Results for: representation
Gal Pals Without Benefits: Why Does Kissing Your Bestie Get You Killed in Horror Movies?
Using Barbara Creed’s ‘The Monstrous Feminine’ as a guide, I take you on a journey of exploration and analysis across the lethal lesbian kisses of horror history.
“I’m Not a Stripper, but I Play One on TV”: Why Hustlers Won’t Change the Game for Sex Workers
If you can’t handle the titties, get out the strip club, babe. Even if it’s a fictional one.
A Kind of Decolonization I Can Feel at the Back of My Pussy
On internal colonization, South Asian shame and representation of happy brown queers on film.
Film Historian Jenni Olson on “Mädchen in Uniform,” The First Ever Lesbian Film
“They were like whatever we have dozens of lesbian bars, we have magazines, we have all of this culture, we have Marlene Dietrich, we don’t need this little girl thing.”
Outfest 2019: “Jules of Light and Dark” Gets Lost in Its Own Complexity
This is a movie about lonely queers. And it’s a movie about queers who sometimes make baffling choices.
Outfest 2019: Michelle Hendley is a F*cking Star in “The More Things Change”
Instead of counting down the days to see if we get three lines on The L Word reboot, we should be counting down the days until Simone gets to turn this short into a full-season show.
“Men in Black: International” Review: Tessa Thompson Wears a Suit, Flirts With Women
Sadly, that’s also pretty much everything that makes Men in Black: International great.
The 50 Best Lesbian, Queer, and Bisexual Movies of the Decade
The fact is most of the films about us — and especially the films by us — do not get the attention they deserve. But nobody is better equipped to tell our stories than we are.
GLAAD: Movies Are Getting Better For Lesbian and Gay Characters, Staying Terrible for Trans and LGBTQ Kids’ Characters
GLAAD’s 2019 Studio Responsibility Index is here. Good news: Gay and lesbian rep is up. Bad news: Racial diversity is down, and trans rep remains at zero.
“Hustlers” Stole My Heart While Robbing Rich White Men
“Jennifer Lopez’s entrance in Hustlers is better than any of us could have dreamed. But days later, the scene that won’t stop playing in my head happens almost directly afterwards, on the rooftop of the club where Ramona and Destiny work.”
Thirsty Classics: “The Uninvited” Has Subtext! Lesbian Subtext!
“For those keeping score, this movie with no lesbians now has four lesbians. Two living, two dead. And now enters the fifth non-lesbian lesbian, the dykiest of the them all: Miss Holloway.”
15 Gayest Moments From “Avengers: Endgame,” Which Was Great But Unfortunately Not Gay
I pulled these nuggets of little gold from all three hours of Endgame and I cannot wait to re-live them in obsessive, snarky detail with you!
Oscars 2020: Two Lesbians Discuss the Very White, Very Straight, Very Male 92nd Academy Awards
“Okay so Christian Bale plays… Mr. Ferrari. And Matt Damon plays… Henry Ford?”
“To L and Back” Podcast Holiday Special: Two Jews Review a Lesbian Christmas Movie
Riese: I would text Riley and be like “you up?”
Carly: Are you still at the gay bar…? Because?
Riese: I would come back incensed with rage and ready to make a mistake.
Carly: Ready to ruin my relationship.
Riese: Yes. I would be full of the spirit of ruin and ready to share it.
Carly: Which is not Christmas spirit, but it is kind of related. -
23 Lesbian and Bisexual Romantic Drama Films, Ranked
Our team weighs in on 23 romantic drama films including High Art, The Handmaiden, Carol, Blue is the Warmest Color and so many more.
21 Lesbian and Bisexual Movies Based on a True Story, Ranked
From Lizzie to Frida to Battle of the Sexes to The Favourite, our team weighs in on 21 queer films that are based on true stories.
20 Lesbian and Bisexual Comedy Movies, Ranked
Our team weighs in on some of the funniest and least funny love and friendship stories in lesbian cinematic history, from Saving Face to Life Partners and so many more!
“Moana” Celebrates the Power, Strength and Magic of Brown Girls But Misses the Mark With Pacific Islander Representation
One of my favorite parts of the movie is the reverence that Moana has for her ancestors and her culture, even while she pushes it and challenges it to embrace the future. This is a reality that many POC, especially queer ones have to deal with.
20 Movies About Friendship and Misandry For When You Want to Burn it All Down
Just some gal pals who righteously and gleefully killed their predators, who ruined powerful men’s lives and careers.
Final Girl-on-Girl: Toward a Semi-Unified Theory of Lesbian Horror Movies
We’re all used to watching movies and rooting for the lesbians to live — lesbian horror movies make the gamble that everyone else in the audience will, too.