Results for: representation
Notes From A Queer Engineer: Women In STEM On Women In STEM
It’s going to take a lot of creative solutions to get us where we need to be.
Webcomic “Becoming Me” Shows What it’s Like to be a Young Trans Woman Around Town
“Becoming Me” is a wonderful new webcomic featuring the adventures of a young Chilean trans woman named Mia. If you’re looking for more trans fiction in your life, this is a great place to find it.
Taking a Look At the Eisner Winners and Wonder Woman’s New Movie Costume!
The 2014 Eisner Awards were announced at Comic-Con! Let’s take a look at the winners. Also, let’s check out that new Wonder Woman movie costume!
Without a Safety Net: Talking Women-Owned Tech Startups with Section II’s Allie Esslinger
“Start-up culture is odd. There’s a lot that I struggle with — it’s not something particularly designed for anyone who isn’t already privileged. It’s hard to go into it without a safety net. There’s a certain element of romanticizing struggle that is hard to internalize as a woman, a queer woman, and/or a woman of color. “
Bout of Nostalgia: Chrono Trigger Makes Us All Heroes
“Male, female, what’s the difference? Power is beautiful and I have the power.”
Q-taku: Your Colossal Guide to “Attack On Titan,” And Its Shiny New English Dub
I watched the dub premiere of Attack on Titan at Anime Boston. Here’s why I think everyone who is interested in awesome female characters and good queer representation should give this brutal action anime a chance.
Drawn to Comics: Lumberjanes #4 has Hipster Yetis, Friendship High-Fives and Archery
The Lumberjanes are back! This time they have to deal with mysterious forest apes, campers from the near-by boy’s camp and a whole lot more. We also exclusively have the complete, official playlist from this issue!
Taking Over the World One Controller at a Time: The Good News About Queer Games
Like playing video games? How about the queer, genderqueer and trans people who make them? Here’s how your queer worldview is carving out more real estate in the world of gaming.
Femslash Can Save the World If We Let It
Culture doesn’t need exploring so much as it needs exploding. We need to destroy things and reconstruct them in our own image, because the people who make our media aren’t going to do it for us. That’s why I want femslash to save the world, and I will not take no for an answer.
Check Out the First Three Issues of Ms. Marvel Right Now!
If you only read one mainstream comic starring a young Muslim Woman of Color, make sure it’s “Ms. Marvel!”
Q-Taku: “Sailor Moon” Is Even Better With All The Gay Parts
Along with the new Sailor Moon anime coming in July, the original series is back unedited with a new, faithful and queer-friendly English dub coming later this year. Here’s your guide to this trip down nostalgia lane.
Drawn to Comics: Celebrating the Eisner-Nominated Women of 2014
The nominees for the Eisner Awards were recently announced, recognizing the best in the comic book industry. Here are all the women who were nominated.
Top Five Fifty-First States That Never Were
Let me disrupt your fifty state narrative.
Literally Queer Your Tech With The Lesbians Who Tech Summit
This is the first ever summit for queer women in tech. It’s from February 27th-March 2nd in San Francisco. And! There’s a discount code for Autostraddle readers.
Three Cheers For Women of Color In Comics! But Can We Please See More Of Them On Screen?
Marvel and DC Comics added some much needed diversity by debuting a teenage Muslim girl from New Jersey as Ms. Marvel and a new First Nations superhero. But where are the women of color on screen?
Magical Girls, Heroines and Anime Amazons: Field Notes from Otakon 2013
The East Coast’s largest anime convention had everything an anime fan could want, including some interesting conversations about representation of women in anime.
Queered Science: Jeremy Yoder, Allison Mattheis and Surveying Queers in STEM
Jeremy Yoder and Allison Matthies gathered data in a nationwide survey of sexual diversity in science, technology, engineering and math professions called Queer in Stem and answered some questions about their results.
Star Trek N00b, Episode 2: The Man Trap (Oh My!)
“Okay, I had a fangirl moment once George Takei appeared on screen.”
Queer Your Tech: Why I’m Addicted to Fallen London!
Fallen London! is a text based game that centers around a protagonist (you) who winds up in Neath, which is basically London except one mile under the earth’s surface, in a world where death is semi-permanent, devils are accessible and corpses sometimes have tea with you.
Queer Your Maps: Google Map Maker Launches In the UK, Maps Bletchley Park
I like the idea of user-generated cartography because it’s giving us, the people on the ground, a greater hand in the accurate representation of our environment.