Results for: tofu
Autostraddle Insider Issue Five: November 2014
This month we visit Club Drizzy, Heather gets punched in the face by a racist stranger at the airport, we pause to admire new merch, B wants to interview her not-ex-girlfriend and WHO WILL BE THE BUTT OF OUR GENERATION?
25 Ways To Get Peas Out of Their Pods and Into Your Mouth
Peas! Nature’s tiniest candy. Like nature’s Nerds, I guess.
10 Things You Can Do to Cook Like a Champ: Not-So-Secret Secrets From America’s Best Cook
Cooking food that is delicious and beautiful isn’t really that hard. Here’s ten tips to help you out!
Orange is the New Black 203: Don’t Trust A Bitch With Funfetti
The Prodigal Daughter of White Trojan Horsery has returned to Litchfield, minus her bespectacled toxic popsicle and plus a newer harder attitude. What adventures await our little vanilla wafer? Time can only tell, inmating ritualists.
22 Ways To Eat Soba Noodles Forever
For the week ahead: a whole bunch of ways to eat soba noodles, because soba noodles are delicious.
Wilder Hungers: Getting Cozy with Miso Noodle Bowls
It’s freezing. I’m freezing, and I know you probably are too – unless you live in a magic warm state in which case, JEALOUS.
Queer Girl City Guide: Durham, North Carolina
Welcome to Durham, North Carolina. Come for graduate school; stay forever.
40 Ways to Eat Your Greens In A House With A Mouse
No salads, no smoothies allowed.
BREAKING: Beyoncé and Jay-Z Announce Temporary Vegan Diet, Queers Rejoice
“This is basically all I’ve wanted all my life,” Rachel Kincaid, Senior Editor of Autostraddle, told me.
Wilder Hungers: Next Level Sauces and No Joke Peanut Butter Sriracha Cookies
Eight delicious condiments you need to buy now, my mommy’s chimichurri, and you have to trust me about these cookies.
DIYke: Hanging Flower Vase and Iced Chai Latte
Spice up your vases and your lattes.
“The Fosters” Episode 111 Recap: Where In The World Is Callie Sandiego?
Relationships are no picnic… but wait! Maybe they are!
24 Incredible Personal Essays We Published This Year
We told so many amazing stories this year, we really gave Storytelling Time in kindergarten a run for its money.
Get Baked: Garlicky Vegan Pesto
How to make one of the greatest foods of all time.
Get Baked: You Can Never Have Too Many Mangoes
When it’s you against the mangoes, you have to eat your way out.
How My Motherhood Made My Mother Accept My Lesbianism
She didn’t say “I have suspected this for years and I still love you.” It went more like a Scared Straight kind of thing but instead of scaring me about drugs and a life of crime, she wanted to scare me straight, straight. “Just Say No to Lesbianism” straight.
Ode to My Pantry: Dumpling Wrappers
Bet you didn’t realize you could use wonton wrappers to make LASAGNA IN A JAR.
Straddler On The Street: Grace from Best Day Project
“…I questioned whether or not Autostraddle is a lesbian cult and if it isn’t, how I’m going to deal with my like peaking.” Want to know the context of this sentiment? You need to read this interview and meet Grace.
Ode to My Pantry: Soy Foods
I bet you have soy feelings. Why not let them out in limerick form for Soypreciation Month?
Kate’s College Lesbianage: School’s (Not) Out For Summer!
It might be June, but Kate’s still in school – in England! She’s spending her rainy summer days memorizing Shakespeare and sorting through ancient books.