Results for: tofu
23 No-Mess Snacks For Board Game Night
23 one-hand, no-mess snacks for game night that will have your friends full and your board games clean as a whistle.
View From The Top: Polka Dots, Packing, and Protocol
We started to turn the top/bottom dynamics in our sex life into 24/7 dominance/submission. It was highly negotiated, mutually consensual, and extremely hot.
22 Recipes to Make You Fall in Love with Nopales aka Cacti
I need to learn how to cook these motherf*ckers, because I’m just totally and completely intrigued by their prickly exteriors and absolutely delicious spirits.
The Fosters Episode 312 Recap: O True Apothecary
Stef’s not dying of her cancer. Yet.
44 Sweet and Savory Ways to Eat Coconut Immediately
This is a coconut-macaroon-free zone.
Grill This Sh*t: 39 Outside-the-Box Grill Recipes
Much like its introverted indoor cousin, the crock pot, a BBQ grill can cook a whole lot of exciting and unexpected stuff beyond hot dogs and hamburgers.
40 Recipes That Are Too Hot To Handle
Grab a glass of water and stay a while; it’s gonna be a wild ride.
The Autostraddle Insider: Issue 19, January 2016
“It was like throwing a tennis ball at a wall and expecting it to bounce back but against all odds it gets stuck in the bricks.”
Faking It Episode 219 Recap: You’re Not That Kind Of Girl OR ARE YOU
This week on Faking It, the world decides to have a party at Lauren and Amy’s house and nobody brought finger-foods, just beer. It was okay. A lot of stuff happened. You should probably read this.
The Perfect Breakfast Sandwich: A Personal Journey, A Shared Triumph
Now you can benefit from my quest for the perfect weekday breakfast sandwich, with options for vegans and not-vegans alike.
45 Magical Mushroom Recipes for Fungus-Loving Foodies
Mouthwatering ways to get mushrooms into your life for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert! Yes, dessert.
Some Answers to Some Things You’ve Been Asking Us #5
“Right now I’m working on my astral projection skills and I think that should speed things along.”
Get Baked: The Great Autostraddle Babe-B-Q Cookbook
Rachel, Aja, Kaitlyn, Carmen, and Geneva whipped up some totally kick-ass sauces, drinks, appetizers, and entrees for you that are best enjoyed on picnic benches and on paper plates next to a crackling set of coals.
40 Noodle Recipes Because Seriously, Who Isn’t Excited About Noodles, They’re Great
Whether sauced, fried, floating in soup, mixed with vegetables and proteins or delightfully minimalist, they’re never unwelcome.
100 Leafy Salad Recipes that Aren’t Just for Silly Wabbits
Here’s some inspiration for how to chomp down on lettuce, cabbage, herbs, and a lot of the amazing shit Mother Earth gave you ’cause she loves you.
Wilder Hungers: Tropical March Madness and Spicy Tofu Kimchi Stew
I just came back from my native island where I took a much needed mini vacation — without further ado, welcome to Wilder Hungers tropical edition!
35 Easy Breakfast Recipes for a Top-Notch Morning
Rise & shine, babes! I made you breakfast. Jk, but here are a bunch of recipes to jump-start your day.
The Autostraddle Insider: Issue Fifteen, September 2015
“In other, lighter news I want to share with everyone that there is a segment of a hot dog on the section of our roof that we can see from the bedroom window.”
A-Camp 6.0 Recamps Part Four: Don’t Believe Me Just Watch
“Nothing better than this concert has ever happened. EVER. I saw Boyz II Men in 1994 and this was FORTY THOUSAND TIMES BETTER.”
Interview With My Ex-Girlfriend: Mila
“I sent you a text overnight like, “I know this has been really hard but I’m gonna be home soon and I love you and it’s gonna be OK.” I woke up and you were like, “I can’t be your girlfriend,” and I… I was just blindsided.”