Results for: straight people watch
Recruiting All Homos: One Small Step for Boxer Briefs, One Giant Leap for Butch Kind
“I start unbuttoning my shirt, but can’t really decide on a way to make getting undressed in this space any less uncomfortable, so I just drop my pants.”
Glee Episode 501 Recap: Love Love Love Gay Love
Welcome back to the wonderful world of Glee, where boys tongue-kiss each other at school!
“Orange Is The New Black” Episode 109 Recap: The One Where They Finally Do It
Indeed, they are lesbianing together.
Michelle Rodriguez Coming Out Bisexual Is A Big Deal
We’ve come a long way from, “if I wanted people to know what I do with my vagina, I would have released a sex video a long time ago.”
Straddler On The Street: Emily G.
Emily talks about the badass A-Camp tumblr she runs and her camp feelings, her incredible rainbow hair, and how she wants to collaborate with all of you power queer Straddlers.
Autostraddle Calendar Girls 2014: Katie is Miss August
“I came out to bosses and people I had just met and guys who hit on me and former boyfriends and doctors and professors and relatives and Facebook and even the grocery store cashiers. I wanted to assert myself, my identity.”
Pretty Little Liars Recap 411: Going Down on the Hoe
This week in Rosewood, Emily and Paige queer a hoedown! That’s right, it’s girls dancing together in plaid and cowboy boots!
Also.Also.Also: This Indie Gay Country Song Went Viral and Other Stories We Missed This Week
A different kind of camp, a book you’ll want to pre-order, a victory for trans* people in the workplace, and LESBIANS.
Fuck “Burqa Swag”: Why Lady Gaga and I Are Never, Ever, Ever Getting Back Together
This shit is bogus and fucked up.
GaymerX Is The Gaming Convention Made For Queers, But Important For Everyone
They had to show gamers why something like this needed to exist. More than that, they had to show the world why something like this needed to exist.
NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Will Take You To Brunch
This week on NSFW Sunday: a better online dating profile, lesbian vocabulary, sex scandals and more.
Orange Is The New Black 101: And There Are Lesbians
Lesbian criminals who are members of an international drug cartel, what the fuck else is up.
Guilty Pleasures, Girl Power, and Jamie Babbit: The Autostraddle Interview
We talk about being a queer filmmaker, guilty pleasure movies, and the complicated politics of sex scenes.
How Do We Solve A Problem Like “Queerbaiting”?: On TV’s Not-So-Subtle Gay Subtext
Once upon a time, gay subtext was a revolutionary act in media. But is it still all that progressive?
Pretty Little Liars Recap 412: Now You See Me, Now Someone Needs to Explain What I Saw
This week we’re promised a million big reveals and something called World War A. Also Emily and Paige have a sleepover. You can guess which part I’m more excited about.
Let’s Celebrate Our First Sunday Funday In A Post-DOMA World
Yes, we need to keep working. But can we fuckin’ party for a second please.
Straddler On The Street: Marika
If you have read Autostraddle even once, it’s likely that you’ve seen some of Marika’s brilliance in the comment section. She is one of our most frequent commenters, and she was kind enough to chat with me about science, hammocks, food, and family.
Lez Liberty Lit #25: War and Peach
This week in lit links: book-inspired ice cream, why “women’s stories” aren’t the same as stories about women’s lives, writing gay YA in Russia and more.
Orange is the New Black: 7 Things We Should Talk About
It’s important to be super fucking aware of why this show resonates so deeply with people, and I wanna know what y’all think. [SPOILER ALERT: all the spoilers]
A Prairie Homo Does New York: Moving at the Speed of New York
Some may call this need for speed insanity, others call it energy. I’m not sure how I feel because…feelings? Who has time for feelings?