Sing A Song Of Cats: Sarah Donner Answers Cat Questions In Song

The holidays are often a hard time for all of us, regardless of what holidays we do or don’t celebrate. It’s cold (at least in one hemisphere) and your family keeps wanting you to show up to things and they keep playing that really creepy version of “Baby It’s Cold Outside” where the female vocalist sounds like she’s 12 in the CVS closest to your apartment. It’s a time of year when we need to be nice to ourselves, and let ourselves indulge in the small things. For instance, instead of googling “how do I travel with my cat???”, why not let this pretty lady sing to you about it?

Ask a Cat Lady: Can I Travel with Cats? from Dogster/Catster on Vimeo.

Need to know how to get the cat pee smell out of your couch before your drunk racist aunt passes out on it? Oh hey, she can help with that too! I’m not going to say this video series will solve all your problems, but if “not knowing how to do some cat ownership stuff and/or not having anyone in your life to sing about it” is a problem of yours, then yes, this might be a good first step. Maybe the fact that I almost had a nervous breakdown trying to figure out which New York Times bestseller from a local independent bookstore my mom would like best means that my judgment right now is flawed. But on the other hand, a thousand different people are probably going to watch Love Actually this week. So sing away, Sarah Donner, and I will just sit here and bask in your dulcet voice, and also be glad that I ultimately made a kennel appointment for my cat because there is no way she would have been able to travel on a plane no matter how many songs you write about it.

(Originally from Catster, found via Buzzfeed)

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. Lucky you. My cat is a horrible traveler. She cries the entire trip, even if you try to drug her so she’ll sleep, she stays awake and cries the entire time.

  2. My cat keeps trying to hop into the car to go places with us. Doesn’t matter where, she loves car rides.

  3. You’re a gem! Thanks for sharing the music Rachel. Happy holidays to you and your kitties. xo sarah donner

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