Results for: gay marriage
Check Out The Gay-Wedded Winners of the Marriage Equality Giveaway Package!
Remember Autostraddle’s Marriage Equality Wedding Giveaway? Are you ready to see how perfect Abby and Lani’s wedding was?
DOMA Goes to the Supreme Court, and Its Days May Be Numbered
Today, the Supreme Court listened to arguments on the Defense of Marriage Act, the federal law which defines marriage as being between one man and one woman.
Straddler On The Street: Marika
If you have read Autostraddle even once, it’s likely that you’ve seen some of Marika’s brilliance in the comment section. She is one of our most frequent commenters, and she was kind enough to chat with me about science, hammocks, food, and family.
Sunday Funday’s Suffragist Cats Are Going Down Under
Let’s put the LGBT in D and go strolling through the snow.
Lesbian Couple Tries To Change Michigan’s Gay Adoption Laws
In one of the most surprisingly gay-unfriendly states in the U.S., same-sex couples still can’t adopt children together. Here’s how two Hazel Park nurses are trying to change that.
Actual Experts Tell Supreme Court Gays Are Great Parents, Bigots Are Wrong
The American Academy of Pediatrics has released a lengthy report based on 30 years of researching explaining why banning same-sex marriage “for the children” doesn’t make any sense.
Why We Should Be Wary Of Republican Support For Marriage Equality
Republicans are coming out in number to express their support for marriage equality. How can this end well?
Also.Also.Also: “Bill de Blasio’s ‘Formerly Lesbian’ Wife Patiently Explains Human Sexuality” and Other Stories We Missed This Week
Zines, lesbian MPs, international news, gay TV, bad news, sexual spectrums and lesbian poetry about manicures.
Also.Also.Also: Children and Lawmakers Alike Write Letters for Gay Rights And Other Stories We Missed This Week
Clive Davis is bi, the Millionaire Matchmaker is…. not, and Toni Braxton wishes she was a lesbian. “And not a lipstick lesbian, either.” Also, you got paid this week, right?
Kids Reacting To Same-Sex Marriage Will Brighten Your Day
A message for anyone who thinks gay people shouldn’t be allowed to marry whom they want? “Cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get over it.”
Pro-Gay AND Pro-Immigration? You’re Stuck Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Sane people want the new immigration bill to help binational gay couples. People in power insist that will ruin everything for everyone else. What’s a politically savvy queer to do?
22 Kickass Queer Women Who Came Out in 2013
It was quite a year for Team Lezalicious — let’s take a look at the diverse group of ladies who blessed our hearts with their queerness this year. It takes all kinds, after all.
Also.Also.Also: Anti-Gay People Are Wreaking Havoc Worldwide and Other Stories We Missed This Week
I’ve got some bad news and a great GIF.
54 Pictures of Miley Cyrus Looking Really Gay
Miley Cyrus is number one on Maxim’s Hot 100 list. She’s also on our list of girls who look totally gay.
Illinois State Senate Gives Gay Couples Best-Ever Valentine’s Day Present
On Thursday, Valentine’s Day, the Illinois State Senate approved a bill which would legalize same-sex marriage!
More Than Words: On the Word “Gay” and Definitive Dilemmas
Which should change first — society or the dictionary?
Also.Also.Also: Heather Morris is Pregnant and Other Stories We Missed This Week
Don’t fire me for being fabulous.
Bridal Magazine Rejects, Then Accepts, Ad Featuring Lesbian Couple After Internet Feelingsfest
“We are so sorry that we acted out of fear and uncertainty. We had never been faced with such a decision and we should have acted with our hearts.”
Ellen Writes Brief to the Supreme Court, Continues to be Perfect Human
Gabrielle’s Team Pick: “Portia and I have been married for 4 years and they have been the happiest of my life. And in those 4 years, I don’t think we hurt anyone else’s marriage. I asked all of my neighbors and they say they’re fine.”
Mourning Madiba: South African Queers Grapple With An Uncertain Future
The rainbow nation is a country of contradictions and complexities when it comes to its queer citizens, and as LGBT South Africans mourn Mandela they also worry about the future.