Results for: representation
8 British Film and TV Characters Who Made Me Gay
From Skins to Feel Good, these eight characters turned out to be life-changing.
Beyond Gender Identity: A History of Trans Actors in Cis Roles
I’m talking about stories where the trans character’s transness isn’t the focus — where they’re allowed to be the worst behaved one or simply hot and getting laid or just really fucking good at their job.
Stunt Queens: The History and Cultural Significance of the “Queerleader” in Film and Television
In honor of Bottoms, here are top queer cheerleader moments from film/TV.
QTPOC Roundtable: TV and Movie Characters That Made Us Feel Seen
“Jessi showed me that it was cool to focus on my ambitions and to form deep relationships with other girls instead of being boy-obsessed.”
Fan Fiction Friday: 7 Fried Green Tomatoes Stories to Wet Your Whistle
“Ruth lifts her head, smiles demure and sweet, her lips swollen with kissing. ‘Can’t miss a chance to minister to a heathen like you, Idgie.'”