Style Thief: How to Dress Like Riverdale’s Firey Maple Goddess Cheryl Blossom

Now that we’re thoroughly obsessed with Riverdale’s Cheryl Blossom, it’s time to become her. A little Victorian, a little gothic, a little boarding school preppy (with a dark edge), Cheryl Blossom’s aesthetic is complex yet consistent, anchored by reds in every shade and plenty of black. She understands the power of a statement piece (her many brooches), and she doesn’t give a fuck about school dress codes (if Riverdale High even has any). My fashion goal for 2018 is to start wearing more red in honor of everyone’s favorite strawberry milkshake-loving fire queen.

Let’s begin with some Blossom basics: glam-gothic accessories and bold makeup.

Essential Accessories

Carrying around a literal candelabra might be too difficult, but hey, if you want to fully commit to becoming Cheryl Blossom, I applaud you. For those a bit more concerned about fire safety, a candelabra necklace might be the way to go. The two most iconic anchors of Cheryl’s wardrobe are her black choker and her spider brooch. Both can take any outfit up several notches. When in doubt? Throw a fascinator/veil on. You’ll look unapproachable and alluring all at once, and that’s what being Cheryl Blossom is all about.

Essential Makeup

Other than her hair, Cheryl’s most recognizable feature are her lips, which perpetually burn bright red like the flames of Thornhill. Madelaine Petsch revealed in an interview that Cheryl wears two particular shades of Lime Crime matte lipsticks, but since Lime Crime is a super controversial company, I found some substitutes that’ll do the trick. Cheryl’s all about that matte red life, and she wears it almost too well. My mother once told me that if you wear a bold lip, you can’t also do bold eye makeup because it’s “too much,” and I subsequently ignored her misguided advice and never looked back. Cheryl Blossom, with her dramatic lipstick AND dramatic eye makeup, validates me. I’m all about Urban Decay’s shadow palettes, and the Naked Heat one has shades with names like Ember, Scorched, and Ashes, which makes me think it was made for Cheryl Blossom.

Now that we’ve covered some basics, let’s dig into some specific Cheryl looks that you can channel when living your best (and most dramatic) life.

The Sweetwater River Siren

1. Dress 2. Gloves 3. Belt

For when you want to help your twin brother Gone Girl himself. Add a white fascinator to channel Cheryl’s funeral look.

The Maple Heiress

1. Cape 2. Dress 3. Gloves

For when you need to tap a tree or look sultry in the woods.

The Hunter

For when you need to look sultry in the woods part two.

The Student Lounge Witch

For when you want to terrify your peers by constantly scheming and looking amazing while doing so. I am officially obsessed with cropped mocknecks. Here is a velvet option. Also, can we talk about this ridiculous student lounge?

The Thornhill Firestarter

For when you want to lounge around your house in outfits that make you look like you’re starring in lesbian vampire porn and/or for when you want to set things on fire. Go the floral robe option if you’re more into the time Cheryl cozied up to Polly before homecoming and go with the velvet robe option if you’re more into the time Cheryl had a “sleepover” with Veronica. Also, everyone needs a pair of heels that they just wear in bed, right?!

The River Vixen

For when you want to challenge your gal pal to a totally platonic dance-off.

Agent Of Chaos

For when you want to crash a party and make the most dramatic entrance possible.

Blossom Bonuses

Here are some very Cheryl Blossom items I came across in my meticulous (read: obsessive) research that didn’t necessarily fit into one of the above categories but you should be aware of nonetheless! (I can also see her wearing everything from this Sarah Paulson photoshoot/interview.) Go forth and wreak havoc, my lil vixens!

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Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya

Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya is the managing editor of Autostraddle and a lesbian writer of essays, fiction, and pop culture criticism living in Orlando. She is the former managing editor of TriQuarterly, and her short stories appear in McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, Joyland, Catapult, The Offing, The Rumpus, Cake Zine, and more. Some of her pop culture writing can be found at The A.V. Club, Vulture, The Cut, and others. When she is not writing, editing, or reading, she is probably playing tennis. You can follow her on Twitter or Instagram and learn more about her work on her website.

Kayla has written 992 articles for us.


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