Results for: gay marriage
Exodus International’s President Does the Unthinkable, Explicitly Apologizes to Gay Community
Exodus’s president, Alan Chambers, has posted a comprehensive apology to the gay community on their website.
Sunday Funday Is Casting A Vote for Obama, Marriage Equality, Other Great Things
This week we get to talk about Cher and Lady Gaga in practically the same breath.
Russia Poised to Pass Nationwide “Don’t Say Gay” Bill
The law would make it illegal to provide information to minors if it promotes “non-traditional sexual relationships” or provides “a distorted notion of social equivalence of traditional and non-traditional sexual relationships.”
25 Awesome Gay Things To Be Thankful For This Year
Eleven months ago, there was still a possibility of Rick Santorum becoming President, so don’t say 2012 never gave you anything.
Fat Liberation Is Totally Queer
“Social equality for all people, regardless of size, must become a goal of the queer movement.”
Also.Also.Also: Atlanta’s Gays Are In Luck These Days And Other Stories We Missed This Week
Eighth-grader McKenna Pope singlehandedly gender neutralized the Easy-Bake Oven.
GetUp! Australia’s Ad Is the Cutest Thing to Happen to Gay Marriage Since Ellen and Portia
Everyone is in love with the new ad spot for marriage equality from GetUp! Australia.
Sunday Funday Is A Beautiful Day for the First Gay Buddhist Wedding Ever In Taiwan
An incredible amount of good news about gay marriage and then we take a nap.
Standing on Ceremony: The Gay Marriage Plays Makes West Village Gayer Than Usual
In NYC for the holidays? Check out this new Off-Broadway series of hilarious and touching plays on the theme of gay marriage.
Sunday Funday is Really Really Really Good Looking – And Totally Gay
I bookended this article with pictures of animals. Just so you know.
How Do We Solve A Problem Like “Queerbaiting”?: On TV’s Not-So-Subtle Gay Subtext
Once upon a time, gay subtext was a revolutionary act in media. But is it still all that progressive?
Lovers in a Quantified Time: Canadian Census Counts Queer Families
Statistics Canada releases reports on the evolution of Canadian families in the years since same-sex marriage was legalized.
Turning the Tide: How Activism to Protect Queer Students and Communities Works
How activists in Louisiana use everything from direct action to meetings with senators to try to pass laws that would protect queer and trans* students from bullying, queer and trans* employees from discrimination, and more. This is how your legal progress sausage is made.
Being Queer And Spiritual (Or Not): The Autostraddle Religion Roundtable
There’s a lot to say about religion and queerness and how the two can (or cannot) interact, which is why we put together this roundtable with 12 different perspectives. We hope you share your own thoughts and beliefs in the comment section.
Sunday Funday Is Thankful for Every Gay-Friendly Wallet
Drop the mic and walk off the stage.
Mormons’ “Softened Stance” On Homosexuality Still Feels Pretty Hard
The Church acknowledges that “same-sex attraction is a complex reality for many people,” and goes on to conclude that “even though individuals do not choose to have such attractions, they do choose how to respond to them.”
Stonewall Grants Anti-Gays Awards on Being Year’s Most Outstanding Bigot
The Stonewall Awards recognizes individuals for outstanding acts of bigotry but banks, backers and bigots are less than thrilled.
Girl-on-World: Argentina
Buenos Aires’ dark streets glistened with youth and possibility, and most of our nights revolved around an easy camaraderie between travelers.
Also.Also.Also: The Selfie That Helped Change The World And Other Stories We Missed This Week
Hillary Clinton is a 21st Century Girl, Drag Queens love themselves, and gay people around the globe are making strides!
Gay Weddings Bring in Millions, Are Good For The NYC Economy
In which we use adorable infographics to break down the economics of gay marriage in NYC.