Results for: gay marriage
Special Autostraddle Fallen London Access Codes In This Post!
Run, don’t walk, to our special Autostraddle Fallen London in-game goodies codes and the chance to learn a bit more about Failbetter’s new game, Sunless Sea.
Gay Marriage Passes New Jersey Assembly, Probably Will Not Become Real
“On Tuesday, Christie called the push by Democrats to pass the legislation in the face of his veto threat a pointless form of “political theater” that is a distraction from the state’s more pressing problems.”
Anti-Gays Prepare to Overturn Maryland’s Gay Marriage Legalization, Save World From Apocalyptic Doom
Gay marriage was just legalized in Maryland — but now religious anti-gay-marriage groups are already trying to overturn the law.
IRS Decides Married Gays Can Finally File As Married: Let’s Talk Taxes!
Hey, Ladies Married To Ladies, the IRS now recognizes your marriage! Let’s talk about what this means (and how to do your taxes from here on out)!
John Boehner Would Hate Gay People Even If He Was Raising One
John Boehner should spend more time with his kids and less time on his talking points.
How I Get Femme Visibility on the Streets
“I’ve figured out is that it’s not so much how I present it’s what I do. And I finally learned how to casually flirt with people with an eyebrow raise or a smile or a wink, which elicits this response of “I see you and I wink back.””
24 Incredible Personal Essays We Published This Year
We told so many amazing stories this year, we really gave Storytelling Time in kindergarten a run for its money.
Sunday Funday Is Getting Gay Married Across the World
Don’t let the door hit you, Prop 8.
Miley Cyrus Explains Gay Marriage Tattoo, Sings Bob Dylan
Miley Cyrus speaks out about her marriage equality tattoo and the controversy it caused… six months ago.
Pope Francis Extends Message of Tolerance for LGBT People, Women and Abortion
Although no change in policy has been proposed, the Pope’s remarks further signal a significant departure in tone and style from predecessors.
Survey Says: Gay is Still Not Okay in Singapore, Won’t Be Any Time Soon
A national survey using homophobic language yields homophobic results: 47% of Singaporeans “reject gay lifestyles.” What does this mean and why is it important?
“This is Our Last Step”: Same-Sex Marriage Goes Live in Washington State
Remember when Referendum 74 passed? Now we get to celebrate all over again.
Two Glossy Femmes and 300 Mayors Come Together for the Queers This Sunday Funday
Janis Joplin’s 70, Snoopy the Cat is too cute, and bigots are the laughingstock of the world.
Straddler On The Street: Chloe
Say hello to Chloe, our very first New Zealand Straddler, on this cheery Monday morning – though for her, it may already be tomorrow!
The Comment Awards Will Eat You Up
Girl Scout cookies, cookie butter and a serious commitment to grilled cheese. We’re chewing our way through the comment awards this week!
Bigot Bingo Puts the “Fun” Back in Fundamentally Flawed Argument
Nothing lightens up a white-knuckled homophobic debate like a rousing game of Bingo!
Mayors, Microsoft, Allies for Gay Marriage Carry the Day
Gay marriage is inching closer to a legal reality in America thanks to mayors, and in Washington thanks to Microsoft.
Obama Administration Joins the Club, Files Amicus Brief Against Prop 8 in Supreme Court Case
The Justice Department’s amicus brief joins other ones opposed to Prop 8, including one from 75 pro-equality Republicans. This leaves a lot of questions: namely, what took them so long?
It’s Hard To Simply Dismiss The “Simple” New Pope
Likes: long bus rides, quiet nights spent reading, home-cooked dinners. Dislikes: unfortunately, the same old suspects.
France’s Counter-Protests Warm My Frozen Heart
Same-sex marriage supporters take to France’s streets to show they can be louder and wittier than the conservative right.