Results for: straight people watch
“Faking It” Returns August 31st: 10 Things To Expect From Season 2B
“Faking It” returns August 31st, and everybody is still lying, just about different stuff. (Also: SPOILER ALERT)
This Powerful Multilingual Campaign Features Asian Parents Who Love Their LGBT Kids
The videos each demonstrate the love, support and willingness of APIA parents to publicly speak about their LGBT children.
Faking It Episode 219 Recap: You’re Not That Kind Of Girl OR ARE YOU
This week on Faking It, the world decides to have a party at Lauren and Amy’s house and nobody brought finger-foods, just beer. It was okay. A lot of stuff happened. You should probably read this.
Menu For My Date With Lamia: Five Hearty Homemade Soups
She looked me up and down and told me I had magnificent hair. So I told her she had a beautiful tail. She told me she liked my scar. I told her I liked her, and would she like to have dinner with me sometime? “Yesss,” she replied. The following evening she came to my apartment and I fed her five different homemade soups.
Boob(s On Your) Tube: Jane the Virgin Is Back and as Kickass as Ever
Grandfathered is still making us soft, what the hell is even happening on American Horror Story, Mimi returns to Empire & more!
Mo Welch and Dannielle Owens-Reid Are Making Lesbian Webseries Magic with Plus One
“If someone had been like, “You are going to write a thing and it’s going to be fully produced and you are gonna star in it and it’s gonna be really good,” I would’ve been like, nah.”
Faking It Episode 213 Recap: Survey Says “Lesbian”
This week on “Faking It,” Reagan wants one thing, Amy wants another thing, Karma wants something else, Lauren wants a different thing but also a similar thing, and I want an iced tea. Unsweetened!
Lost Loves and Missed Connections: The Mixtape
It’s lovely and strange how a song can cast light on memories of people you haven’t thought about in years, can press urgently on that soft sad spot we carry for our past.
Pretty Little Liars Episode 609 Recap: Drunk In Love
Pretty Little Prom is a Pretty Little Disaster.
Orange Is the New Black Episode 311 Recap: I Can Do Breaking Bad All By Myself
Piper and Alex break up, Pennsatucky breaks down, and Ms. Rosa makes a cameo!
Boob(s On Your) Tube: Barbara Is a Better Bisexual Psycho on “Gotham,” “Steven Universe” Does It Again And More Queer TV
Also, M-Chuck befriends a pregnant 12-year-old on Survivor’s Remorse, Bo and Lauren make out some more on Lost Girl, and Carmilla and Laura need to GET IT TOGETHER.
Fan Fiction Friday: Jane the Virgin Stories, an Interview With a Fan Fic Pro and Even More Fandom Delights
Welcome to the all-new Fan Fiction Friday, now with even more features and fandom celebrations!
Anonymous Sex Toy Review: The Magic Wand Is Now Rechargeable
I was barely trying to come when the Magic Wand just sort of pulled multiple orgasms out of me. (I don’t usually have multiple orgasms.)
Rebel Girls: This Is What A Lavender Menace Looks Like
By the time straight women of the second wave had caught up to the times, queer women had already f*cked up their movement — and built one all their own.
Orange Is the New Black Episode 312 Recap: The World is a Vampire
After eleventy hundred years of being pregnant, Daya finally has her baby.
The Autostraddle Insider: Issue Fifteen, September 2015
“In other, lighter news I want to share with everyone that there is a segment of a hot dog on the section of our roof that we can see from the bedroom window.”
Things I Read That I Love #179: I Would Have You Be A Conscious Citizen Of This Terrible and Beautiful World
Topics include lithium, a terrible cult, Taylor Swift, immigrant detention, Ta-Nehisi Coates’ letter to his son, LGBT Pride and The Awl.
Boob(s On Your) Tube: The Lesbians on “Hannibal” and “Defiance” Made It Out Alive!
Plus, Survivor’s Remorse returns, Audrey is still not dead on “Scream,” and we’re diving deep with Carmilla.
Love & Canada: Just So Much Canada
“After explaining who Shannon was in relation to me, we were let in to go through airport-like security around 7:40, I was handed a laminated piece of paper with ‘Applicant 1’ on it and an accompanying feeling of having won at waiting in line, and we were let up to the floor for the interview at 8.”
Pretty Little Liars Episode 608 Recap: New Romantics
Aria asks Emily to prom and she says no!