Results for: representation
8 Soft Femme Memoirs for Your Femme But Not Too Femmey Needs
The following eight memoirs, which deal with gender, food, writing, relationships and more, reflect soft femmes, tomboy femmes, chapstick femmes, and other femmes who aren’t all that femmey.
Lez Liberty Lit: Never Be The Same
Language and oppression, new trans books, organizing your shelves, zine culture and more.
No World For Us: Broken Girls and Embodied Trauma in Porpentine’s “Psycho Nymph Exile”
Psycho Nymph Exile is a cartography of brokenness, an answer to the question that no one wants to ask: What happens after exile? What happens to the girls who become trash?
Punk, Ghosts, and “Coady and the Creepies”
They’re here, at least one of them’s queer, and surprise: she’s not the one who dies! “Coady and the Creepies” rocks queer and disability representation, punk history and more.
Things I Read That I Love #244: How We Want To Taste, How We Wish To Be Known.
Topics include women in the KKK, the Confederate flag, women’s magazines as aspirational employment centers, smartphones & teenagers, Captain EO, murder, the stories we tell ourselves and more.
Things I Read That I Love #243: You Feel Like This Woman Is Crawling Towards You
Topics include The New Hollywood, Oakland losing its artist communities, LaCroix, colorism, content marketing, queers in the country, Liz Smith, the family secrets that emerge from DNA testing and A TURKEY THAT LIVED ON MY STREET.
Lez Liberty Lit: The New Comics Sans
Black artists and America, (your) feelings about typography, writers resisting, a history of feminist bookstores, representation in comics and more.
8 Books That Feature Bisexual Women (And Don’t Focus On Their Sex Lives)
Here are eight books about adult bisexual ladies going about their full, complex lives. There are definitely some sexy times to look forward to but sex isn’t the focus of the narrative.
“Queer & Trans Artists of Color Vol. 2” Is Required Resistance Reading
“Queer and Trans Artists of Color: Volume Two,” with interviews by King and edited by Elena Rose, is a collection of 16 interviews with queer and trans artists of color that inspire, empower and give an intimate glance into the creative process of some of the most interesting artists in the world.
Lez Liberty Lit: Nothing Is Static
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie on Beyoncé, digital accessibility and representation as an ongoing project, every spell used in Harry Potter, Halloween reading and more.
In “Body Horror,” Anne Elizabeth Moore Examines How Consumer Feminism Is Failing Us — and Is Itself Failing
“So, are menstrual bags good, or are they bad? Do they empower women, or further constrict them? It becomes obvious that this is not a zero-sum game, and Moore illuminates the coexistence of multiple conflicting truths.”
Lez Liberty Lit: Being Difficult
Love for Roxane Gay, Joan Didion’s literary descendants, the end of the 2016 book lists, a cheat sheet for your ereader and more.
Lez Liberty Lit: Reading For Resilience
Post-election reading recommendations, endless love for Zadie Smith, new Joan Didion, how we talk about women’s lives and more.
14 Comics That Celebrate Female Friendship For Galentine’s Day
These comics and graphic novels make women’s friendships the focus.
8 Lesbian BDSM Novels to Curl Your Toes (and Maybe Melt Your Heart)
Spend an evening with a good book and a paddle.
Lez Liberty Lit: Wonder Woman for President
Literary ASMR, exclamation points and emoji, queer retellings as reclamation, Zadie Smith, recordings of Black women poets and more.
Lez Liberty Lit: What Is Women’s Lit?
Reading bored white girls, queer YA, Power and Magic, what women’s lit is anyway and more.
Lez Liberty Lit #100: One Hundred Bookshelves Full of Queer Lit
Books to read for Pride, searching for representation, cotton candy queer lit, books as taxidermy, books and reading and food and eating, and more.
Lez Liberty Lit: Books On A Bicycle
Emojis aren’t destroying language, reading lists of books by indigenous authors, trans women in literature and more.
“Small Beauty” is a Big Deal for Queer Lit and Trans Girls: An Interview With Author Jia Qing Wilson-Yang
Wilson-Yang deftly weaves and unweaves the threads of narrative tropes that have come to dominate the telling of the stories of trans women, lesbians, migrants, and Chinese North Americans.