Results for: representation
Lez Liberty Lit: Dog-Eared Days of Summer
Mental health zines, libraries’ political and social power, what counts as a diverse book and more.
In Conversation With Sarah Schulman: “They’re Being Taught That Control Is Freedom”
“This wholesale group exclusion of a person based on an accusation that they are somehow dangerous without any opportunity for that person to describe why they think this charge is happening or how they are experiencing it, or for anyone to look at the order of events that produced this accusation or the history of the person accusing — I mean, this is the definition of injustice.”
8 Middle Grade Books with LGBTQ Characters
“I have a very precocious eight year old daughter who began speaking at nine months and decided that she would marry a woman before she turned two. She learned the term lesbian from the show Supergirl, and now matter of factly proclaims herself a lesbian to anyone.”
Fall 2016 Book Preview: 48 Queer and Feminist Books To Add To Your Reading List
Welcome to your list of queer and/or feminist books coming out in fall 2016. New Zadie Smith, Ivan Coyote, Anne Carson, Margaret Atwood, Bae Suah and more.
The True Price of Salt: On the Book that Became “Carol”
“There are many American readers for whom The Price of Salt would still be a revolutionary, shocking, immoral novel, the kinds of readers who have never, to their knowledge, met a lesbian or bisexual or pansexual woman before and who imagine us all as monstrous caricatures.”
Read A F*cking Book Club: A Conversation With Gabby Rivera About “Juliet Takes A Breath”
We’re talking to Gabby Rivera about her debut novel “Juliet Takes a Breath”! We talk about subtleties in Latinx media representation, queer community, forgiveness and, of course, Lil’ Melvin.
Lez Liberty Lit #95: My Puppy Ate My To-Read Pile
Weird books, subscription libraries, how to learn to like poetry, books and food and more.
7 Must-Read Books on Queer History and Identity in the South
The South’s conservative and religious majority has made it nearly impossible to suss out the queers in classic Southern literature and in the history books. That’s why this list exists.
Lez Liberty Lit #90: 1,000 Books
1,000 books about black girls, a new Didion thinkpiece, earning a living wage when writing, literary binge reading and more.
Hidden Gems of Queer Lit: Leigh Matthews’ “Don’t Bang the Barista!”
If smart, well-written theatrics are your thing, you’re in for a fun ride with Don’t Bang the Barista!
Lez Liberty Lit #80: Stories Are What You Make Them
The Hitchhiker’s Guide and loving problematic things; The Argonauts and embracing but not constraining queerness; writing about race and representation; queer books with bi characters and more.
15 Queer/Feminist Books To Read In Early 2016
Welcome to your list of queer/ feminist books coming out from January to July 2016. Roxane Gay, Gabby Rivera and erotica, anyone?
Lez Liberty Lit #87: Drowning In Best-Ofs
Queer holiday depression, a trans princess book, reading Lolita under the patriarchy, Eileen Myles on Transparent, books lists and more.
Lez Liberty Lit #78: Paper Flowers
How the representation of queerness is changing in African writing; new Shirley Jackson and Dr. Seuss; teen magazines; sexism in publishing; and more.
Lez Liberty Lit #84: A Great Library Is Freedom
Books that Patti Smith mentions in her memoir, tips for NaNoWriMo, how 21 indie presses got their starts and other things about queer books!
Fool’s Journey: “She Is Sitting in the Night” is the Queer Tarot Book You’ve Been Waiting For
It’s a queer tarot guidebook and a celebration of an 80s feminist tarot deck rolled into one; a book of beautiful and radical tarot card meanings, and a conversation across generations of feminism and LGBTQ politics.
215 Of The Best Longreads Of 2015 — All Written By Women
This should keep your brain busy for quite some time.
Lez Liberty Lit #67: Sick Day Reading
Lambda finalists, queer representation in comics, Emily Books getting more awesome and more.
Drawn to Comics: Kate Beaton Tells Us What Would Happen if Lois Lane Met Wonder Woman
Kate Beaton talks to Autostraddle about why Ida Wells is her hero, the fascinating Filles de Roi, and obviously Wonder Woman.
Lez Liberty Lit #77: Let’s Talk About Harper Lee
Recent books featuring queer people of color, travelling and reading, reading and your brain, your favorite curse word and more. Plus coverage of the Harper Lee coverage.