Results for: straight people watch
Be The Change: Love Without Power Will Never Bring Justice
Let’s let love win, but not let love be our only strategy. Why we need to understand love and power together to win intersectional justice for all.
“Wynonna Earp” Episode 210 Recap: Haught Damn
There are now four queer women on this show and none of them are dead!
Pretty Little Liars Episode 711 Recap: A Baby Born in a Madhouse
Paige and Ali and Emily are caught in a decade-old love triangle that’s still got teeth.
A “Wynonna Earp” Netflix Binge Is The Gay Light You Need In This Cold, Dark World
The kickass queer, feminist, supernatural horror western that stole our hearts last year is finally on Netflix. Get caught up before season two starts in June!
“Almost Adults” Is a Cute Lesbian Movie to Add to the Very Short List of Actually Good Lesbian Movies
Almost Adults isn’t perfect, but there’s a lot to love about a film that sidesteps so many traditional lesbian movie tropes. (Including: No one dies!)
How My Dad’s Dirty Magazines Shaped My Queer Sexuality
My dad’s motorcycle magazines weren’t inherently pornographic; they were mostly actually about motorcycles. But beautiful, scantily clad women were pictured posing on them. And those women became an obsession.
8 Books Featuring Asian and Pacific Islander Queer Women
Looking for clearly queer Asian and Pacific Islander women in fiction? Look no further.
Pretty Little Liars Episode 717 Recap: Jealous or Crazy?
None of us have ever deserved Mona Vanderwaal.
The “Supergirl” Musical Crossover Cemented Its White Bread Mon-El Problem
Do we really need another reminder, on what’s supposed to be one of the most feminist shows on TV, that straight white guys get everything they want (including the literal best girl) just because they feel like they deserve it? Isn’t reading the news every day reminder enough?
“When We Rise” Is What The World Needs Now, Especially You
ABC has dedicated eight primetime hours to a sweeping miniseries charting LGBT history from the ’70s ’til a few years ago and it’s pretty great except for the bad wigs.
The Autostraddle Insider: Issue 34, April 2017
“i feel like one of the best parts of getting older is learning new and surprising things about yourself, like how hot older slytherin women are”
PHOTO GALLERY: Queer on a Friday Night
It’s another community gallery! What were we all up to on those March Friday nights? I’ll tell you, it did involve some cute cocktails.
Boob(s on Your) Tube: Ten Entire Lesbian and Bisexual Women Canoodled on TV This Week
Arizona and Minnick finally made out, Sara smooched Guinevere in Camelot, Eleanor and Max had a heart-to-heart, and who even knows what the heck happened on How to Get Away With Murder’s season three finale.
Here’s What Happened When I Did All The Verbs From The L Word Theme Song In One Day
Talking, laughing, loving, breathing, spiraling, existential dreading…
Into The A+ Advice Box #2: The OLDEST Queer Gal Problem In The Book
In which the whole team gets together to answer your pressing questions on topics including being never kissed, living in the suburbs, fashion tips for a trans woman with Cerebral Palsy, getting back into the dating game, starting a freelance career and so much more!
Meet One Day at a Time’s Lesbian Writers, Becky Mann and Michelle Badillo
We talked to One Day at a Time writers, Becky Mann and Michelle Badillo, about gay representation on TV, how Autostraddle came to be in the script, their queer TV roots, what kind of LGBT stories are missing from TV and what’s in store for Elena in a potential next season.
Once More With Feeling: A “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” 20th Birthday Roundtable
Buffy is a queer rite of passage. Everybody’s got a Buffy story. These are some of ours.
We’ll Have Sex Again, I Promise
The joke was that we had to have sex before the election, because if Donald Trump won, I never wanted to be touched again. It was a joke. A joke.
Rachel Maddow Proves, Once Again, That America Prefers Asinine Bluster Over Brilliant Women
We don’t want context, history, expertise; we want a Hunger Games-style bloodbath we can understand and react to in a single tweet. Sad! Bad! Mad! We proved it again last night.
Some Answers to Some Things You’ve Been Asking Us #12
You’re an outrageous miracle! I am so fucking glad you ate a sandwich!