Results for: representation
The Best Lesbian Movie Make Outs of All Time
The best lesbian movie make outs are more than just a kiss.
Want To See a Movie Where Buffalo Bill and Norman Bates Are in a T4T Situationship? Well, Do We Have Some News for You!
Drew Burnett Gregory writes, directs, and stars in a new horror short, and it’s available for you to stream!
I Long for the Queer Secret Spaces of the Past
Dream with me, if you will. It’s the mid-1960s, and you and your queer friends are looking for some place to go to meet others like you when you hear rumors about a members-only club called Gateways tucked away in a hidden corner of the city.
Possession, Heartbreak, Transition
During my most nervous-system-destroying breakup to date, I found myself feeling like an abandoned child, the victim of a broken contract.
Transplants, Transition, and David Cronenberg’s Body Horrors
How many organs do I have to replace before I can be classified as “biologically female”?
Making Out, Making Change: The History of Queer Kiss-Ins
For nearly 50 years, queer activists kissed each other as a form of protest.
Mike Flanagan Shows, Ranked by Queerness
I came out the same year as The Haunting of Hill House, and it was as if Mike Flanagan handed me a gift for realizing I love women.
Happy / Death / Day
Breaking the fourth wall does not count as dismantling anything.
Black, Trans, and Alive
There is joy here. I have dreamed of this 100 times, prayed for it twice as many.
I’m Not a Fabulous Queer
Being invisible is in some ways a privilege. QTPOC who are visible are subject to scrutiny at best and violence at worst. I don’t want to talk about visibility. I’m still ashamed of the lonely, aching part of me that longs for recognition.
The Future We Lost in the Fire
Book archives and research on queer identity from the Institute for Sexual Science were destroyed by Nazi book burnings. Our history and culture got lost. What else had I missed about the queer past of my city?
We Deserve To Be Selfish
I was ready to declare myself and to bring everyone else who was ready along for the ride. I thought, “I’m going to put as many women as I can into one publication, and they’re gonna get to say whatever the f*ck they want.” And Selfish, the magazine, was born.
Bonus Time: Living To Be Queer Elders
In QTPOC community, the future can feel precarious. If queerness is so often associated with action and survival, how do we learn to slow down and rest so we can live long enough to grow into the queer elders we always dreamed of having?
8 Amazing Books about Queer/Lesbian/Bi/Trans Women with Superpowers
Is it too obvious to say that reading books about queer women with superpowers can be very… empowering?
Anatomy of a Power Lesbian
I don’t think there was a specific cultural inception, but rather a percolation of various feminist ideals that bubbled over during the 1980s, the decade that female masculinity went mainstream.
5 QPOC Visionary Fiction Projects to Look Out for in the Not-So-Distant Future
Our ability to conceive of ourselves surviving and thriving into the future is a crucial part of manifesting it as a lived reality.
On Saying No
Saying yes almost destroyed me, but I was still afraid to say no.
Unlikely Hikers: Creating Space For Everyone On The Trail, One Group Hike At A Time
“I can’t explain how unreal it felt to be able to let my guard down with a big group of strangers on a hike.”
Behind the Scenes With REI’s Force of Nature Initiative
REI is doing so much to change the reality of being a human outside! Including sponsoring this very issue! Here’s everything you ever wanted to know about their Force Of Nature initiative and so much more!
The Look We Give
There’s a look I get from black and biracial women on the trail. And there’s a look I give black and biracial women. It’s recognition: “I see you. We’re the only ones like us out here.”