Results for: gay marriage
Russia Wants to Ban Same-Sex Foreign Adoptions to Protect Children From “Trauma”
On Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave orders to the Supreme Court to make changes to Russian adoption laws in order to prevent same-sex foreign couples from adopting Russian children.
Bisbee, Arizona To Begin Issuing Civil Union Licenses Because They Can
Bisbee, Arizona just realized that the law only says “marriage”, not “civil unions”…
Lez Liberty Lit #32: Turning The Screw
This week in lit: creepy books to read while we’re all still obsessed with Halloween, 10 years of queer YA, Emily Dickinson, “City of Night” and more.
This Is A Gay Marriage Roundup: New Jersey, Maryland and Minnesota Edition
“We are encouraging the civil rights of all citizens of the state and are against being signaled out or targeted by a particular constitutional amendment or legislative action.”
The Whole World Can Learn Something From Southeast Gaysia and the ASEAN SOGIE Caucus
What’s far too often missing from the narratives of global activism is the nuances of local contexts and agency of “oppressed” people, who don’t simply sit around waiting to be saved. Here’s where the ASC comes in.
Also.Also.Also: “No Slut Sauce for You, Mr. Homophobe” and Other Stories We Missed This Week
Azealia Banks is controversial, but then again, what isn’t? Everyone’s freaking out right now about gay marriage, Amber Riley’s haircut, and Obama’s pen.
The Comment Awards Are Ready For Spring
We’re checking out the over 40 set, making poetry out of 90s songs and giving comment awards to cats.
Also.Also.Also: The Empowerment of Goddesses, Twenty-Somethings, and NYC Girls and Other Stories We Missed This Week
From Dartmouth to the concert hall, there’s a ton of queer shit going down. And a little bit of Nickelback.
High Femme: Demystifying Lady Smokers
“But much like masturbation and other “personal relaxation” methods, it’s pretty obvious that most women are smoking marijuana, but not talking about it. There is a cloud of shame permeating these issues for women, where there is absolutely none for men.”
George Takei Is the Winner of the Internet
Ali’s Team Pick: George Takei. Just… George Takei.
Queered Science: NOGLSTP’s Rochelle Diamond Forged A Path For All of Us
If any of you have ever experienced homophobia in the workplace or queer-related adversity in your personal life and moved on (ahem, way too many of us), then you need to know Rochelle Diamond’s life story.
Also.Also.Also: k.d. lang Loves Canada, Is Famous and Other Stories We Missed This Week
I Don’t Do Boxes, but if you wanna go to Corgi Nation that’s fine with me.
GLAAD’s “Where We Are On TV” Shows Best Place To Be On TV Is Behind The Camera
“Where We Are On TV” has some promising and not-so-promising numbers for queer women on the teevee, and also raises some questions about how we quantify “representation” in the first place for all groups.
Christine Quinn for (Openly Gay, Female) Mayor of New York City!
Totally qualified, totally awesome Christine Quinn wants to be the next mayor of New York City! Also, she walked down the aisle to Ave Maria… the Beyoncé version. I mean come on.
Rush Limbaugh Has Lesbians All Figured Out
Don’t bother funding research studies! Everyone’s favorite blowhard has your answers.
Another Sunday Funday, Another Opportunity to Talk About Gay Marriage
All the news that’s fit to print for happy people this week is about gay marriage.
BREAKING: Supreme Court Will Consider Both Prop 8 and DOMA
The Supreme Court will review both Prop 8 and DOMA and consider the future of gay marriage in the US.
This Sunday Funday’s Gay Wedding Plans Include Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Let’s get married, but only if RBG is invited.
They Like Us, They Really Like Us: Future Looks Better Than Ever For Gay Marriage
Maybe we’ve finally reached the point where there’s no turning back on the road towards marriage equality.
5 New TV Characters I’ve Decided Are Gay
I mean, why not?