Results for: representation
Top Five Classic Horror Films with Queer Subtext
“Nothing provides plausible deniability like the supernatural, and so classic Hollywood horror films were practically primed for representations of homoeroticism and heterosexual anxieties about queer life, which was already horrifying to the mainstream.”
18 Crime Documentaries To Stream and Be Horrified By
18 documentaries about crime and the criminal justice system you can find on Netflix streaming or Amazon and watch while you sit on your couch or chair or bed or wherever it is that you like to sit.
15 Best Trans Woman Movies According to Trans Women
Who better to decide the best movies featuring trans women than the trans women who watch them?
“About Ray”‘s Director Doesn’t Seem To Understand That Trans Boys Aren’t Girls
Dellal talks about Ray as if he is a girl, and she talks about transitioning as if it’s a costume or an on/off switch. She even uses “she/her” pronouns to talk about Ray and frequently misgenders him.
22 Hilarious Excerpts From Scathing Reviews of “Stonewall”
“Stonewall couldn’t be more whitewashed than if it was doused in Clorox Bleach and thrown into the laundry three times over.”
“Freeheld” Is Wonderful and Will Make You Cry Nonstop For Two Hours
“Freeheld” is a beautiful movie that puts lesbians front and center. Bring Kleenex.
GLAAD Studio Responsibility Index Reveals Queer Women Basically Don’t Exist In Movies
“Yep, that’s right. Out of 314 major Hollywood film releases, one single film — Melissa McCarthy’s Tammy — passed the Vito Russo test with queer female characters.”
“Boy Meets Girl” Is Heartwarming, Groundbreaking, Has Cute Queer Kissing
It’s heartmeltingly cute, and one of the best portrayals of a trans woman in years. Michelle Hendley should be everyone’s new girl-crush.
“Saving Mr. Banks” Erases P.L. Travers’ Queer Identity, Misses Amazing Opportunity for Representation
In my mind, to fail at LGBT inclusion in fiction is to have a failure of imagination, a lazy lack of understanding concerning the world outside of one’s self. To intentionally choose to tell a story about a real LGBT person and then exclude their queer identity is a failure on an entirely different level.
Fan Fiction Friday: 7 Fried Green Tomatoes Stories to Wet Your Whistle
“Ruth lifts her head, smiles demure and sweet, her lips swollen with kissing. ‘Can’t miss a chance to minister to a heathen like you, Idgie.'”
You Should Go: “In the Turn” at Seattle’s Lesbian and Gay Film Festival
In the Turn is a documentary about a 10-year-old transgender girl who finds acceptance and empowerment in the company of queer roller derby collective, The Vagine Regime.
GLAAD’s Studio Responsibility Index On Gay Representation Recalls Last Year’s Awful Movies
“Of the 101 films released last year by the six major studios, only five films contained any semblance of queer lady representation.”
“Pride” Movie Review: This Lesbian Supports Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners
Finally, a movie about gay pride in the 80s that isn’t about gay pride in the 80s.
Women That Go Bump In the Night: Lady-Monsters Of Cinema
Let’s have a frank, honest discussion about queer and feminist themes in movies about vampires, werewolves, ghosts and centaurs. Also, “Chopper Chicks In Zombietown.”
IFP’s “Fresh Faces” Highlights So Many Rad Female Indie Filmmakers
Despite a continued male dominance of the media industry, a number of talented women are working hard to make their mark in the arena of indie film.
“Painkiller Jane,” Woman-Directed Bisexual Woman Superhero Movie, Announced While Marvel and DC Twiddle Thumbs
The Soska sisters, a pair of female directors were announced to be helming a brand-new “Painkiller Jane” movie, based on the comic book about a bisexual superpowered cop with healing abilities.
Here’s The Real Story of How Oscar Nominee Jared Leto Got Called Out for Transmisogyny At The Virtuosos Awards
It’s been reported that Jared Leto was heckled by a trans woman at the recent Virtuosos Awards for his performance in Dallas Buyers Club. This version of events fails once again to take into account the experiences of actual trans and gendernonconforming people, who were there at the event and have spoken to Autostraddle about what transpired.
Camp Takota: Hannah Hart’s New Movie You Can Watch Right Now, Today
Hannah Hart co-stars in “Camp Takota,” a movie about friendship and camp and subtle queer representation that will make your heart smile, probably.
I Tried Not to Have Feelings at Sundance London; These Three Movies Made Me Fail
The film festival was not as gay as hoped, and it turns out I’m still not cynical enough to not cry when ladyqueers say “I do.”
Rhymes With Witches: Wednesday Addams
“With all those things and an endless supply of witty comebacks, Wednesday is a breath of fresh air to a generation of girls who felt like outcasts that didn’t fit the mold of a perfect girly-girl.”