend 12 bucks on a drink? Let’s just look under the futon mattress for change and get beer.

JANET: Whatever, I have to work at two of my three jobs tomorrow. I’m going to bed.

Janet walks to her room and goes to slam the door, until she remembers it’s only a curtain partitioning off the living room.

All Animal Everything

+ Tiny, sweater-wearing penguins!

+ Lesbian koalas steal the spotlight in an interview with Andy Roddick!

+ And, perhaps most importantly, the most seasonal holiday moment of all: a baby bat!

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1140 articles for us.


    • Yeah, I was going to say – those “bells” sound electronic, I’m pretty sure that’s just someone trying to imitate Copland.

  1. I can now add bats to my “list of animals I find adorable that my friends are scared of”.
    SO CUTE!

    • I have a list like that too! Bats were already on it. Also crows, snakes, rats, and for some reason, moths.

      That lil bat definitely made me cry a little.

  2. i possibly read “a baby bat” as “a baby hat” and skipped right over it, but thinking back i’m not sure why?

  3. I love that bat video, baby bats are so adorable. And I love that it’s name is Lil’ Drac, such a perfect bat name.

  4. i totally lost it when the bat started dangling from the person’s hand with one foot. how can one animal be so cute? they ‘re like tiny monkeys.

  5. I WANT A BABY FRUIT BAT TO ROCK ON MY FINGER! It’s so cute it hurts, also is it bad that I prefer baby animals to baby humans?

  6. I want to be a lesbian koala. Sleeping and hugging in trees all day. Eatin’ some leaves. That’s the way to live. But yeah, the link to the video didn’t work for me either. Maybe it got flagged as offensive by Rick Perry

  7. “[background music becoming louder and sadder]..and he rocks”

    d’awwwwwwwwww.. excuse me while i go bawl in the corner.

  8. Oh my god, the baby bat rocking himself after he’s fed… I actually have tears in my eyes. That was one of the sweetest/vaguely sad things I’ve ever seen. Oh wow. I can’t believe that. So cute.

  9. I loved it when the little bat was rocking and the brushing/scratching with his tiny foot. I don’t think I’m safe to talk for a couple of hours because I’m just going to CRY!!!!!

    And his wee translucent wing!

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