Results for: representation
Pity Is Not The Same As Respect: A Critique Of ‘Dallas Buyers Club’
“Despite its pro-gay attitude, the film fails to break the pattern of transphobic narratives in cinema, perhaps because it doesn’t understand that trans people are not the same as cis gay people.”
Sundance 2014 Was The Queerest Gayest Most Gay Sundance Ever
Sundance was SUPER FUCKING GAY THIS YEAR, YOU GUYS. Let’s talk about the best queer films.
You Should Go: NewFest in New York City! It’s An LGBT Film Festival!
Okay, the most important thing you need to know is that there’s a bedazzled plush vagina costume in the first two minutes of Who’s Afraid of Vagina Wolf?.
Bollywood’s More Gay-Friendly Than Ever — So Where Are All the Queer Women?
While queer visibility is rising in Bollywood films, there is still a long ways to go for queer women.
The Mako Mori Test is Here to Fill Another Spot on Your Feminist Film Criticism Toolbelt
For a long time the Bechdel test has seemingly been the only tool we have to examine sexist trends in Hollywood. Now, thanks to Pacific Rim, the Mako Mori test is here to help.
You Should Go TODAY: La Chica Boom performs FML at the Fresh Fruit Festival
La Chica Boom is showcasing a live theatrical version of her short film, FML, for the Fresh Fruits Festival at The Wild Project. So I’m gonna be there and fanqueer the fuck out.
You Should Go: Tell Your Stories for Live Through Love
While you might have made it to graduation and on to the sunnier side of life, there are countless queer kids still waiting to run the high school gauntlet. Help them out by telling Corynn Egreczky your story for her new film.
Movie Night: Hedwig & The Angry Inch
Music, drama, banter, arugula, gummi bears, and fake sausage.
Exploding Lineage: The Film Festival By Queer Rebels For Queer Rebels
To be a rebel is to stand defiantly and purposefully in the face of something. It’s not defiance for its own sake: it’s a war cry into the darkness.
Check Out Bitch Flick’s Open Call for LGBTQI Submissions!
Share your thoughts, feelings, and feminist critique of LGBTQI film and television with the internet today!
Moonrise Kingdom: The Autostraddle Review
It doesn’t make any sense. That’s because it’s a love story.
We Are The Night: The Triumph of the Lesbian Vampire Trope
Zombies have pretty much replaced vampires at this point, but you know what they haven’t replaced? Lesbian vampires, like those in the forthcoming “We Are The Night.”
A New Model for the Future of Lesbian Film From a Team of Nerds
Busk Films = Gay Things + Art + You = GOOD FEELINGS.
Top 10 Films of 2010 for Geeks, Sci-Fi Nerds & Weirdos
Wondering what movie to see on your next hot date with a hot geek? We’ve got you covered with our 2010 geeky movie preview! Alice in Wonderland, Prince of Persia, Kick-Ass, Harry Potter and the Neverending Film Franchise and more!