Results for: straight people watch
Romi, Sara & Alyssa Tell All: Real L Word’s Whitneyhouse Does The Autostraddle Interview
Wanna know the true origin of “The Power of the Clam” or the names and breeds of Whitney’s five dogs? Of course you do. Jess lifts the veil on Whitney’s main bitches: Romi, Sara and the Real L Word’s voice of reason: her roommate Alyssa.
Jersey Shore Boys Cover Village Voice’s Queer Issue: ‘Guidos’ Got PUNKED
The Village Voice has an intriguing cover for their Queer Issue — we outline some of our more major confusions on the issue. Also, Chicago loves Nat Garcia and so do we, Lady Gaga fashion update, Gawker is there for those straight people trying to make it through Pride, one brave girl blogger takes on Seventeen Magazine, and one writer discusses how she manages marriage while bisexual.
It’s Time for HEY! Did You See That Comment Friday? The Special Coupon Edition
Hello. Have you done your duty as a gay person and molested your obligatory 117 people yet? Don’t worry, we’re offering a special deal where you can cash in your comment award and have that number reduced by 10 people. Just like the games at Chuck E. Cheese! We’re just here to help.
Real L Word 103: A Long Episode’s Journey Into Valentine’s Day or “Bromance”
The day the music died.
Jane Lynch Can Do No Wrong & Everybody Knows It, Including Emmys, Outfest, Madame Tussauds
It’s Sunday Funday, and Jane Lynch is doing no wrong like it’s going out of style. What else is new? Well actually Angelina has a new tattoo, Staceyann Chin has a new one-woman show, and Angel from RENT might have some really good news in the form of a possible HIV vaccine in the forseeable future.
Why We Have an Open Relationship: A Dialogue on Queer Polyamory for Lesbians
Do you have a girlfriend? That’s fine. I also have a girlfriend. But I think you’re cute, and you think I’m cute, and let’s not waste all this cuteness and attraction just because we both have girlfriends. I’m sorry, did that come off a little harsh? It wasn’t supposed to. It’s just what a conversation might sound like in a world where monogamy wasn’t the norm. Contrary to popular belief, monogamy and fidelity are not one in the same. Take it from two lesbians – real lesbians – who have both been in serious relationships, both open and exclusive, and are still trying to figure out what exactly that means.
You Guys, Let’s Be Real, The Real L Word Sucked
How I Turned Straight Actors into Badass Butch Queers in Three Days Flat
Gabrielle Rivera wanted an all-queer cast for her first short film. When she ended up with straight girls in her three butch/AG leads she found herself giving them a crash-course in abandoning gender norms, taking up space and playing gay. And then everything changed, forever.
Women Are Dirty Bisexuals, Men Are Just Dirty. Or Gay. Or Straight.
Gawker wants to know where the bisexual men are at. Silly Gawker, don’t they know there’s a double standard preventing men from ever having a sexuality in a grey area?
8 Nerdy Ways to Mend Your Broken Heart
Need some (healthy) summertime escapism? Did you get dumped, get distance or are you just pining for your crush on that massive open thread still? Kim’s got 8 cures for heartache and heartbreak, none of which involve the bottom of a bottle. Mostly they involve the Discovery Channel, Buffy and some retro games, of course.
Samantha Ronson is Open to Lindsay Lohan Reunion, Boys, Writing a Novel
Samantha Ronson never wants to talk about her relationship with Lindsay Lohan nearly as much as we do. Also, she’s not gay, she’s an “equal opportunity player.” The more you know…
Real L Word #104 Recap: Gambling with Love & Lesbian Sex
What is lesbian sex? The Real L Word Episode 104, “Gambling with Love,” asks this question and many others. Luckily we made a flowchart & recapped the episode, because that’s what lesbian sex means to us.
Audiostraddle Weekly: Katy Perry Annoys Us, Eminem Doesn’t Care About Your Homogayness
New videos from Katy Perry, OK Go, MGMT, and Weezer, new tracks from M.I.A. and Brandon Flowers, Ice Cube performs “Straight Outta Compton” with The Roots, Drake starts a riot, Eminem talks about his gay-bashing lyrics and AMalbum previews from The Chemical Brothers, Stars, and Macy Gray.
Before “The Real L Word” – 11 Lesbian & Bisexual Reality TV Stars We Love
Before Rose, Jill, Nikki, Tracy, Mikey and Whitney, we had Genesis Moss, Aneesa Ferriera, Kim Stolz and so many more! A look at some of our favorite lesbian & bisexual women from reality TV. Who are your favorites?
I Don’t Care About The Future
Hey did you hear that Lady Gaga is thinking about possibly considering maybe ordering the chicken over the fish? No? Because I did! And guess what: ignoring this bullshit is the best possible way I can do my job.
Real L Word #105 Recap: Free Pass (To Do What I Want)
Episode 105 of “The Real L Word” was all about blinds and sex and wedding dresses and space. Also, the salsa and Nat Garcia and lucky dogs and Celesbianism, which is like lesbianism for the stars. IN OUTER SPACE.
Even in Canada! Did Toronto F*ck Up Gay Pride?
If you thought there wasn’t room for one more controversy to sweep Toronto, well, you were wrong. This officially marks the first time ever we haven’t wanted to move to Canada. Also: Judith Butler turns down an award, bisexuality gets surveyed, gay marriage in NY and the lives of gay youths.
Chely Wright on Ellen: Why We Love Watching Out Celebs Meet Ellen DeGeneres
Chely Wright was interviewed last week on Ellen, gets teary, talks about Ellen’s Mom, and we take a look at why Ellen’s show has been so important for out celebs, and why Ellen, like Oprah, succeeds because of her “outsider” status, not in spite of it. Everyone is having a fabulous time this Sunday Funday! Librarians are covering Lady Gaga songs while she’s hanging around British pubs, Neil Patrick Harris is surprising his boyfriend with awesome parties, a brief gay pride parade happens successfully in Moscow, the “first modern lesbian” will get her time in the spotlight, and Gawker would like to talk to you about prescription medication.
Why Lesbians & ‘Queer-Radical Types’ Won’t Object to “The Kids Are All Right”
Jezebel investigates Salon’s claim that lesbians and “queer radicals” might not like “The Kids are All Right” and that the movie “isn’t made for us.” But despite the dude-on-lady love hinted at in the trailer, all the queer radicals we know really loved it! (We’re talking about Julie Goldman, basically)
“Pretty Little Liars” Recap 101 & 102: Just the Lesbian Parts & Our Feelings
First we get real deep, and then we get real funny. It’s Autostradle’s first recap of ABC Family’s new show “Pretty Little Liars,” which features a probs-lesbian protagonist named Emily. You should probably read this recap. Just for funsies.