Results for: straight people watch
So You Think Your Girlfriend Might be a Lesbian: Words for a Straight Guy
Are you a straight guy? Do you wonder if your girlfriend might be a lesbian? I have some things to say to you that may or may not help. Lots of over-sharing.
Pretty Little Liars 114: Careful What U Wish 4, U Mite Have 2 Recap This Episode 3 Days Late
MTV’s Skins USA Apparently Awesome, “Tea” Apparently Awesomest Lesbian Character Ever
Critics say MTV’s Skins USA’s resident lesbian ‘Tea’ is “the most original character out of the entire cast” and “unlike anything seen on American television” and “authentic in a TV world full of manufactured gay teens”
Everybody Hurts
Not all gay kids are depressed — and not all straight kids are happy. In The New York Times’ “Gay or Straight, Teenagers Aren’t So Different,” experts discuss new research and make salient points. This whole thing reminds me of “Pump up the Volume.”
Johnny Weir is Gay, Officially
Johnny Weir finally comes out / wants the world to know that he’s a big queer/has a new book coming out, James Franco is totally cool with you thinking he’s gay, Lady Gaga performs “Someone to Watch Over Me” and the People’s Choice Awards were so gay last night.
Gay Ex-Newsweek Writer Finds a Third Way to Make a Bad Point About Gay Actors
Ramin Setoodeh returns to his exalted position as Worst Person of the (Gay) (News)Week.
OMFG What Happened to Prop 8 And Gay Marriage Today?
Confused by what happened in California today? Don’t worry, so is everyone else.
Johnny Weir Talks Dirty Gay Details On Howard Stern (FULL AUDIO)
Required listening for Johnny Weir fans. Find out why Johnny can’t relate to Kurt on Glee and get all the dirty details of his sex life via Howard Stern.
Golden Globes 2011: Radical Gay Feminist Agenda Has Taken Over Hollywood
Let’s enjoy this fine American moment together as a family, please.
DeAnne Smith and the Lesbian Invasion
“It’s weird being, like, the fourth lesbian couple to walk into a restaurant.”
The Belated Best/Worst Everything of 2010
The final word on 2010 as seen through the eyes and hearts of nine lesbians and one cisgender-privileged heterosexual dog.
Laurel Holloman Would Make Bette Porter Swoon, Too: The Autostraddle Interview
Jess chats with Laurel about her emerging art career, the controversy over The Kids Are All Right, her iconic lesbian roles as Tina and Randy Dean, what TV shows she’d love to be on, whether she’ll act again and much more! Plus, come face to face with Laurel and her artwork at The Dinah this Spring!
Formspring Friday: Save a Lesbian For Less Than the Cost of a Cup of Coffee
Advice time! Time for advice! We need you to give all of these girls advice! We trust you and think you’re all very wise, so.
BREAKING: Oprah Still Isn’t a Lesbian
Can’t two women be besties in this town without everyone thinking they’re making out? So over it. Let’s talk this out.
New Year’s OPEN THREAD and “Resolution” Party
Are you (thinking about maybe) changing your life in 2011? Tell us about it.
Courtney Trouble Wants to Turn You On: The Autostraddle Interview
Where the hell had Courtney Trouble been all my life?
“Everybody Knows John Travolta is Gay”
Basically this one time I said that John Travolta was gay and SOMEBODY was like “No he isn’t,” and I was like YES HE IS and now Carrie Fisher has said that he is so it’s true now which means I win. Is this tacky. Should we not talk about John Travolta being gay.
The 26-Track Soundtrack to Your Big Gay Awakening
A soundtrack for your life. A life soundtrack, if you will.
NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Has A Lot of Feelings, Needs Your Advice
“You mentioned earlier sex after lots of boxed wine…”
Skins UK Remembrance Day: Our 10 Favorite Skins Scenes
What’s your favorite scene from the original Skins? Better decide now ’cause the US version starts TONIGHT, potentially changing everything forever.