Results for: representation
Learning to Use Chopsticks: Coming Out as Korean-American
“At 27, I came out as Korean-American. I was always Korean, of course. I checked the “Asian” box when filling out a form. My ethnicity was written on my face in the shape of my eyes and my small flat nose. But until a few years ago, it wasn’t an identity I felt connected to. There were many identities that came first — poet, bisexual, queer, feminist, activist, organizer, fattie, vegan. Being Korean was a fact, but not an identity.”
Please Stop Saying That Trans Women Were “Born Boys”
The “born a boy” narrative is hurtful to trans women. It’s time for it to go away.
High Femme: Demystifying Lady Smokers
“But much like masturbation and other “personal relaxation” methods, it’s pretty obvious that most women are smoking marijuana, but not talking about it. There is a cloud of shame permeating these issues for women, where there is absolutely none for men.”
Butch Glam: Let’s Broaden What “Black” In Relation to “Female” Can Mean
I am not crazy; I am simply black, and queer, and butch, and transcultural, and therefore alone.
Janet Mock Redefines Realness: The Autostraddle Interview
“I think the biggest thing for me is the plug-in to this amazing trans* and queer community that’s out there that’s been doing this work that’s, I think, at a point where it’s really ready to take the lead from people who live in many multiplicities.”
Fifty Shades of White
Having the blessing – or curse – of lighter skin is a double edged sword. I never gave much thought to the idea that society needs positive cultural images of minorities until I came to embrace my Hispanic heritage and come out of the closet.
VIDEO: Isis King and Janet Mock Talk About Trans Women In the Media, Are Awesome
“There are so many things about our lives that are so much more than our bodies and this transition that we go through.”
Femmes: Beyond Lipstick (and Heels and Dresses)
Sometimes you just want a role model.
On 20/20, Trans Beauty Queen Jenna Talackova Enlightens Barbara Walters, Your Family
In which Barbara Walters thinks it’s okay to ask, “so if I saw you undressed you would look like a woman to me, totally? Yes?”
Porn For The People: Revolutionizing The Way We Look At Queer Brown Bodies
“Every time we think about porn, it’s always something that’s deviant. I wanted us to see our bodies exposed in a way that’s revolutionary.”
She’s A Boy I Knew: Transgressing Gender, Transforming Film
As both the subject and filmmaker of the documentary ‘She’s A Boy l Knew,’ Gwen Haworth takes gender expression to a whole new level.
On Display: Navigating the Male Gaze As A Lesbian Trans Woman
“Welcome to being a girl. Get used to it.”