Results for: gay marriage
Romney’s Adviser Thinks Women’s Issues Just There To Distract Us From Actual Important Stuff
It turns out that what you thought were women’s issues are actually just “shiny objects!”
Going Down (South): Here Comes Honey Boo Boo Child, Southern Progressive Icon
Actually, I love the image that comes from being from the same state as the Honey Boo Boo Child herself.
Glee 413 Recap: Diva Cups!
This week was “DIVA” week, which means Santana Lopez was back in full force and none of the new kids really had any lines.
Loving Lesbian Family in JC Penney Catalogue Elicits More Whining from One Million Moms
It’s One Million Moms versus JCPenney… again.
Effective Pro Gay Marriage Videos, Demonstrated by Gov. Cuomo & A Guy in Minnesota
“It is not often that governors directly lobby the people of their state to get a bill passed.”
New York Works for GENDA and Gender Identity Workplace Protection
Now that marriage equality has passed in New York state, one organization is turning its attention towards gender identity protection in the workplace.
Anderson Cooper Officially Comes Out: “The Fact Is, I’m Gay”
“The fact is, I’m gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud.”
Real L Word 309 Recap: Perfect Day For This Show To End With A Bang Bang Bang
This week on “The Real L Word,” everybody got married to dolphins!
People Besides Homeless Gay Teens Maybe Starting to Notice Gay Teen Homelessness
“If people really come to care about homeless gay teens, it means that they’re willing to care about more than gay marriage or cute pictures of weddings at city hall.”
Notre Dame’s Gay Students Asked to Be Chaste, Because Catholicism
Notre Dame has approved an LGBT student organization and the club must preach chastity for LGBTQ students. Which makes me think maybe we should take our gay money elsewhere.
Malawi Might Be One (Small) Step Further On The Path to Gay Rights
“Whether [President Banda] will be able to overcome centuries of entrenched homophobia and help Malawi become one of the few African countries without anti-gay laws remains to be seen, but her political savvy and credentials in the women’s rights movement make her a fairly strong candidate.”
The Comment Awards Verb Adjective-y Nouns
This week’s comment awards were brought to you by the letter “I” for “Incredible.” Which is what Community Managerette Carrie is.
Michele Bachmann’s Gay Sister Also Not A Fan of Michele Bachmann
“It felt so divorced from having known me, from having known somebody who’s gay. I was just stunned.”
Brittani’s Video Party: You’re Invited
It’s a moving picture show on the internet.
Republican Anti-Gay Attack Texts Create Unnecessary Noise, Not Much Truth
In a perfect example of how this campaign is becoming an elementary-school-style cry for attention, Americans’ evenings were recently rudely interrupted when they were texted anti-gay and anti-Obama messages.
Focus on the Family Knows They’ve “Lost” Gay Marriage, Keeps Fighting For the Thrill of the Fight
“We’re losing on that one, especially among the 20- and 30-somethings: 65 to 70 percent of them favor same-sex marriage.. we’ve probably lost that.”
Five Years of Zanele Muholi’s Photos of LGBT Lives in Africa Stolen From Her Apartment
“I’ve dedicated my entire life to documenting queer lives. I wanted to make sure I document (LGBTI) lives. All my major projects are gone.”
You’ll Never Guess Who’s Funding NY’s Pro-Gay Marriage Push
You guys, what if Republican donors made gay marriage happen in New York. Like really, what if.
Rabbi Offers Lavender Marriage Service for Orthodox Gays
This isn’t the kind of gay marriage we’ve been fighting for.
Romney Says He’s Not a Bully, Just Likes Pranks And Stuff
In high school Mitt Romney and his friends jumped some kid and forcibly cut off all his hair while he screamed and cried. Romney thinks this is mostly NBD.