Results for: straight people watch
“I Am Britney Jean” Is The Christmas Present I Always Wanted
“For some reason this movie really wants us to know that sometimes Britney and Jamie Lynn have wrestling matches and Jamie Lynn always wins. Picture that for a minute. Now move on.”
Janet Mock Redefines Realness: The Autostraddle Interview
“I think the biggest thing for me is the plug-in to this amazing trans* and queer community that’s out there that’s been doing this work that’s, I think, at a point where it’s really ready to take the lead from people who live in many multiplicities.”
Star Trek N00b, Episode 1: The Cage (of Forced Heterosexuality)
“The Talosians realize that Pike isn’t sold, and try to seduce him with a bizarre harem illusion with Vina as a green exotic dancer. Dayum, Pike. You’ve got some weird fantasies.”
Pretty Little Liars Episode 415 Recap: Love Shackin’ Up
In which Emily spends some quality time in bed with Alison and we return to Aria’s love shack only to discover shocking news about Hanna’s past hookups.
American Horror Story 309 Recap: The Yankee Eyeball Swap
Is this show ridiculous? Of course! Am I at all interested in watching TV shows that DON’T feature a talking severed head of Kathy Bates? NOPE NOPE NOPASAURUS REX!
GLAAD’s “Where We Are On TV” Shows Best Place To Be On TV Is Behind The Camera
“Where We Are On TV” has some promising and not-so-promising numbers for queer women on the teevee, and also raises some questions about how we quantify “representation” in the first place for all groups.
Once Upon A Time 311: Compulsive Heterosexuality and Queer Temporality
What do you do when your harddrive’s overcome with cheap Disney porn? You reboot that shit! And in the meantime, let’s throw every emotion possible at our characters and audience. Emotions you didn’t know you still had in your little gay body!
Skittle-Infused Vodka: Taste the Rainbow!
The gayest vodka drink on the block.
New Year’s OPEN THREAD 2014: Braver / Bolder Edition
Here’s how we’re gonna be brave and bold in the new year. What about you?
On Navigating the Unexpected Death of a Queer Friend
“You may have lost someone who may have meant different things to you than they did to other people, but at the end of the day you know who they were to you, and perhaps what they meant to your community of queers.”
Everyone is Tired of White People on TV
There is now data that suggests viewers are more likely to watch shows with racially diverse casts and writing staffs. Imagine that.
Top 15 Mostly Queer Most Critterish Humans Of All Time
A critter is someone who does things that normal people do in a way cuter than the average person.
Autostraddle’s Favorite LGBT TV Characters Of 2013
Autostraddle’s television writers on their favorite lezalicious, bisexual, queer and trans* ladies on the 2013 teevee!
Queered Science: Jeremy Yoder, Allison Mattheis and Surveying Queers in STEM
Jeremy Yoder and Allison Matthies gathered data in a nationwide survey of sexual diversity in science, technology, engineering and math professions called Queer in Stem and answered some questions about their results.
Pretty Little Liars Episode 416 Recap: Closeted Encounters
This one’s for all the Emily/Ali fans out there. Here’s some fuel for your fanfics.
Teach Me Your Ways: The Teachers Who Helped Make Us Queer
Many of us were lucky enough to have teachers who didn’t make us queer as such, but they did help make it a little easier on us, sometimes even before we knew it about ourselves. Here’s to them.
Also.Also.Also: Sara Quin Has A Lot of Feelings But She Was Bound 2, and Other Stories We Missed This Week
What if we’re all wrong about Kanye West? What if we’ll never understand him. What if he and I share a soul.
American Horror Story 301 Recap: Bitchcraft
Go out to your local Halloween store, buy a overpriced plastic witch’s hat, and prepare to hold the fuck onto it!
If You Love Beets And You Know It, Clap Your Red-Stained Hands
How could you not love a vegetable that makes you think you got a UTI?
Also.Also.Also: Ramming Lesbian Girl Scout Cookies Down Your Throat and Other Stories We Missed This Week
The weed fairy’s coming, Colorado’s in the doghouse, and there’s a straight chick making a living as a male model. Or something like that. I was too busy licking the lesbianism off of my Samoas, actually.