Happy Sunday sunbeams! How was your week? My week improved exponentially and it’s because I committed to a morning and nighttime mindfulness practice??? Sounds fake as fuck, but let me tell you: I asked myself “was today bad, or just unproductive?” and it completely fucked my whole view of myself up (in the best way possible). I’m realizing that I’ve been deciding that good days are directly related to my productivity ā a complete and utter lie that crapitalism tries to sell us! Do not buy it!
Instead of measuring the good/bad of your days based off your productivity, might I suggest hooking up to some free wi-fi at the public library, plugging in some headphones, and jamming out to Dolly Parton’s very own communist manifesto that’ll make you say, “Karl Marx whomst?!”Ā And then when you’re fired up, read up on some of the best good gay news of the week.
+ Okay, is crime good? No, I guess? But lesbian crime and divorce drama from space is honestly thrilling.
+ August 24th is Marsha P. Johnson’s birthday, and this petition needs your help to make it a national holiday!! It’s what she deserves!
+ Hundreds came out to celebrate Pride in Jackson, Michigan this year.
+ Hello yes Missy Elliott is finally getting the acclaim she deserves!!!Ā
+ Speaking of her acclaim, Missy released her first album in fourteen years and it is GOOD.
+ Lesbian TV and film sure does love a good (or bad) photo shoot scene.
+ A toast to Wine Wednesdays!!!
+ Finding identity without gender: a queer photographer’s journey.
+ *Internet popup voice*: Which queer TV superhero are you? Take this quiz to find out!
+ Syd and Adidas are teaming up thanks to Pharrell?
Bye friends, see you next week. Remember that your goodness is not based on your productivity, remember that you are loved, remember that you deserve happiness and peace and good friends and good food and to be able to do what you love. Even if that’s not your right now (it’s not always mine, I get it), don’t ever think you don’t deserve it.
*Natasha Bedingfield voice*: I love you I love you I love youuuu
Once again, “screaming affirmations at strangers” seems like the best way to run a portrait studio.
Saugatuck, Michigan also has a famous pride event. I’m glad Jackson is getting in on it, it’s mostly known as the place where the state’s prison is located. Pride in Detroit was so fun when I lived there! Damn I miss Michigan š
Al(aina) I just wanted to say thanks for your little end blurb. Sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve anything good and I don’t deserve friends or a girlfriend or to (hopefully) eventually move and get a job I love. I’ve been going through a rough patch lately and your words made me tear up. Sometimes you just need to hear someone tell you things will be okay.
New Missy is great!