Results for: straight people watch
Top Five Tools In My Baby Dyke Survival Kit
“Some days, I really just needed to curl up in a cozy plaid jacket and have all the homo feelings.”
Lumberjanes Launches TODAY! Grace Ellis and Shannon Watters Are Spilling Their Guts
I figuratively locked Grace Ellis and Shannon Watters in a dark room and made them talk a little bit about their creative process in celebration of today’s AMAZING launch. Also: preview art!
And Now, Every Character From “Orange Is The New Black” As They Appear On “Law And Order”
There is no tradition more time-honored than playing the role of a random New Yorker who discovers a corpse in Central Park on an episode of Law and Order.
Our Willow, Ourselves
Is Willow’s insistence on identifying as gay, not bi, a biphobic or bi-erasing gesture? Or is she actually something separate, something more progressive and interesting than bi erasure – a strong, dynamic character whose sexual orientation is genuinely fluid?
MTV’s New Fake Lesbian Show “Faking It” Makes Me So Confused
On April 22, MTV will be premiering a new comedy about two girls who pretend to be lesbians together in order to get popular at school. Needless to say, this has me very confused.
Five Girls You Will Bring Home In Your Twenties
“Her dog is super cool, though. You think you might still be sleeping with her because her dog is so goshdarn awesome.”
Orphan Black Episode 204 Recap: Governed As It Were By Chance
Felix describes Cosima and Delphine as “locked in a transgressive lesbian geek spiral bound to end in tears.” Little does he know he just described every lesbian relationship ever in the history of womankind.
“Faking It” Episode 101 Recap: Let’s Be Lesbians
In the first episode of “Faking It,” two girls are mistaken for a lesbian couple and they sort of just run with it.
Getting Health Insurance: A Thing You Have A Few More Days To Do
“It hadn’t hit me until then how awful it had felt to be without insurance — like my life and health had been worth less than other people in this country. I didn’t even know how much of that I’d internalized until I had the stupid little card in my hand, and when it all went away.”
FRIDAY OPEN THREAD: Are You the Next Host of ‘Late Show’?
This is an OPEN THREAD for you to talk about anything and everything. Come on in, the water’s non-existent.
Also.Also.Also: Uh Huh Her is Googling Stand Your Ground Laws and Other Stories We Missed This Week
Marissa Alexander needs to be free, Google needs to stop blocking the word ‘bisexual,’ and you need to see this cute pic of Shane.
Fool’s Journey: Starting A Tarot Journal And What The Heck To Put In It
Unless you have the memory of an elephant and/or for some reason Don’t Like Journals (methinks you might be on the wrong website) then you’re gonna want to be recording your adventures as you learn and develop as a tarot reader.
Faking It 105 Episode Recap: We’re Not Acting Like Lesbians, We’re Acting Like Best Friends
Last week I was on a mountain with no internet! So welcome to your very very overdue “Faking It” recap, just in time for tonight’s episode.
In Spring Love With These Three Books, Latinas in Media and Sister Spit
“Go see weirdos and women and everyone living on the fabulous fringes of society doing things, please. I’ll go with you. We can take all our boos, cats, and brujas on a communal date.”
Also.Also.Also: Melissa Harris-Perry and Beyoncé Could Kick Every Stupid Republican’s Butt and Other Stories We Missed This Week
Did you know that this week is the week where I ate multiple meals via finger foods? Here’s the stories we missed while I was opening another box of crackers.
Top Five Fictional Female Stoners
These ladies have a standing invitation to the smoke circle of my heart.
OPEN THREAD: 2014 MTV Movie Awards Live Blog!
This is a train wreck.
Glee Episode 515 Recap: Bash Me In The Belly
The good news is that Mercedes is back, the bad news is that Kurt got gay-bashed.
Orphan Black Episode 203 Recap: Mingling Its Own Nature With It
While Sarah seems extremely comfortable roughing it up and peeing in the woods, Felix equates camping with being homeless in the country. Obviously he’s never been to A-Camp.
Everybody F*cking Hates Tinder And We Are All Going To Die Alone
I can’t say any of us were thrilled to sign up, but we knew what we had to do: we had to sign up for a dating app and prepare to meet a lot of ladies… for science.