Results for: representation
Queer Television Is About More Than Representation
Shayna Maci Warner talks about their new book The Rainbow Age of Television and hot TV topics from representation to the Killing Eve finale.
Keah Brown on Her New Picture Book and the Importance of Disability Representation for Children
“I was excited to talk about rest for children, to talk about how even rest can be an adventure.”
As School Season Begins, Fight for Trans Representation in Public Libraries
The public library is in the unique position to pick up where public education leaves off—to succeed where public education fails. It’s time we start rethinking what a library can be.
Trans Representation in YA Fiction Is Changing, But How Much?
We are in a crucial moment where we can change trans representation in YA and do it in a way that doesn’t leave anyone behind.
Nicole Morse Wants You To See Trans Feminist Futures in Selfies
Selfie Aesthetics: Seeing Trans Feminist Futures in Self-Representational Art is a book about selfies and our relationships to them.
To Protect Trans Kids, We Have To Actually Listen to Them
The stories of trans youth go largely ignored by the American public in our cultural conversations about their lives, but Nico Lang is giving everyone a chance to change that with their new book, American Teenager: How Trans Kids Are Surviving Hate and Finding Joy in a Turbulent Era.
In The Terrible We, Cameron Awkward-Rich Makes Space for Bad Trans Feelings
How do we hold transness and disability together, rather than denying the ways the “bad feelings” like dysphoria and anxiety have historically been a key part of trans thought, art, politics, and media?
The Erotics of Asexuality
For Ela Przybylo, the concept of “asexual erotics” emphasizes non-sexual intimacy and ways of relating to one another.
Looking Back on 1970s Lesbian Feminist Film and Sci-Fi To Reimagine the Future
“I mean props to those who are three years old and are like, ‘I’m gay.’ But some of us have to meet some gay people, and sometimes those people are people you encounter in books and archives, they’re not your friends, and they’re not even here on this planet anymore physically, but their ideas are, and that’s really powerful.”
Kate Moennig and Leisha Hailey Want To Read Books and Eat Snacks With You
We talked to Leisha Hailey and Kate Moennig about Allstora’s PANTS Pod book club and its mission to uplift queer authors, connect with pod listeners and read some really good lesbian books.
Anarchist Author Margaret Killjoy Crafts Trans Worlds in the Woods
Margaret Killjoy is a master world-builder. Her first young adult book, The Sapling Cage, comes out next month.
Let’s Hear It for the Disaster Bisexuals
My confused disaster of a teenage self could have used stories from this new canon of disaster bisexuals, stories about sexually fluid people in all their imperfections.
Charlie Jane Anders on Trans Speculative Fiction and Rethinking ‘Hope’
In this Autostraddle interview, Charlie Jane Anders discusses her new collection of short stories, “Even Greater Mistakes.”
A Memoir Isn’t a Self-Help Book
Author Jeanna Kadlec talks about her new memoir Heretic, the loss of leaving a life, gay Bible stories, and more.
Malinda Lo on Her Historic National Book Award Win and Lesbian Literature’s History and Future
Malinda Lo talks about writing queerness in different genres, butch/femme dynamics in literature, and the gay Macy’s of the 1960s that didn’t make it into her book.
Author Lydia Conklin on Being Queer in the 90s and Writing Characters in Transitional Moments
“Somebody told me that pretty much everyone who grew up queer, especially in our generation, is a secretive person or has an ability for secrecy.”
Morgan Thomas On Weaving Genderqueer History Into Their Debut Short Fiction Collection “Manywhere”
“I was really interested in writing about specifically Southern and genderqueer characters, in part because I felt like I hadn’t seen myself in both the literature and in the sort of ‘mythos’ of the South. So I wanted to fill in that gap.”
In Queer Horror Anthology “It Came From the Closet,” Carmen Maria Machado Considers Jennifer’s Body
On queerbaiting, bisexuality, and Jennifer’s Body. This essay is an exclusive excerpt from the queer horror anthology It Came From the Closet, on sale next week.
Davey Davis on “X,” True Crime, and the Fantasy of Screwball Comedy
“The thing that gets me about a lot of people’s just criticisms of Fifty Shades of Grey is, as a romance novel, as a ravishment novel, it’s a lot closer to real SM, real sexy pulp, than most.”
Chris Belcher on “Pretty Baby,” Dungeon Dynamics, and the Expansiveness of Queer Sex
“I always envisioned this book as something that would allow me to talk about how I got to know masculinity as an adult through sex work and reflect back on how I came to know masculinity from the time I was younger.”